Playdates on Olympus
Synopsis: Two deities go on a date.
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 18596
Word Count: 3142
Views: 963
Bookmarks: 0
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 18596
Word Count: 3142
Views: 963
Bookmarks: 0
Queen Copper
Queen Copper can't help but nod her head with every step, finding herself falling in line with the thumping boom and thud of lucid techno music all around her, surging up her feet, hammering her through the air in all directions at once… What a remarkably effective thing it is. She doesn't mind admitting it, though she's slightly annoyed she didn't think of it earlier, especially with how effective it seems to be on the girl herself. She's trialing her more gothic look today, for no reason other than amusement at the start contract - Marbury, pink as a cartoon, versus Copper, nothing but monochromatic black and white, dressed like a shutin in that dark hoodie so long it obscures her spats, the only other clothing visible being her ridiculous boots with too many buckles.
Around another corner she goes, this labyrinth hosting a new surprise around every corner. A young man trying so hard to retain his composure as two MILFy women mash their tits tightly against one another, his impressive endowment trapped between them. A woman dripping with cute girl-next-door charm, completely surrounded by a dozen copies of herself in various states of undress, all focused on her… a row of shapely rears stuck through a wall, coated in graffiti and layers of spunk, blissful groaning humming through the wall they're entrapped within. Down and down and down Copper strolls, fingers tapping against her hip in tune with the beat until she finally finds the right door, so obvious, a shade of pink one couldn't possibly name, gone from memory as soon as one ceases to behold it, a truly unique calling card of her new friend…
She opens the door, steps inside, closes it behind her, then pulls her hood down with a tired smile. "I brought cake."
Around another corner she goes, this labyrinth hosting a new surprise around every corner. A young man trying so hard to retain his composure as two MILFy women mash their tits tightly against one another, his impressive endowment trapped between them. A woman dripping with cute girl-next-door charm, completely surrounded by a dozen copies of herself in various states of undress, all focused on her… a row of shapely rears stuck through a wall, coated in graffiti and layers of spunk, blissful groaning humming through the wall they're entrapped within. Down and down and down Copper strolls, fingers tapping against her hip in tune with the beat until she finally finds the right door, so obvious, a shade of pink one couldn't possibly name, gone from memory as soon as one ceases to behold it, a truly unique calling card of her new friend…
She opens the door, steps inside, closes it behind her, then pulls her hood down with a tired smile. "I brought cake."
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe looks utterly content. And why wouldn't she be? Marbury Madison, part time sex worker and full time new age goddess of love and lust and everyone whose desires and identities don't fit with what the world demands, is always having the time of her life, always on cloud nine as she feels every act of desire within her vast domain. Her body shows it, permanently aroused, three feet or more of girthy, shuddering bimbocock sticking up from her lap. The pink and red goddess is lounging in an absurdly plush throne, a mountain of warmth and softness that frankly has no equivalent on earth, a huge laid-back cushion giving her plenty of space to stretch herself out and just… relax. With her legs spread wide, her bare breasts bouncing, her balls churning merrily between her thighs, her arms stretched backwards, Mars practically would disappear into the seat if it wasn't so very darkly colored, making her brilliant pinks and dazzling reds pop out all the more, even her skin glowing with lustful light.
She smiles dreamily as Copper strolls in, waving her forward. "You brought cake?~"
She smiles dreamily as Copper strolls in, waving her forward. "You brought cake?~"
Queen Copper
Queen Copper nods, casually strolling deeper into the room. Whilst definitely a part of Marbury's domain, this room was special, as was that door. Capable of appearing anywhere in much the same manner as her own hive mouth, Copper finds herself wondering if she really found the right corridor, or if her friend simply tired of waiting and rearranged things to expedite their meeting. With that possibility in mind, the far smaller woman wastes no time in closing the distance, twirling on her heels before she falls backwards into Marbury's comfortable lap, flanked by flesh and cushions impossibly equal in their plushiness.
"I did, indeed, bring cake." she repeats and confirms with a nod, leaning back to flash her new friend a wink, even if her head is somewhat obscured from view by that bust. And the swell of that cock, her new neighbor… ahem. She's used to it, being surrounded by tentacle monsters. She reaches into her hoodie pockets and, after some fiddling, retrieves a fancily-presented little cardboard box, plain white, just larger than a lunch plate - too big to have fit in her pocket, it should be noted. "From a local place I used to go to before I… changed. Strawberry - I thought you'd appreciate that~."
"I did, indeed, bring cake." she repeats and confirms with a nod, leaning back to flash her new friend a wink, even if her head is somewhat obscured from view by that bust. And the swell of that cock, her new neighbor… ahem. She's used to it, being surrounded by tentacle monsters. She reaches into her hoodie pockets and, after some fiddling, retrieves a fancily-presented little cardboard box, plain white, just larger than a lunch plate - too big to have fit in her pocket, it should be noted. "From a local place I used to go to before I… changed. Strawberry - I thought you'd appreciate that~."
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe doesn't seem to mind the cutie in her lap, Copper getting a nice spot atop her thighs and sack with that immense shaft looming over her back. Soft and hard in equal measure, and all of it wonderfully warm. She can even smell a hint of the strawberry bubblegum musk - not enough to fuck her brain, not yet, but a relaxing scent to help her unwind. Marbury giggles delightedly, reaching down and rubbing her talons over her goth-dressed friend's arms and sides, giving her a surprisingly chaste massage… at least for a moment, before she picks the cake box out of Copper's hands. Smiling brightly, the goddess opens it right up then and there. "Mmm, I do… it looks wonderful, would you like to share?~"
Queen Copper
Queen Copper closes her eyes and leans back, arms spreading out in a mimicry of Marbury's own stance from when she entered. She breathes deep, the scent pleasant, but hardly enough to cause her damage - she's stronger than she looks, a deceptive little monster in her own right. "That's the idea, yes." she clucks her tongue, opening one eye with a raised brow. Duh! It's a cute cake… pink frosting with white trim, a cherry-red heart of particularly intensely flavored icing in the middle. No plates, however, or cutlery. Copper hums ever so slightly to herself, in tune with that distant thumping beat, idly trailing a finger along the underside of the cock towering above and behind her.
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe giggles softly. She could reach out into the ether and pull out plates or cutlery, but… mhh. Nah~ After all, Copper's already touching her cock, already starting to throb in time to the distant beat. Marbury coos softly, letting Copper spread out, even as that scent slowly strengthens. She reaches a hand forward, grabbing the box and lifting up that cute cake as her eyes drink it up…
And then she lets it fall, tumbling in the air. The box bounces, but the cake drops straight down onto her cock, frosting and icing and sticky, wonderful cake splattering across the massive member, a few stray chunks hitting Marbury's thighs and Copper's questing finger. "Oooops," Mars blurts out, allowing herself a delighted moan at the impact. "Ah, gosh, how clumsy of me~ I'm sorry, like, I ruined your pretty cake!" It's obvious that she's not sorry at all, if the giggling bubbling up below her voice didn't make it clear. And how obviously she did this on purpose. And that she spilled it almost all right onto her cock.
And then she lets it fall, tumbling in the air. The box bounces, but the cake drops straight down onto her cock, frosting and icing and sticky, wonderful cake splattering across the massive member, a few stray chunks hitting Marbury's thighs and Copper's questing finger. "Oooops," Mars blurts out, allowing herself a delighted moan at the impact. "Ah, gosh, how clumsy of me~ I'm sorry, like, I ruined your pretty cake!" It's obvious that she's not sorry at all, if the giggling bubbling up below her voice didn't make it clear. And how obviously she did this on purpose. And that she spilled it almost all right onto her cock.
Queen Copper
Queen Copper jumps slightly, like a cat who's been pet while it was sleeping. She blinks twice, then raises that brow higher. "You totally did that on purpose…" she murmurs, shifting to sit a little more upright. She was looking forward to that cake, too! Judging by the way it just… fell apart, it must be so moist and sugary and sweet. But… well, it's still there, none of it hit the floor. Dragging her finger up to collect that stray bit that struck it, Copper twirls it and pops it into her mouth, humming thoughtfully.
Either it's really good cake, or in that brief moment of contact, Marbury'd influence rubbed off on it. But Copper doesn't question why it tingles and dances upon the tastebuds… instead she simply twists in her seat, now lounging forwards along the base of that shaft, staring up at her friend like a lazy lapcat, hand slowly reaching up to rest on that sugar-sticky cumvein from below. "Hmmph. And now what're we going to do about it?…" she asks in her monotonous little voice, leaning in a little as an inhumanly long tongue snakes past her lips, slithers up, and flicks another bit of icing from her shaft and into Copper's mouth.
Either it's really good cake, or in that brief moment of contact, Marbury'd influence rubbed off on it. But Copper doesn't question why it tingles and dances upon the tastebuds… instead she simply twists in her seat, now lounging forwards along the base of that shaft, staring up at her friend like a lazy lapcat, hand slowly reaching up to rest on that sugar-sticky cumvein from below. "Hmmph. And now what're we going to do about it?…" she asks in her monotonous little voice, leaning in a little as an inhumanly long tongue snakes past her lips, slithers up, and flicks another bit of icing from her shaft and into Copper's mouth.
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe is pretty sure it's both, especially as the thumping air continues to fill with the sweet aroma, the cake's lighter scent somehow hiding the way Marbury's weightier musk is rising beneath it. Is the cake getting pinker, or is that just Copper's imagination? Mars giggles softly, reaching out and patting the lapkitty-like friend's head, savoring the lick against her shaft with a low, teasing moan. So sweet, decadently warm from the heat of the bimbo's massive shaft. "Like, mm, one of us should clean it up? I'd, nnn, totally offer, but it seems like you're already on it~"
Queen Copper
Queen Copper tsks, shaking her head for a moment. Technically… beings like the two of them aren't supposed to mingle like this. But a few chance meetings, some kind words, some cute jokes, and… what seemed to be the harm, huh? But this is a little beyond all that. Even so… Copper's eyes flicker to that bobbing, beating shaft with its sticky coating, until her hand graces it once more to keep it steady and still, acting as an undersized plinth, her palm so inhumanly soft. "So much for sharing…" Copper comments wryly and yet, she leans in once more, this time giving a far longer, more languid liiiiiick… her tongue twisting and curving along that length to gather up a good chunk of cake before it reels back into her mouth, her eyes fluttering as she barely has to chew.
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe sighs delightedly as Copper oh so delicately reels up a thick swallow of fluffy, moist cake. It's so sweet, so soft, sweeter and softer than the last bite even, the taste and scent sticking into her brain. "Mmm, you're, like, the only sweet treat I need," Marbury purrs, giggling and leaaaning over to kiss on her cute friend's forehead, smearing just a bit of that cake across her heaving, heavy breasts… oh well, that just means more for her fellow goddess to clean up, right? And the lipstick branding her is so nice and warm and tingly and sweet, too. "That's it, that's a good girl, nnn…"
Queen Copper
Queen Copper flinches slightly at the huge, smoochy kiss on her forehead, the girl blinking three times in slowing succession. Mars' lipstick so close to her brain is a dangerous thing indeed, even for a strange, inhuman brain like hers. The mark shines brightly against the monotone of her black and white figure, the girl muttering under her breath - not in agitation, but in confusion. "MMph… hold on…" she frowns, as if something is on the tip of her tongue, just about to be remembered!… before her eyes track to her left, back to that divine prick, and so much cake left to consume. A pang of hunger strikes her… what an odd sensation, not felt in so long. She needs to eat. Copper blinks once more, so close that her long lashes tickle that shaft as she all but curls around it to reach the next-lowest clump of cake, this time literally smooching it off of Mar's cock…
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe openly groans her delight, rewarding Copper's devotion with even sweeter crumbs and frosting, sweeter and more filling and yet not nearly enough to fill her newfound hunger for sweetness… sweetness that Marbury is eager to provide. That's overflowing from her body, even without her leaking a drop, so much warmth and pink and sugar. "Mhh, enjoying? Like, go ahead, slurp up every last bite~" Mars coos, giggling again as she brushes her hands oh so lovingly through the goth-babe's hair, basking in her kisses and tongue and lips.~
Queen Copper
Queen Copper is an equal to Marbury, of course… an opposing force, in theory immovable. But they aren't rocks. They're people… and there's always room for a little slipup, here and there, to snowball uncontrollably as it goes unnoticed. And so it is that as Copper loses herself in slurping up cake from her friend's pulsing prick, she fails to notice the tiniest little change upon her body as that sweetness goes beyond earthly possibilities, yet never turns sickly. Her long strands of black hair, straight and smooth as silk threads… ever so slightly turning neon pink at the very tips on the left. Mars would notice, surely. And say something… surely?~ Even as yet more lipstick marks rain down upon her hazy-gazed head, her own attention now fully on licking and kissing and slurping that prick, leaving it peppered in black marks that corrupt and fade out pink the longer they linger, their progress visible from base to middle - pink, to black…
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe definitely notices. If anything, it makes her even more enthusiastic to tease and praise Copper as she worships her cock. "Good girl, mmm… GOOD girl," Marbury coos, breathing in and out with each word, a strange undulation that lets her speak constantly, whispers and coos echoing into Copper's ears without end. So sweet, so warm, so lovely, impossibly pink and delicious. The bimbo-goddess is content to let Copper slurp herself silly, obediently throbbing for her cute little suck-slave, two sets of eyes twisting into hearts in time as that lovely girl ruins herself~
Queen Copper
Queen Copper completely trusts her new friend, the first person she's considered both worthy of and capable of the title since her change. So… this is fine, right? These bizarre sensations tickling through her body are just… well, they're… ahhh… "annngh… schllluuuuuurp… haaagh…" she groans as her tongue stays out, that cock… shining, glistening, and clean. By the time Copper's cleaned off every last trace of cake from it, her stomach is full and rosy… almost as rosy as her throbbing, totally adorable heart pupils!~ She gazes up at Mars as her tongue continues to slip and coil around the massive prick she's wrapped herself about, massaging with her hands, her cheek, even her thighs and booted feet, those pink tips now streaky highlights. "Hannngh?…"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe giggles, pulling her cute little suckslut off of her cock so that heart pupils can meet heart pupils, and so that she can lean down and take Copper's lips in her own! Pink, sweet, sticky saliva absolutely floods her adorable little friend, swelling her with bimbotastic size and joy and warmth and sugar as her tongue wrestles with Copper's immense mass of meat, moaning delightedly into the sweet, loving kiss while her immense shaft throbs between them~
Queen Copper
Queen Copper is so confused, her already half-alien brain now contending with a second corruptive influence. It's enough to tear the poor girl in half from the inside out… she just moans, an initially surprised and disappointed noise dying in her throat as it's muffled by that kiss, lips far larger than hers dominating her face with slushy, sloppy, smoochy kisses. Her eyes flutter and remain half-open to show off the pulsing throb of her new pupils, the little shapeshifter going limp in Mars' arms as her cheeks, tongue, and then throat are explored by a tongue to rival her own. "Hgnnghouuuuuaaah… Whahaaaah…" she inhales sharply, coughing on sweet spit, choking and trembling and quivering in a slight orgasm ♥. "Wha'as… happunin'…"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe giggles as she breaks the kiss, drooling so very much saliva over her adorable little face. "You're such a cutie, Copper. So sweet and fun and sexy," Marbury coos, brushing her hands over the shapeshifter as they slowly slide down to her cute little butt… and lift her up, letting the girl sway and shudder atop her soft hands, gently clawing a way to her slit as she lifts the tentacle-babe over that menacing, wonderful, massive, sweet, powerful, perfect cock~
Queen Copper
Queen Copper is still catching her breath as those hands find their way to her adorable, pert behind, claws easily slitting open a path to her winking little pucker and black, alien cunt, glistening and pulsing and always, always shifting and warping, a glimpse at the chaos contained within her body. She blinks… sort of - her eyes refuse to close all the way, always showing off those hearts as she refuses to break eye contact, arms hanging limply by her sides but feet clamping either side of that massive prick. "Youuugh… like, totally diihdn't ahnswer…" she grumbles cutely, every word slurred… except for those two trademarks in the middle~.
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe giggles yet again, sharing another kiss with her willing partner as her cock throbs between her feet, lining up with the shapeshifting pussy. "I'm kissing my cute little friend, duh! And giving her my babies, since she's so sweet and totally deserves to be knocked up with my spunk!" Mars teases, tickling at her rear, her throbbing cock threatening to plow the heart-eyed babe right open, even as her balls churn and swell and gurgle below. With all the sensation constantly flowing through her, Mars can just cum on command~
Queen Copper
Queen Copper is once again muffledly silenced by those pillow-plush lips, left hiccuping, her ghostly-pale face coated in strands of pink… not to mention the lipstick, which seems to be subtly sliding its way towards her vulnerable ears where it remains at its runniest. "Ough?… Uh… that mahkes sense!… yeah!!" Copper nods, a single motion that, in her relaxed state, makes her head wobble like a desk toy as she emits a drunken giggle. The tentacle Queen swivels her hips and smiles dreamily as she gazes down, her feet unconsciously lining things up, ready to just… slam… her… down~…
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe holds her there for a second, making out with Copper in the air to slather her with even more lipstick and lustful saliva. And then she pulls back, with a heady grin… and SLAMS her friend down, instantly bottoming that womb-ruining shaft out into her pussy! It's so fucking thick, her slit shudders and stretches just to take it, warping that alien cunt around the shape of the immense bimbotamer that stretches out her body and belly and her everything as Copper's ass WHAPS into Marbury's titanic, sloshing, mind-melting sack. And then, with a rumble and a shudder, the oceans of cum constantly building up in those gurgling boulders SPRAYING into the tentacle queen, instantly impregnating her with a truly immense brood, hundreds if not thousands of divine alien eggs assaulted by the bimbo's insatiable, ravenous sperm in an instant, a single stomach-bloating blast… but, of course, that's just the first wave. If the goddess let out her entire load, it'd probably wipe out millions, but even the comparative droplets Marbury allows herself to empty out are enough to leave her friend utterly immobilized and popping out godlings for thousands of years to come~