Eat The Rich

Synopsis: The gang bankrupts a hedge fund - I mean, crashes a manor
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 16328
Word Count: 2852
Views: 1051
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The crew wasn't exactly used to these land-based excursions, but it couldn't be helped. Maritime trade had slowed significantly… which is why First Mate Yinseng stepped up to plan and oversee this operation! And what better target was there than the family manor of the men and women responsible for these poor economic conditions? They'd filled their coffers to the brim after stockpiling all the goods they then restricted, and oh did they have it coming in more ways than one.

The estate was completely ransacked in the dead of night - the vault expertly cracked by the panda thief, all of the most expensive decor stripped, and the wine cellar looted completely for the big celebration to come. All of it was loaded into wagons that would take the backroads out to sea, all guards on patrol paid off, more than happy to see these politicians take their permanent leave.

After the last of the wagons had been filled and seeing off the rest of the crew, Yinseng and Saranish were the only two people left in the decadent mansion. Well… technically their captives were still here as well, but it's not like they would be much longer. The ones that deemed cute enough were in the dining hall with them, while the rest were tied up in the wine cellar. There wasn't a drop to drink left down there, but there would be soon, just as things got messy…

"Yarrr, I'm supposin' after this fine pillagin', my next mutiny oughta be an easy sell to the rest of the crew, aye cap'n?" she teased, the exerted but by no means exhausted panda pressing her fucking obscene tits against yours as she gave you a reach around. She wanted nothing more than conducting one last pillage of booty… but there were matters to take care of first, as she eyed the bound and gagged plutocrats.

Saranish laughed merrily, leaning forward into your absurd body and casually nuzzling against your cheek. "I can't deny that you know how to get into places… or people… that you aren't supposed to be inside of." Her own titanic udders, beachball shaming, sloshing behemoths, drooled streams of ultra-thick cream from each obscenely swollen nipple as she ground up against you, tits wider than most church doors smashing and smothering on each other in an obscene ecstasy of flesh on flesh (while balls and cocks below met with no less lewdness and twice as much mess!).

Her tail flicked against your hands, rising above her massive, wobbling rear. Slowly, Sara extricated herself from your grip, eying the captives and feeling her mouth spread into a toothy, vicious grin. She took your hand in hers, her hips swaying in slow, hypnotic motions as she walked towards those parasites, eyes gleaming with lustful menace. Her cocks throbbed, her balls gurgled in excitement.

Yes, those monolithic crotches made impact shortly after, sloshing in similarly gratuitous fashion, only these ripples and wobbles almost seemed to be in slow motion, or rather, as if housing something several times more viscous. Yinseng was making a conscious effort not to drool on herself, but quite a bit poured out over her chin the moment she parted her lips to lick her tongue against your cheek oh-so lustfully ~ Milk forced out from the crevices of the tight leather she was wearing and her codpiece visibly strained. In her trousers, that ungodly huge cock was held back by a fortified codpiece held by chains, which was the only way she could even slightly contain her excitement.

As they slowly parted, there was clear hesitation, so yearning and eager, hanging on a bit, but, reluctantly, released her grip entirely and began following along, only to end up pressing up behind you, pulling all but the bust of your torso into the open cleavage of her attire and pressing those monstrous melons back against one another - the front of her tits against the back of yours, grinding her crotch against your ass, and curling her arms around your waist as she rested her chin on one of your shoulders. "Allow me to ready the cannon, cap'n ~" she whispered, carefully unbuttoning the top of your leggings but keeping a tight grip on it, so when she unzipped the rest, she could let go and send that cock slinging out toward the captives, knocking them over as if they were pins hit by an expertly tossed bowling ball.

Saranish let out a blissful sigh as you released her 'cannon' from its confines. The massive, multi-foot beast throbbed into view, easily as long as her tits were wide, scattering those captives like so much chaff under the sheer weight of the absurd, veined shaft. That it fit between her legs was no short of an obscene miracle. The nuts flopped out a second later, scraping the ground, sloshing wrecking balls churning and shuddering with each moment… the sheer volume of the captain's potency was enough to shatter glass, if there was any left to break…!

The dragon cooed and sighed, hefting that megaton mass of cockmeat and gurgling sement like it was nothing, sweeping it across the crowd. Her massive, powerful cocktip sucked at anyone it could find, but it almost wasn't enough for her… "Yinseng darling, be a dear and see if you can squeeze some of them into my nipples, would you? They're feeling a little left out.~"

Yinseng grunted, not really fond of leaving this position, kneading her hands against your nuts and leaving hickies on your neck, but she eventually relented. One of them was foolish enough to scramble up and try to bunnyhop away, but with a 'click' of her releasing a link in her codpieces chain, her own cock literally exploded out from her trousers so violently it shredded the leather. It caught the man right in the gut and launched him high enough for the panda to simply grab like a mug from a countertop. She snagged a gal, eyed her, and then set her back down. "I'm thinkin' this one be 'is spouse… Let's let her watch," she said with a sadistic grin as she grabbed one of the others instead, and then gripped their heads like tennis balls and smashed them against your nipples without a care.

Once it was clear that they wouldn't be able to pull themselves away, she took the opportunity to be a bit of a warden herself, showing a few of them to their new prison-for-life with depraved glee, her cock rippling and pumping inward. Though, once she looked back to see how much bigger your tits were getting, she bit her lip and decided she should give it a go as well. "Arright, you had your show," she said to the gal she'd given temporary reprieve to earlier, and another next to her, and smeared them against her wide (and swiftly stretching wider) nips ~ ?

"Mmmmm… T-thanks, darling." Saranish shivered and shuddered, her voracious cock already dragging down a handful - or was it ballful?- of prey by the time that you'd ever so generously left your position against her gorgeous, obscene body to tend to her hunger. The captain arched her back with bliss, her swelling nuts churning all the harder as the prey started to slide in… and then the cute little rich bitches ended up smooshed into her massive, swollen nipples. Nipples that lurched and stretched, pulling over the cute little heads of those bound up captives. The man squealed as her powerful teat sucked him down, while the other was a little quieter but still writhed and struggled. Her tits quickly bloated, the squirming shapes stretching them out alongside your own as Saranish turned to you… and pushed up against you, her massive tongue sliding forward for a lewd, sloppy kiss even as she moaned with obscene bliss.~

What of them were left would be looking on in abject horror as the two towering herms began wrestling their tongues against one another… undulating, deific muscles that did not look as if they fit in the mouth they had sprung out of both lengthwise and widthwise, almost as if getting larger as they left their lips… And when they came together, their throats began bloating to such a degree you'd think they were swallowing down fully grown anacondas like it was nothing. Their tits and nuts alike did meet, though the lewd site of the flesh pressing up against one another was punctuated by the shapes of hands and faces reaching out and appearing to touch one another as well, looking for a way out that they would never find… hips rocked back and forth as they gave each other a shared titfuck, not taking long to start gushing some frighteningly huge amounts of precum like a geyser erupting. Of course, it was only the first bit of precum…

Saranish shuddered and sighed, her hands sinking into the panda's tits to knead and squeeze them around her massive, throbbing, beast of a cock. Her balls clenched around the struggling shapes, uselessly trying to reach out to their friends inside Yinseng's nuts, slowly being churned away into yet more impossibly thick sludge, much like the dozens or hundreds of gallons bursting out of her shaft while the two of them swapped spit and tongues.

After a long, ecstatic moment, the dragon pulled bag, dripping drool all over her muzzle, her eyes heart-shaped and unsteady. "Nhhh…" She let out a groan, a giggle, leaning on Yin's cheek, licking over her fuzzy little face. "Mnnn. Want me to ride you while I finish the rest of them?" Sara offered…

Yinseng grinned and gave a nod, though mischievously began to slide away to collect a couple more. It was unclear what she was planning… It would seem the guy she grabbed was 'one more for the road' and was swiftly made into cockfood, but the elegantly dressed lady would server a different purpose. As she came up behind you, she, without no quarter shown to her prey, mounted her ass-first on the first foot or so of her swollen slab of cockmeat. The overflow and backflow was so immense that just from indirect splashing, the victim was coated from head to toe in a matter of moments… then she took a hold of your hips and began to press said victim against your ass head-first… The naughty panda let out a purr as she pressed forward, while looking over your shoulder at the morsels left. "If you're going to swallow one of them, you better do it fast… your face is gonna be a cum volcano in just a minute… ~"

Saranish let out a little giggle, even as your cock, complete with sleeve (or was that cap?), pressed into her huge, wobbly ass! "Mhhh… Is that so?" She teasingly grabbed your hips, seating herself on your gushing tip, feeling the unfortunate lady disappear between those cheeks… Even as she was, the dragon flicked her tongue out again. And out, and out, and out. Long, powerful muscle reached across the room, grabbing (most of) the remaining snacks, a massive wall of pink flesh curling around a particularly tasty treat… before racing back into her mouth, yanking the unfortunate cutie straight down the dragon's massive maw! The bulge in her throat was absolutely delicious.~

Clearly the captain was taking more than her fair share, watching that tongue of yours expand wider than your own shoulders and so impossibly long it managed to curl around the vast majority of the rest of them, covered in so much drool, watching as they began disappearing into your hungry maw. She huffed a bit… taking more than you're supposed to is only okay when she does it!! It made her cock rage a bit, and that first gush of cum was more than enough to send the cutie on her cocktip in deep to your already swollen tummy. You'd have some difficulties swallowing down that last one, as the immense amount of overflowing spunk just barreling out of your throat was pushing back against your ability to swallow, to the point where you'd have to use your own tongue to push her down past and essentially throatfuck yourself as cum exploded from your mouth, nose, ears, even tear ducts!!

The captain gasped, or tried to. Your protests against her greed did the trick to shut her up, her belly bloating as gallon after absurd gallon raced from your shaft and into her belly, along with that hapless cutie. Tits, thighs, curves, her whole body swelled as she howled with pleasure, gushing gallon after gallon over the few remaining onlookers. "Nnnhh!" Saranish was a geyser, spraying from every hole and then some, her snack-filled balls gurgling and sloshing madly, practically cratering the ground as you flooded her with spunk~

"YARRR!" the panda cried, taking a hold of you tightly and letting loose another gut-bloating burst of jizz. The amount of backflow was so immense, and the pressure inside of you was making more of the cum blast back out rather than stay inside - but she wasn't aiming to inflate you right away anyway! In fact, after she began really rocking her hips, she'd rear back enough to pull out of you completely and start pummeling your pussy with that ungodly gigadick while your ass drained out, wearing your womb like the reservoir tip of a condom as she stretched your vaginal walls, which would've conformed nicely to the shape of her cock if the cum rippling out wasn't forcing the passage even wider!

The dragon threw her head back and roared, tail whipping madly as you switched from ass to cunt. Said pussy was a little better at holding on to your absurd blasts of spunk, but an ungodly wave of cream gushed out from the slit around your dick even so. "Nhh! Yes! Fuck! Fuck me harder!" she squealed, pumping out blast after blast of jizz and milk with every gleeful bounce atop your shaft, her whole body rippling with each impact! With the sheer amount the two of them were putting out, the cellar would start flooding pretty soon…

The main stairway was turning more into white river rapids in no time. What was left of their captives ended up being toys for Yinseng to sit on (not that they would ever leave) while she bounced you around, and now with them all finally out of the way, that's when she started getting serious. You'd start getting slammed into furniture, the floor, and the wall, the crazed panda switching holes as often as she could, but even that couldn't stop the bloating completely. Her huge nuts churned and heaved, swinging forward with such destructive power against yours. The forces at work were causing craters and serious damage to the structural integrity of the mansion. Not to mention, there was your cum to take into consideration too… and with all those factors, they quickly past the point of the cellar flooding, and now the level on the first floor was rising so fast that the windows were starting to explode outward. It was all so viscous, however, that it still piled high on the level that they were on. It was getting out of control so very fast!

The captain writhed and screamed in utter ecstasy as you pounded, and pounded, and pounded. Both holes squeezed down hard on your crazed thrusts, desperate to milk each shot and trying to keep in as much as she could, to grow as well as to swell. The combined wait between the two was practically crushing those hapless captives into the ground, or into your ass, or into Saranish's cock as she bounced and wailed and egged you on, grabbing onto anything she could for leverage against your motions - at least before it inevitably disintegrated. And every shot, every shot of churning, gurgling cumcrete, raised the level of spunk higher, shattering windows, breaking open furniture, pushing apart the walls with its sheer heat and power…!

Yinseng That panda took a hold of both your tits, and squeezed it tight around the massive fucking bulge she was making in your midriff, as if she was having you give her a titfuck through your own skin! Sure it was a bit diluted due to that, but the writhing of the cuties still inside more than made up for it. She took a hold of you in a full nelson and then started touring the mansion with you, putting you in the mating press and every time she had to switch holes again she was practically throwing you into the air. Needless to say those in the cellar were completely done for, and the entire estate was swiftly being reduced into a cumstain that could be seen from a mile high. Doors were blown off their hinges, support beams were smashed through, pieces of roof tiling were sent into orbit, and there were absolutely, positively no survivors… aside from a panda and one obscenely inflated dragon laying atop her 'hoard'.