Seven Story Sorcerer,Whimsical Wendy

Synopsis: Pokelewds!
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 16678
Word Count: 2828
Views: 1145
Bookmarks: 0
Seven Story Sorcerer
Sabrina strolls along the route, hardly minding the shocked figures that hardly come up to her knee. The other trainers scatter and flee before her, without her so much as looking at them. Hah! Cowards. She smiles for a moment, but it fades quickly. God (or would that be Arceus?), she's so horny. She can practically feel the wetness on her scaled-up panties and hiking shorts. Mnn. Well, that's why she's going to this forest. Supposedly there's a well-hung giant of a Pokemon here! Or… a well-hung midget? The rumors aren't clear! It's worth a shot, though. And so, she pushes into the forest, brushing aside trees with her massive arms in search of something to sate her ache….

Whimsical Wendy
There's an odd smell going throughout the air as she ventured further and further through the thick forest, having to look around at all the trees that she brushed past. Something about them seemed off the further she trekked… Like they were all smothered and slathered in sap! Or was that something else…? But then the smell spiked in one certain area, the very faint humming of a female voice coming out from the nearby lake, and then the sights downward would tell it all. A Whimsicott taking her time to wash off her humongous, 3-foot shaft with some water, all while monstrous, yoga-ball sized nuts floated behind her! Was this the rumored girl? She certainly seemed to hear the giant footsteps, looking over to the opening of the forest and grinning. "This is a new sight… What brings you to my home, traveler~?"

Seven Story Sorcerer
Sabrina blinks a couple times, staring downwards at the… hung… Whimsicott. She's tiny! Which only makes her dick look bigger, and that enticing scent… and, wer those trees covered in spunk? Ooo. The giant spreads her lips into a brushing smile, squatting down and looking at the little Pokemon washing herself in the lake. "Not to be forward, but I've heard that you're good in bed. And big. Maybe big enough to satisfy me?" Sabrina coos, winking down at the Whimsicutie and reaching out to feel up that absolutely monstrous package, it's almost as big as she is~

Whimsical Wendy
The odd prankster Pokemon grinned when the woman revealed more of herself… Well, she's heard rumors of a giant living around the region, but she never expected to find her today in her home! Those massive hands rubbed right over her wet and smooth endowments, a cute twitch coming out from her spire and oozing even more thick preseed into the lake before her. "And I don't mean to be forward, but I've been hoping for my next visitor to leave with a womb full of my grassy seed~" She giggles out, slowly rising out of the water and walking up to the land… she was just sitting on the edge and was submerged that much?! "If you can handle my size, that is~"

Seven Story Sorcerer
"Just how big are you?" Sabrina muses in flustered amazement, squeezing and working the Whimscutie's absurd mass. Those balls are immense! "And I hope it's not too grassy. Not my favorite flavor," she teases, briefly lifting her massive hand to flick the Pokemon ever so playfully in the head. The towering trainer giggles, reaching up with her other hand and pulling open her top, letting her massive, wobbling udders swing freely, big enough to swallow her partner right up~

Whimsical Wendy
The wonderful feeling of her fondling and squeezing forced Wendy's shaft to splurt out an insane rope of pre into the lake, splashing down into the water… no, floating on top of the water~ "Oh no, not grassy in flavor… You're aware of how Grass-types impregnate other Pokemon? Let's just say there's many seeds that'll stick right inside of your womb~" She giggled out, feeling her shaft beginning to harden up, and the thick musk beginning to grow worse and worse. "Let's just say that… I'm not even close to hard~"

Seven Story Sorcerer
Sabrina stares down, feeling her awe rising by the second… and that scent, clouding her mind. "I-impregnate…" Frazzled and needy, she squeezes tighter, struggling out of her shorts, achingly wet panties revealed as the massive garment hits the ground. Her eyes spin with hunger. "You're not even hard?" the giant trainer babbles, and her hand squeezes even harder, practically crushing that cock in her grip~

Whimsical Wendy
"Oh, you poor, poor, cock-hungry girl…" She cooed out, gasping aloud with those giant hands crushing her spire's length, forcing another hard pre rope to fire out, this time hitting a tree nearby and actually breaking a weak branch apart! The cock was slowly getting harder and harder, and it actually felt heavier as well, up to about 6 feet in firmness~ "I've always wanted to impregnate a human… I've made other Pokemon push out eggs bigger than they are at times. I wonder what size YOUR eggs will be~"

Seven Story Sorcerer
Panting, needy, begging almost. The massive trainer pulled off her panties, her huge, dripping slit wafting its own feminine aroma. "Eggs… I want eggs. Never been pregnant," Sabrina admitted, shamefully. "Never needed birth control." Slowly, staring at that absurdly powerful shaft on that tiny cutie, the giantess Trainer sat down. Her legs spread, massive thighs making a path straight to her delicious slit.

Then she grabbed the Whimsicott with both hands and SHOVED her against that pussy.

Whimsical Wendy
Wendy certainly didn't expect for the giant girl to just grab and drag her right over to the opening for her pussy, seeing how slick and aromatic it really was… Finally, all 8 feet of her shaft was ready, and a little waddling came out from the grass-type, slowly pressing that thick tip against her folds, pulling it back like she were making out with her pussy lips! "Just imagine the looks you'll get when you start laying egg after egg after egg… My seeds last for quite a while, but I wonder how long they'll last for a human~"

And with that, the tip of her head slowly pushed in… and without any warning, all 8 feet was suddenly sliding right inside, leaving Wendy's hips to press into her cunt~!

Seven Story Sorcerer
She was tight, for all her size. And for all she claimed not to be experienced, her muscles pushed hard on Wendy's cock, her thighs squeezing HARD around the Pokemon. "MMm.. Y-yes~ Good. Fill me, you little…. you little stud!" Sabrina growled, smothering her against the huge, musky slit, practically drowning Wendy in her breed-hungry scent even as her cunt stretched open…! "Nnngh!"

Whimsical Wendy
And for how small and frail this little Whimsicott looked, she was amazingly strong! She couldn't be forced back out unless she actually pulled out, and her cock… Oh god, her cock… It kept pressing harder and harder on her cervix, threatening to break inside before she grunted aloud. And her tip suddenly found itself inside of her womb, idly oozing precum inside as she went into a slow, but HARSH thrusting pace. "God fuck… You've never fucked before and it showed! I bet you'd go wild if I did this~" She teased, before Sabrina found a pair of teeth around her clit before it was bitten down upon!

Seven Story Sorcerer
Sabrina SCREAMED with delight, and CRUSHED Wendy between those massive thighs, howling with pleasure and grabbing donw on the tiny little stud! Hands and thighs, squeezing HARD and shoving her in, threatening to push her whole body inside if she wasn't careful! A massive blast of rich, sweet giantess-femcum splattered over Wendy as the titan writhed, squealing and screaming and howling and shaking the forest with her incoherent, demanding pleasure~

Whimsical Wendy
Wendy's body was crushed up in between her thighs, and feeling her body pressed further against her velvety folds, almost threatening to push her inside of the cunt! Not to mention this girl orgasmed on the spot, drowning her in the purest white femseed around her, getting her even more heated. "You wanna play rough? I'll play rough~!" She cried out, her hands grabbing ahold of her pussy lips, mouth starting to tug back on her clit, the thrusts somehow getting even stronger~!

Seven Story Sorcerer
"T-this is the first cock I've had in, mm, like, ever! I-I'll play ruff if I want to!" Sabrina growled, somehow squeezing tighter around the pint-sized fuckstud, her thighs wrapping and crossing, pinning the hung little Whimsicott right to her body! Right to her pussy! She came again, groaning and sighing as she lifted her hands and played with her huge, wobbling tits and fat, stiff nipples, a little squeal every time she flicked the huge nubs. Just using her size, and thighs, to keep Wendy from going anywhere.~

Whimsical Wendy
"Oh yeah?! This is your first cock in forever? Well, you giant little slut, why don't we make it better?!~" She cried out, a sudden dollop of pre splashing her womb and slowly beginning to fill it up, groaning on out. Thankfully she kept her grip on her mouth and hands despite being came on twice now, gulping up all of that juicy femcum~ "You better fucking beg for more of my cock… You wanna know how big I truly am?! Then start begging for it! The bigger it gets, the bigger your eggs are! I wanna hear you HOWL for it, Pokefucker~!"

Seven Story Sorcerer
"I-it gets BIGGER?!" Sabrina screamed, groaning as she felt that pre start to fill her womb, her stomach already stretched by Wendy's shaft. "I've g-got a better idea! Get f-fucking huge and I won't paste you between these thighs," she manages, grinning almost ferally as she took in that seed between blissful screams. "E-even I know that losing t-to cock is for nerds!"

Whimsical Wendy
"Oh, you shouldn't have said that… You REALLY shouldn't have said that~!!" Wendy cried out, and with her eyes shut and her mind concentrating, her body began to glow a nice, green aura around it… Despite the sounds of their extremely thrusts, the ground was… shaking?! Wendy's moans turned into blissful cries before Sabrina's stomach bulge just EXPLODED in size, forcing it past her head and into the clearing! Wendy's balls grew to be utterly gigantic jizz tanks, overheated with so much cum that there was even a bit of it beginning to leak out! And she just kept growing… 10 feet. 20 feet. 35 feet. 60 feet! 80 immense feet of the fattest Whimsicock was plugged up in her womb. And there came some HEAVY thrusts from her.

"This enough for you?!~"

Seven Story Sorcerer
Wendy's overloaded cock wasn't the only thing that grew. Impossibly, absurdly, as Wendy slammed into the screaming, bulging bitch, Sabrina grew too, adding her own rumbles and shakes. Her body somehow growing TIGHTER even as she got larger, the bulge in her stomach rising and falling as their respective growths eased off and sped up. Trees SCATTERED under the giantess's body, her thighs slamming divots in the ground as they twitched. The twenty-plus foot giantess became a forty foot giantess. An eighty foot giantess. A true seven story giantess and still growing, sprawling out over the forest, shoving aside timber like plastic toys. "MORE! KEEP GROWING UNTIL YOU CUM!" she roared, her voice alone enough to obliterate even more of the forest, not to mention the deafening screams of pleasure as she came constantly, a whiteout of bliss and a WATERFALL of potent, almost addictive femcum gushing over Wendy~

Whimsical Wendy
What was this?! Did she just… grow even bigger with her?! What was this human even… and why did Wendy just feel so turned on by it~? The sudden destruction forced yet another pre blast into her womb, totaling out to something along the lines of a near 500,000 gallons, and Wendy heard those words cry out for even bigger growth from her… She just turned dominant on her! Just seconds ago, she was ready to shove her in her pussy… Wendy obliged, giving one, unusually gentle, smooch against that clit before the aura came back online, forcing her shaft to REALLY stretch out her womb, past the three-digit feet mark, and those monstrous balls continued to pin her ankles and feet to the ground. 200 gigantic feet of Whimsicock, with extra veins to boot! "YOU'RE SO FUCKING INSANE, AND I LOVE IT, YOU SICK FUCKING SLUT~! I'VE GOT A WHILE TO GO BEFORE I CUM, SO YOU BETTER GROW WITH ME~!!"

Seven Story Sorcerer
Sabrina was practically wrecking the forest with her growth, keeping up with Wendy's Whimsicock - hundreds of feet, no, a thousand feet and counting, a living avalanche of mad, lustful trainer, witch, monster, whatever she was, she kept it up! Her thighs kept TIGHT around Wendy, the growing, twitching behemoths of flesh stopping her from pulling out - though, really, it wasn't like Wendy could easily drag 200 feet of cock out of that hungry womb, slurping down hundreds of thousands of gallons and barely even noticing- if anything, she just seemed to get bigger faster, the more the growthcrazed Whimsicott pumped into her~

Whimsical Wendy
Had it not been for the fact that Wendy was connected to her overly monstrous and meaty spire, she would have never been seen whatsoever~! Sabrina's growth spurts drove the earth to crack and crumble, the trees around her to uproot and become destroyed in milliseconds, moans to rock the whole world… and Wendy went through yet another spurt! Not to be outdone, her insane growth spurts vaulted her into exactly one mile of her shaft to overly stretch out Sabrina stupid. Something else to note was that Wendy's shaft was heating up horrendously… And her balls seemed to be ominously swelling, without the need of her growth spurts either~! She was getting closer~

Seven Story Sorcerer
Sabrina felt it, her world-shaking roars of delight sending earthquakes through the forest, blowing apart trees, every millisecond ruining miles of land. THe skyscraper-shaming giantess, rising up to a proper three miles of height, edging towards ten thousand feet, a living mountain of well-fucked, loving growthslut, spread her arms and cried out, dragging massive snow angels across the forest, wiping it clean with her immense size. "Cum for me," she howled, feeling Wendy's stomach-stretching cock throb and those gigant balls trapped against her hips gurgle and swell. Her thighs clenched down on Wendy again, practically suffocating her in soft, warm, immovable flesh. And Sabrina's scream shattered halfway across the region. "CUM FOR ME!~"

Whimsical Wendy
Wendy's body rattled and shivered more and more with each sudden cry and squeeze, almost feeling like her body was going to come under if she squeezed any harder… But all of that pressure finally caught up to her. The green aura suddenly blasted into a brighter color, with her shaft suddenly ballooning out further and further, to a perfect 30 mile spire. And the only things heard were "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'M GONNA BLOAT YOU SO MUCH! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUUUUUUUUUUUCK~!"

Her womb practically explodes with the sheer intensity of molten-hot white seed splashing in, immediately filling her full and swelling her stomach to the heavens. Her ovaries felt some sort of stranglehold over seeds wrapping around it, forcing little nutrients inside of her to fit her new role of egg laying. Her balls didn't even budge as literal SEAS worth of cum were forcing Sabrina's body to the skies~!

Seven Story Sorcerer
Sixty miles of Sabrina obliterated what remained of the forest in an instant, not to mention the nearest handful of towns. The oceans of cum slamming into her belly did the rest of the work, SLOSHING as titanic waves of knocked-up, totally flooded belly spilled out and over EVERYTHING. The whole region disappeared as Wendy PUMPED as hard as the little growthslut stud fucking could. Towns, cities, mountains, it didn't matter. Sabrina's wobbling balloon of inner happiness rolled over it all. The sound of her screams? Loud enough to be heard on the other side of the planet. Her womb swelled even harder as her eggs grew, and she felt like a two-woman apocalypse, her pussy drowning Wendy in a small ocean of femcum between her thighs. The poor stud was left unable to move an inch as the megamommy's powerful, immense pussy milked her cock for every drop of sperm and every last egg until Wendy was left shooting blanks~

Whimsical Wendy
It was hard to really tell how long it took Wendy to let loose every drop of her seed, especially when she was thrusting into her as mach speed! Was it seconds? Hours? Days~? Who knew at this point, as her giant of a broodmother laid with a stomach that looked like an unsightly growth on the planet from space, her cock twitching and throbbing like she still had much more to give. With barely any room to breathe in her femcum flood, Wendy panted out loud, trapped in her thighs and left to just wait until her growth subsided… which usually took an eternity~ Little cotton spores were bubbling up around her cervix, ready to block off any cum from spilling before Wendy would shrink back down, but with Sabrina's body like this? Wendy might be stuck like this for a LONG while~