I Hired A Fake Girlfriend For A Lesbian Date And She Turned Out to be a Hyper Virile Bimbo Babe?!?
Synopsis: Sophia makes a mistake or two!
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 42390
Word Count: 7420
Views: 1365
Bookmarks: 0
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 42390
Word Count: 7420
Views: 1365
Bookmarks: 0
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough hoped, at the end of this wild plot, it would be the sort of story to make people on reddit smile. 'I hired a fake girlfriend to trick my parents about my real one.' Sure. There was no way in hell that this would go wrong. The svelte blonde sighed as she was finishing applying the last touches to her eyeliner. "Marbury" online had seemed perfect. Listed as a lawyer. Receptive to Sophie's situation. And that was good enough for the streamer. She knew they'd be seen in public, and maybe she'd have to share some kisses – but that was it. It wasn't REALLY cheating….even if Mars was offering to take her to the sort of restaurant her Alexis couldn't afford more than once a year.
So, with a sigh and satisfied, she regarded herself in the mirror. Slim. Svelte. Girl next door 'pretty' made stunning when she put work into it. Cosmetics and cosplay skills to practical effect. Lips painted ruby red. Hair styled in a lovely golden bob. Nails painted to match – she'd elected for a backless white dress silver trim and cinch around the waist. She didn't have too much in the way of curve, but she knew how to use what she had….even as she debated abotu a drink to steady her nerves…
So, with a sigh and satisfied, she regarded herself in the mirror. Slim. Svelte. Girl next door 'pretty' made stunning when she put work into it. Cosmetics and cosplay skills to practical effect. Lips painted ruby red. Hair styled in a lovely golden bob. Nails painted to match – she'd elected for a backless white dress silver trim and cinch around the waist. She didn't have too much in the way of curve, but she knew how to use what she had….even as she debated abotu a drink to steady her nerves…
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe dutifully rang the doorbell, the part-time escort, part time pornstar, part-time lawyer arriving at almost exactly three minutes before the agreed upon time. Play girlfriend to a cute lesbian? Yeah, she could go for that. Whether she was actually making any money after you factored in the expensive restaurant was a different question, but hey, sometimes you just had to treat yourself, right?~
And Mars was definitely treating herself. She wasn't quite as tame as her image on the dating site, but she was still dressed up nicer than her usual slutty style. Prostitute chic, maybe. A nice suit that clung to her curves, opening to reveal a heavy cut of wobbling cleavage without being TOO obscene, with trousers that clung wonderfully, achingly tight to her cock, the bulge down one leg blatantly obvious for anyone to see. Heels a tasteful three inches, sparkling silver as were the bracelets around each wrist, nails glimmering ruby red. Her smile was as plump as ever, almost shining with how slick those lips got. Green eyes gleaming with delighted anticipation, her contact out but her face otherwise dolled up almost as much as her normal style, long red hair a little duller than usual but still falling down her back in a pair of delightfully grabbable tails.
Yeah, she was gonna have a good time.~
And Mars was definitely treating herself. She wasn't quite as tame as her image on the dating site, but she was still dressed up nicer than her usual slutty style. Prostitute chic, maybe. A nice suit that clung to her curves, opening to reveal a heavy cut of wobbling cleavage without being TOO obscene, with trousers that clung wonderfully, achingly tight to her cock, the bulge down one leg blatantly obvious for anyone to see. Heels a tasteful three inches, sparkling silver as were the bracelets around each wrist, nails glimmering ruby red. Her smile was as plump as ever, almost shining with how slick those lips got. Green eyes gleaming with delighted anticipation, her contact out but her face otherwise dolled up almost as much as her normal style, long red hair a little duller than usual but still falling down her back in a pair of delightfully grabbable tails.
Yeah, she was gonna have a good time.~
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough meanwhile looked absolutely prim and a little too much like what her parents expected from her for her own liking. The whole 'Old Money' sort of beauty rather than her usual casual appeal especially when online. Still. Pearls round her throat and in her ears, silver on her wrist. And a very VERY quick bit of wine down her throat which she cleared after to call out, "Be right there!"
She sighed. And was absolutely unprepared for the level of curve envy she was about to experience. Because as she opened the door, she took in the look of Mars and was. Well. Caught off guard to say the least~ The redhead was taller than her – not surprising. But while she was perfectly acceptable to appear in public – Sophie understood that THIS was a proper Dame~ Curves that made Sophie look flat as a board in comparison. And. Dear sweet mother of god – those bright blue eyes went wide at the monster 'trapped' against one leg. STILL! SHE HAD TO FOCUS.
"Marbury? You- you're more…impressive in person! Can't say that often!"
She sighed. And was absolutely unprepared for the level of curve envy she was about to experience. Because as she opened the door, she took in the look of Mars and was. Well. Caught off guard to say the least~ The redhead was taller than her – not surprising. But while she was perfectly acceptable to appear in public – Sophie understood that THIS was a proper Dame~ Curves that made Sophie look flat as a board in comparison. And. Dear sweet mother of god – those bright blue eyes went wide at the monster 'trapped' against one leg. STILL! SHE HAD TO FOCUS.
"Marbury? You- you're more…impressive in person! Can't say that often!"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe just grinned shamelessly at Sophie, offering a friendly hand out to the lovely blonde in front of her as she took in the spectacular sight. "Why, thank you, honey! I do dress to impress," she teased, her jaw-dropping hips shaking a little in that lovely, low-cut suit.
Without waiting for her date's assent, she took the girl's fingers in her own, intertwining them and shaking once… before, that is, she wrapped her arm around the blonde and pulled her in nice and close! Without an ounce of hesitation, Sophie was swallowed up in a friendly one-handed hug, her face nearly disappearing between Mars' udders as the flame-haired lass let out an oh so wonderful giggle, leaning in towards the top of her head.
"You're looking cute yourself, Sophia. So when am I gonna meet the parents, hmm?~"
God she smelled nice. What perfume was she wearing? Or maybe that was just her naturally irresistible scent~
Without waiting for her date's assent, she took the girl's fingers in her own, intertwining them and shaking once… before, that is, she wrapped her arm around the blonde and pulled her in nice and close! Without an ounce of hesitation, Sophie was swallowed up in a friendly one-handed hug, her face nearly disappearing between Mars' udders as the flame-haired lass let out an oh so wonderful giggle, leaning in towards the top of her head.
"You're looking cute yourself, Sophia. So when am I gonna meet the parents, hmm?~"
God she smelled nice. What perfume was she wearing? Or maybe that was just her naturally irresistible scent~
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough was going to shake and appreciated the forwardness—until suddenly her vision and senses were completely and Udderly dominated by titflesh. Which really wasn't fair considering – but still, it was more than enough to have the small blonde letting out an MMPH! of surprise and shock as she tensed against that embrace. But – this was her fake girlfriend now. So. Appearances. She'd…say something about boundaries in a bit. For the moment, she forced herself to relax and take in that scent – she'd have to ask who she was wearing because damn~ Reaching around to pat her back and 'tag out' as it was…she couldn't help but in that closeness feel that girth against her. Grinding her hips forward JUST for a moment —
NOT GRINDING~ No she just…had to adjust as she pulled away! Well – TRIED to at the very least. Her body did not quite follow through- instead looking with a HEAVY blush at her date. "Uh – gotta establish the whole social media presence first – but, should be able to at the end of the month…um…" Get it together Soph – no reason to get all flustered!
NOT GRINDING~ No she just…had to adjust as she pulled away! Well – TRIED to at the very least. Her body did not quite follow through- instead looking with a HEAVY blush at her date. "Uh – gotta establish the whole social media presence first – but, should be able to at the end of the month…um…" Get it together Soph – no reason to get all flustered!
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe let out another of those heavenly giggles, sweet as candy like the scent that wafted off of every pore of her body. That girth TWITCHED against Sophia's hips as she pressed into it, and judging by the towering redhead's little smirk, she probably noticed. God, this girl was adorable, she'd be wonderful to tease!
Marbury nodded, wrapping her hands around Sophie's fingers without bothering to step away. "That sounds lovely. Are you ready to go, sweetie? I've got a lovely steakhouse in mind, very private, very discreet…" and yes, she made that sound every bit as suggestive as she could…!
Marbury nodded, wrapping her hands around Sophie's fingers without bothering to step away. "That sounds lovely. Are you ready to go, sweetie? I've got a lovely steakhouse in mind, very private, very discreet…" and yes, she made that sound every bit as suggestive as she could…!
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough was going to need a cold shower. Or a cold bath. Or just lock herself in an industrial freezer until she could see Alexis again after this. Fate was kind of cruel in this way – sending someone that tickled every single visceral urge in the blonde's body to be her FAKE girlfriend. Christ on a cracker – she even teased well! Sophie wasn't some naive flower – hell most times SHE was the one teasing her subscribers or Alexis! Also. Christ. She'd been perfectly content with strapons until she felt that first twitch against her.
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe certainly made a show of it as she leaned in against Sophie's ear and pressed a wet, sloppy kiss against her, leaving a trail of drool and lipstick from what she quickly realized was practically a light, chaste smooch, by Marbury's standards…!
And with one last giggle, the redhead took her 'fake girlfriend' by the hand, leading her out to her high-class convertible with a smirk on her face and a spring in her step. That suit clung to Marbury's immense, bubbly ass like it was painted on, forcing Sophie to take in the bountiful, bouncy show all the way up the driveway. God, she even bent down a little to open up the driver's side door, practically presenting herself to the blonde as she slid into her seat…
And with one last giggle, the redhead took her 'fake girlfriend' by the hand, leading her out to her high-class convertible with a smirk on her face and a spring in her step. That suit clung to Marbury's immense, bubbly ass like it was painted on, forcing Sophie to take in the bountiful, bouncy show all the way up the driveway. God, she even bent down a little to open up the driver's side door, practically presenting herself to the blonde as she slid into her seat…
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough had her purse slung over her shoulder – a bit off season but still. More than enough to keep a hankie in to wipe her cheek. Dear actual god was Marbury just blessed with the best genes in the world or had she gotten work done? For the life of her and with that INTIMATE contact, she certainly was leaning toward the 'natural' side of things. Which. That just WAS not fair~ Curvy and soft and. Making Sophie's mind dive headfirst into the gutter. Still – it was JUST dinner. And. A show. Just a show. A wobbly delicious teasing show.
Still, she swallowed and kept their hands linked, trying not to look at cock or cleavage – but damn that was tricky as hell. SO. She had to keep her focus on conversation~
"I really do appreciate your help in all this. Truly."
Still, she swallowed and kept their hands linked, trying not to look at cock or cleavage – but damn that was tricky as hell. SO. She had to keep her focus on conversation~
"I really do appreciate your help in all this. Truly."
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe broke contact long enough to help Sophie into the passenger side, but that was it, using one hand as she turned the key and gripped the wheel – the engine purred beneath them, quiet and menacing and vibrating into their seats so perfectly that it couldn't have been a coincidence how it teased them and made Marbury's impossible assets bounce and shudder.
"But of course," Mars insisted, a wink in the rear view mirror as she pulled out into the street, her pleasant musk slowly filling up the convertible cockpit and clinging to Sophie's clothes while she got up to speed. look, it creates a low pressure zone behind the windshield, it's science! "It's good money and even better company. Darling, I wouldn't miss it for the world~."
"But of course," Mars insisted, a wink in the rear view mirror as she pulled out into the street, her pleasant musk slowly filling up the convertible cockpit and clinging to Sophie's clothes while she got up to speed. look, it creates a low pressure zone behind the windshield, it's science! "It's good money and even better company. Darling, I wouldn't miss it for the world~."
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough was betrayed by the laws of aerodynamics and the basics of lift vs thrust which sounds so much dirtier in her head but that was because she was being bathed in intoxicating lovely scent with a woman that probably would be haunting Sophie's wet dreams for a while. Hell, the blonde had elected for a little lavender-vanilla scent but she was pretty sure she'd only be smelling Marbury till she bathed. Sighing, she tried NOT to watch every bounce from every application of physics. But it was LITERALLY impossible.
"I'm just glad that my folks don't watch my streams. About the only place where I can cut loose, you know? Even if its what's funding this little…you know. Deception."
"I'm just glad that my folks don't watch my streams. About the only place where I can cut loose, you know? Even if its what's funding this little…you know. Deception."
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe giggled at that, sagely nodding as she slowed for a turn – the aroma softened as they slowed down, but it inevitably returned, and it just seemed to be soaking right in with almost supernatural stubbornness.
"I cut ties with my family when I came out. Which is good, because they'd never approve of my day job. Well, my other day job. When I'm not at the law office, I do adult entertainment." Her voice rose and brightened, little bubblegum pops filtering in as she slipped into a far less respectable, far more hedonistic persona. "Liiiike, sometimes I send sixty dollar pornos to my mom~ I dunno if she watches them or not, if she gets mad or if she fingerfucks herself to them or what, but I just… mm. There's something so fucking wonderful about making them see what a goddamn bombshell of a woman I turned out to be, no thanks to them~!"
"I cut ties with my family when I came out. Which is good, because they'd never approve of my day job. Well, my other day job. When I'm not at the law office, I do adult entertainment." Her voice rose and brightened, little bubblegum pops filtering in as she slipped into a far less respectable, far more hedonistic persona. "Liiiike, sometimes I send sixty dollar pornos to my mom~ I dunno if she watches them or not, if she gets mad or if she fingerfucks herself to them or what, but I just… mm. There's something so fucking wonderful about making them see what a goddamn bombshell of a woman I turned out to be, no thanks to them~!"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough felt like she'd just been hit by a freight train – except that train had a rack that could make god weep. The blonde had to blink a few times. Her profile had cited lawyer. But. Marbury, attorney at law was also….a sex worker? It wasn't that Sophie was super shocked – hell, suddenly the curves made infinitely more sense, but there was a veritable knot in her core that twisted. The hedonism. The casual retaliation against family? It tickled every single wonderful rebellious itch in Sophia's body and soul. The fact that Mars could pull off both lifestyles, 'respectable attorney' and 'Porn Star' was…well. Sophia wanted to learn more….god help her. She could feel her nipples perked against her bra – slim thighs pressed together.
"Wow – I don't know whether to say you really know how to cut loose, or clean up!"
"Wow – I don't know whether to say you really know how to cut loose, or clean up!"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe smirked at that, blowing a bubbly kiss to Sophie's reflection as they drove along. Hmm, how far was the drive? If she got the girl too worked up, she might have to pull over halfway there. WEll, it wasn't too far, but with city traffic near the end, who knows how long it'd end up taking, right? She budgeted plenty of time for their reservation, of course, whether the drive took thirty minutes or an hour.
"A bit of both, really! I was a real straight arrow before my transition. The overacheiver type, y'know? The best classes, the best school, I had my whole life set out for me in my head. But when I realized I was a lady, that derailed my plans real quick. My parents threw me out, I had to get into adult entertainment to pay off my debt… and what can I say? Law is still pretty impressive, but as ways to make money go, being a bubbly bimbo slut is way more fun. So these days, I still clean up my style when I need to, but when I don't…"
Marbury grinned, almost viciously, the godlike babe suddenly shifting completely. A rich, airy giggle flooded the car as her body language went from something casual to something obscenely so, flirtatious and carefree as she slipped her hand from Sophie's fingers to press into her twitching, swollen shaft, noticeably inches longer than when she started, and just fucking reeking of that sugary, seductive scent. It seemed like a miracle that she could watch the road, given the way her eyes fluttered, batted towards the blonde in a way that could make a nun into a whore in seconds.
"Like, god~" she cooed, bubbly and carefree and oozing brainless sexuality, only the mirth in her eyes betraying that she hadn't simply lost half of her IQ at the drop of a hat as she descended into 'bimbo sex goddess' mode! "You could totally, just, like, choke on my fat cock while I'm driving~ Who cares that I can barely put enough brain cells together to steer?~ Who cares that hundreds of people will like, be able to see every second?~ Consequences? Standards? Gosh. Sounds way fake~"
"A bit of both, really! I was a real straight arrow before my transition. The overacheiver type, y'know? The best classes, the best school, I had my whole life set out for me in my head. But when I realized I was a lady, that derailed my plans real quick. My parents threw me out, I had to get into adult entertainment to pay off my debt… and what can I say? Law is still pretty impressive, but as ways to make money go, being a bubbly bimbo slut is way more fun. So these days, I still clean up my style when I need to, but when I don't…"
Marbury grinned, almost viciously, the godlike babe suddenly shifting completely. A rich, airy giggle flooded the car as her body language went from something casual to something obscenely so, flirtatious and carefree as she slipped her hand from Sophie's fingers to press into her twitching, swollen shaft, noticeably inches longer than when she started, and just fucking reeking of that sugary, seductive scent. It seemed like a miracle that she could watch the road, given the way her eyes fluttered, batted towards the blonde in a way that could make a nun into a whore in seconds.
"Like, god~" she cooed, bubbly and carefree and oozing brainless sexuality, only the mirth in her eyes betraying that she hadn't simply lost half of her IQ at the drop of a hat as she descended into 'bimbo sex goddess' mode! "You could totally, just, like, choke on my fat cock while I'm driving~ Who cares that I can barely put enough brain cells together to steer?~ Who cares that hundreds of people will like, be able to see every second?~ Consequences? Standards? Gosh. Sounds way fake~"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough had never once in her life encountered what she was seeing right here and now – an honest to god actual Bimbo. Sure it was a performance, but while the phrase might have been used in a derogatory fashion at Sophie and her ilk back in school – pretty much anyone in Cheer or Sorority – she'd never been in the same space as someone who willingly embodied the stereotype~ And Mars. Was. Fascinating~ Because she was showing Sophie – who had lightly teased her audience and subs – what a PROFESSIONAL could do. Because there was no denying that Sophie was horny as all absolute hell. While her real girlfriend was off studying – her FAKE girlfriend was making a very convincing case for just WHY Sophie should be a turned on wanton mess.
Seriously – the lawyer wit amidst bimbo teasing? It was a very very dangerous combination~!
Which resulted in Sophie covering her mouth to hide that she was biting her lip, and the bubbling giggle rising in her throat. "Oh my god – you are too good at that! Jekyll and Hyde eat your heart out!"
Seriously – the lawyer wit amidst bimbo teasing? It was a very very dangerous combination~!
Which resulted in Sophie covering her mouth to hide that she was biting her lip, and the bubbling giggle rising in her throat. "Oh my god – you are too good at that! Jekyll and Hyde eat your heart out!"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe broke into her own delighted, vapid giggling, even as she let herself sink back out of the bimbo persona into her usual self – or was that bimbo persona her real self and the professional version of her the persona? As she'd alluded to, it was hard to say, and she seemed quite comfortable dialing herself up and down at a moment's notice.
"Oh, I'm nothing special," Mars insisted, waving it away as she took another corner, nice and gently. "Anyone can do it! Well, no. Like, it takes a ton of practice, and probably a bunch of money too. But you don't, like, need talent or anything. Just time and money. And, really, the money's optional if you know where to look.~"
"Oh, I'm nothing special," Mars insisted, waving it away as she took another corner, nice and gently. "Anyone can do it! Well, no. Like, it takes a ton of practice, and probably a bunch of money too. But you don't, like, need talent or anything. Just time and money. And, really, the money's optional if you know where to look.~"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough was calming herself down – getting FAR too comfortable with Mars after that display. "Maybe it’s because I'm an East Coaster, but I've never heard someone go that hardcore valley bubblegum talk since….Ever. Anyway. I'm getting the sense you're pretty good at your jobs~?" The apprehension was gone – happy to have an earnest conversation with the woman she'd be fake dating for a little while at least~
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe smiled. "If you want me to talk like that all the time, well, I won't charge you extra. Consider it a complimentary service," she teased, rubbing her hand into Sophie's shoulder again. Ah, they were getting pretty close now, by her estimate. "And I certainly like to think so! What about you? You said you do streaming content, right? Lighter stuff than me, of course, but I respect that, softcore's a perfectly fine niche.…"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough blinked at that, before blushing up a storm~ "Oh god – no- noooonono. No disrespect intended but I just play videogames and wear a costume once in a while~ I'm not an entertainer in your sense~ Appreciate you think I could get away with it, but, I don't have the…uh…equipment for it. Plenty of people who have dominated the itty-bitty-tittie-committee on Onlyfans so I've heard…"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe waved her hand as she pulled into the parking lot of a modern (in the sense of being new and in the architectural sense) neon-plated building, somewhere in the transition from downtown to the suburbs. "You play videogames while wearing a costume and you have an Onlyfans. Onlyfans is for porn, and I'll accept no claims to the contrary, missy," Mars cackled, shoving at Sophie like a roughhousing kid!
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough blushed and rolled her eyes. "I never said I had one! I'm on Twitch! God~ You're terrible!~" She said as an absolute compliment as they parked. Extricating herself from the car and moving to Mars' side, taking her hand and setting up against her side. They were in public, which meant she had to play the part~ 'So this is where you're to wine and dine me huh~?"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe just giggled again, even as she cut the engine and pulled herself out of the seat. Mars squeezed her arm right back around Sophie's body, bringing her fully into that cloud of alluring aromas and her fuzzy, foggy warmth once again. "Mmmmhmm! Like I said, lovely food, very quiet service, nice and private… they even have those booths with curtains, which I've been sure to reserve. We can leave them open, of course, it's not like we'll be needing them, right?~" she teased, leaning in to kiss her girlfriend's cheek and leave another thick, plush lipstick mark before she marched forth towards their destination~
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough didn't bother to wipe this one off – the whole ruse was to sell the image of them out in public being an item. Granted, in the musky haze, she had not yet processed or considered that someone from Mars' adult entertainment career might recognize them and make Sophie known in those circles – but that wasn't much of a concern at this very moment~ She was 'effectively 'treating herself to a fancy dinner, and had company. "You really NEVER stop do you?~ I'm impressed~"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe grinned, another shameless grin. "It's the service I provide," she purred, making it sound far more teasing than professional – of course, when she was being paid to tease, they were really one and the same, weren't they? Her hand moved strategically to Sophie's ass, though she didn't push in unless her 'date' got too far behind, and it stayed there all the way through the sliding doors, into the warmly lit lobby of the steakhouse, quiet music and the murmur of voices muffled by soft, luxurious design. She greeted the receptionist with a smirk, delighting in his minute blush. "Two for Madison?~" "Y-yes, of course, right this way…"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough was….actually more comfortable with Marbury's hand on the slight curve of her bum with the knowledge she was an adult entertainer than in any other situation. Sex workers knew damn well the value of consent – even if Sophia was making a serious lapse in judgment and falling absolutely into the redhead's clutches and sphere of influence~ The smells of savory steak and a PROPER goddamn meal were…making the petite blonde more receptive to the needs of her body than usual~
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe followed the receptionist, and led Sophia (by the sway of that perfect, wobbling ass, of course~) down into the back, past murmurs and conversation, a few glimpses of attention but nothing too major, and right into one of the aforementioned curtained booths, a step up from the floor below. Black, heavy curtains, arranged on either side of a round booth arrangement that looked more like a sofa or bed than somewhere to sit while eating dinner. Mars gave her 'girlfriend' another kiss on the cheek, gesturing broadly towards the lovely table. Pay no attention to the drains that lined the transition between hallway and booth, or the way Mars glanced down at them and licked her lips before speaking.
"After you, love?~"
"After you, love?~"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough hadn't heard of this place – though she couldn't be blamed since she'd been eating on a budget recently and was HAPPY to try something different. Which meant that this place had some sort of gimmick that was yet to be revealed. Sophie wasn't THAT inattentive, but she inclined her head as she slipped into the booth. Which by its construction alone provided privacy with the curtain an extra option~ "Why thank you, darling~ So – what's the surprise of this place~?"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe smirked. "Oh, it's just the usual classy restaurant with a little extra privacy. I've heard that the mob would host meetings here occasionally. Mobsters who are on the clock tip very well, or so they say. And hey. The steak's good. Real nice salad and garlic bread too, if you ask me!" Mars giggled at that, slipping into a seat besides Sophie and picking up her menu gently. "But, really, we're mostly here for the privacy," she cooed, leaning in close, her perfect scent rolling over the blonde as she practically enveloped the other girl, whispering bubblegum-tainted words into her ear. "If we close the curtains, no one will be bothering us… meaning you can feel free to order any service you want from yours truly, hmm?~"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough normally would be a very good girl. NORMALLY wouldn't be on a fake date at all. NORMALLY wouldn't be in this situation to begin with – but she'd been huffing dame musk for a solid half hour and had that quick glass of wine and was being….relentlessly teased. And Sophia was no saint. She….was considering that possibility. No One Would Know. No One Would Say. And. So. As she started reading the menu, she bit her lower lip. "Order any service?~ You're the one that's been laying it on pretty thick all night~~"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe giggled softly. "I'm just advertising my work, honey. Oh, yes, the house salad is good. And make sure to eat and stretch before you take anything off. You can hurt yourself if you get too into it without preparation!" she teased, or cautioned, it really wasn't clear as she loomed over her menu, quietly picking out a few things worth getting- though Sophie might have a little more time figuring out what she wants!
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough made a Mistake. not in her order – she was a fucking carnivore and there was no way in hell she was going to pass on that prime rib despite appearances. Her mistake, was in…caving. Just a little bit~ "Well, if this was a REAL date and you'd brought me here on purpose, what would YOU want to do to me with the curtains closed, huh?~"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe practically purred like a kitten at that, her lips spread wide as she took gentle hold of Sophie's chin, turning her head to face into those mesmerizing eyes. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong, love. This IS a real date, compensated or no. I DID bring you here on purpose. And I DO want to fuck you so hard that you're walking bowlegged and leaking cum for a week. Getting paid for it is just a nice bonus~"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough to her later horror did forget about Alexis in that moment as her gaze was directed. Cupid had swapped out a bow and arrow for a .50 Anti-Materiel Rifle and had aimed fucking true. her heart skipping a fucking beat as her toes curled and she swallowed sharply. "…There's no way you'd fit-" Said the girl who was going to fall headfirst in love with the concept of cumflation in a matter of minutes.
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe giggled at that. "Like, you'd totally be surprised at what I can fit in. Sure, like, we might knock out a few brain cells to do it, but what's wrong with that?" Mars cooed, all bubbly and brainless as she slid her musky, perfect, alluring body up to Sophie, capturing her in the haze of lust and fog. She oh so delicately took the blonde's hand and pulled it down to the immense trouser-snake bulging her pants… holy fuck, it was almost to her knees, and Sophie could feel individual veins, burning hot through the fabric~ "Mhh, any other impossible requests while we're here? Like, you have no fucking idea how much this body can do – or how much yours can do, if you let me like, REALLY have my way with you~"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough was fucked~ Soon to be literally. Because while she loved her Alexis – or thought she did – every single submissive cell in her body was screaming at her with enough force to shake her sanity. Her fingers drifted along that shape, stroking against that impossible girth. And oh. This was a terrible terrible decision – but her libido had taken absolute control of her brain and body. "…I'd be interested in learning what I'm capable of~"
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe grinned, the predator catching the prey in its jaws… albeit quite willingly and quite lovingly. "Okay, then!" Mars gave her a minute, sighing as Sophie's fingers drifted over her bulge. The food had to arrive before they could get TOO carried away, after all! But once it did, once Mars had her salad and garlic bread and Sophie had her prime rib, then the teasing could begin proper, as the bimbo babe stared deep into Sophie's eyes…
"I want you to focus on me, okay? Even while you're eating. Think about my cock, about my breasts, whatever, but stay focused on me. Now, I want you to go ahead, cut off a piece of steak. Stay focused on me, but just… take a bite. Feel it come apart in your mouth. Feel the fat and protein under your tongue. Feel it slide down your throat, feel it settle into your stomach… feel your body digest it, nice and slow, and feel yourself grow, bigger and sexier and bubblier, closer to the perfect bimbo version of yourself with each calorie~"
"I want you to focus on me, okay? Even while you're eating. Think about my cock, about my breasts, whatever, but stay focused on me. Now, I want you to go ahead, cut off a piece of steak. Stay focused on me, but just… take a bite. Feel it come apart in your mouth. Feel the fat and protein under your tongue. Feel it slide down your throat, feel it settle into your stomach… feel your body digest it, nice and slow, and feel yourself grow, bigger and sexier and bubblier, closer to the perfect bimbo version of yourself with each calorie~"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough did not know what kind of game this was but she was 100% down to play it. She'd never experimented with hypnotism, and had no idea just how vulnerable she was to such things. Or whatever other effects Mars was capable of. But. Between that musk and the redhead managing to seduce the fuck out of her beyond reason – she was 'willing' to play along. Making direct eye contact. Emerald vs Sapphire. And she listened to Marbury's words as she carved each bite. Listening. Receptive. RELISHING the flavor and taste as she herself motioned for the privacy curtains to be closed. Every single act of mastication made sensual because – she'd stopped growing in any way but emotionally early in high school basically. Welcoming the calories. Feeling something – ANYTHING good and wonderful to swell her. To uplift her. Bimbo…as a compliment? An ideal?~ Why not?~
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe slid the curtains closed, or the staff did, it really didn't matter. What mattered was that the sound of outside almost completely disappeared. What mattered was that Marbury's musk was getting even stronger now, filling up the confined space. What mattered was that Mars was capable of things Sophie couldn't dream of, things that Mars herself had forgotten were impossible. What mattered was Mars pulling open her top with one hand, taking a bite of salad with another and carelessly, oh so carelessly spilling dressing over her bouncing, bubbly cleavage, and for a moment the white dressing looked exactly like thick, virile cum…
She swallowed. Giggled. Spoke. "Go ahead, keep eating! Feel yourself change with each bite, mm. Bad thoughts going out to the back of your mind. Good thoughts, happy thoughts, horny thoughts bubbling up. Feel everything bad in your head just get chewed up and turned into more fuel for your perfect body. You can feel it, can't you? The perfect you, careless and thoughtless and so, so fucking sexy. You can see it reflected in the silverware you're eating with and it's even hotter than me~!"
She swallowed. Giggled. Spoke. "Go ahead, keep eating! Feel yourself change with each bite, mm. Bad thoughts going out to the back of your mind. Good thoughts, happy thoughts, horny thoughts bubbling up. Feel everything bad in your head just get chewed up and turned into more fuel for your perfect body. You can feel it, can't you? The perfect you, careless and thoughtless and so, so fucking sexy. You can see it reflected in the silverware you're eating with and it's even hotter than me~!"
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough so very much wanted to believe. After all, she was hornier than she could ever remember being, and every single bite of this overly expensive meal was positive reinforcement. She KNEW that this was a great mind game and not physically possible – but that was a bad thought to be pushed away~ Her 'fake' girlfriend on a 'real' date was encouraging her to be perfect. To not care~ To be sexy and thoughtless and so many wonderful things that reality shouldn't and didn't allow~ This was the sort of ASMR that anyone should get into – but. Mistaking the dressing as cum?
She felt a thirst that her wine was not sating. Her commentary muffled by groans of want, desire, and appreciation for the 5 star meal~ And. Oh. She dared glance down into her knife, just for a moment. Hotter than Mars? Not likely~
She felt a thirst that her wine was not sating. Her commentary muffled by groans of want, desire, and appreciation for the 5 star meal~ And. Oh. She dared glance down into her knife, just for a moment. Hotter than Mars? Not likely~
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe worked away at her meal, crumbs falling over her pants as she slid open her belt, wriggled free and let the massive bulge start to retreat from the overstressed garment. Still, she kept contact with Sophie. "Mm… go ahead, just stop thinking. The sooner you stop thinking and stop worrying, the better it feels. The better it feels, the more you want. The more you want, the better it feels. And can't you feel yourself change along with it?" And… she really could! Her lips plumped up in her reflection with every bad thought she discarded, every thought of need and desire. Every groan was accompanied by a burning swell in her chest, every bite by a growing weight behind her rear. She could even feel something tingling in her crotch, beyond her sheer arousal, as if her body was debating whether or not to form a massive, perfect bimbocock like Marbury's… if it even deserved to have such a member~
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough definitely didn't – too many years of her dame of a Sire lording that over her mother – Mom vs Mother and all. But that didn't stop her from remembering those sordid fantasies of getting pregnant JUST to spite them. And oh, family. Responsibility. The charade – all of those were bad thoughts she could toss to the side. It wasn't being empty headed – this was spring cleaning~ Making space for joy to fill in the gaps~ And cock. Big ol lady cock. That was a distinct possibility with every bite. She was absolutely opening herself to Mars' reality – no matter if it were true or not! The 'Feeling' of growth, that last little bastion of reason in her mind knew wasn't possible, this was just a fun subspace sensation~ That same bastion knew she was going to cheat on her girlfriend and try and accommodate that fat femcock tonight- wait…she'd not been on birth control…this would be riski—–
Bad thought, discard~
Bad thought, discard~
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe giggled happily as she finished the remains of her bread… and managed to shove her pants properly off, that titanic, multifoot bitchbreaker of a ladycock rising up over the table, easily lifted up to the level of her breasts and then some. That couldn't fit in her pussy. That couldn't fit in her torso.. But the moment she discarded those thoughts, her slit thrummed in delight. She could practically feel eggs dropping into place as her womb made up for what she lacked in virility with impossible, reality-bending fertility, just staring at the throbbing, twitching behemoth, fogging up her vision with a visible cloud of bimbo fuckmusk, worming its way into her skull with every breath.
"That's it, that's a good girl," Mars cooed, standing up to reveal even more of the monstrosity, the precum as thick as fucking concrete sliding down each vein, the massive, gurgling orbs below pulsing with what seemed like gallons of thick, churning cum… hell, she could probably squeeze someone in there if she put her mind to it. The better to make lots of sperm to knock Sophie up with, right? Fuck, she was absolutely in heat now, her body begging for a baby even if her mind hadn't quite gotten around to the idea yet.~
"That's it, that's a good girl," Mars cooed, standing up to reveal even more of the monstrosity, the precum as thick as fucking concrete sliding down each vein, the massive, gurgling orbs below pulsing with what seemed like gallons of thick, churning cum… hell, she could probably squeeze someone in there if she put her mind to it. The better to make lots of sperm to knock Sophie up with, right? Fuck, she was absolutely in heat now, her body begging for a baby even if her mind hadn't quite gotten around to the idea yet.~
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough had to giggle. There was no other recourse. Cylinders were firing in her brain but there was no connection as she emptied house. She wanted to feel GOOD. She wanted to have FUN. She wanted to GROW and SWELL and piss off her parents and FUCK! Sure that tiny diminishing spot of rationality said this was a one night fling – but oh she wanted to believe any of it was possible. Her panties were soaked completely through. Even in spite of her bra, there were the indents of her nipples against the dress. Goosebumps in full against her arms. Her BODY knew that it was babymaking time in the extreme. And that only coincided with her own desires. Curves. Appeal. HAPPINESS. ALl those things that a bimbo embodied even though that had been pure fetish until meeting Mars.
Also there was some horrid fleeting thought about slam dunking her real girlfriend into that cock so Mars could knock her up with her but
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe giggled oh so lovingly and sweetly back as she crossed the distance to the beautiful bimbo-blonde's body. It was barely a step, but it was still enough to leave her brain spasming from the sheer strength of Marbury's impossible musk. To leave her helpless to resist, even if she had somehow still wanted to. Those panties had to go, and Mars reached beneath the dress and yanked them right down, leaning into Sophie's lips for a wet, sloppy kiss at the same time, brushing addictively thick cock-sludge against her swollen chest… and her dress, assuming it survived the wonderful transformation beneath it~
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough gasped as finally there was sensory and tactile contact for real. Not just her mouth. Not just the food. Not just what she thought was her imagination. But no – as she had been relishing the meal and the words…that pale and petite blonde had been growing for the first time in actual ages. The more she opened herself up to Mars' influence…the more she started to embody the sort of woman the Dame had intended to play with and star against~ She'd been lost in those emerald eyes as her chest started to grow and swell and get all the heavier, starting to pull her dress upward. Showing more of those lean legs that were starting to thicken up along her thighs and the swell of her hips – helping give her more of a waspish figure. She could FEEL the eggs lining up begging to be paired up – because as Mars had indicated – she was in heat~ All of this was still within the realms of reality to this point – a major hormone shift due to that musk. Her lips hadn't plumped save for the swell of blood and excitement, her hips were spreading just a bit but not comically so. And. Alright yes she had gained a cup size – but all of that was about to be catalyzed out the fucking door the second she met her lips PROPERLY for the first time…and fucking melted~ SPREADING her legs so the soaked floral-printed panties could be removed to show an ACHING cunt beneath. Pressing up to those soft pillows to TASTE her as the perfect compliment to the meal~ A moan of want. of NEED as her body had been primed – and so very very ready to become HERS.
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe pressed that waspy, shuddering blonde right up against the booth, plundering her lips even as she lifted the girl by the waist, to line up that immense rod with that aching, desperate haven. It was begging to be filled, and Mars was absolutely going to fill it.
She broke the kiss, to grin and giggle down at the smaller babe. To give SOphie an instant to back out, to regret, maybe to just stare at that massive, impossible member in awe as it twitched against her sopping wet pussylips.
And then? And then Mars slammed it down to the hilt in a single goddamn thrust. Her womb was INSTANTLY forced wide open, the shape of that impossible bimbotamer shaft spearing out and bulging her stomach. And it didn't hurt at all. It was impossibly tight and impossibly rough, balls smashing into Sophie's ass hard enough to leave a bruise, a thick blast of corrupting precum teased out and 'improving' the blonde's body twice as much as it had already been improved (and just wait until she actually came!~).
And it felt so. fucking. good~
She broke the kiss, to grin and giggle down at the smaller babe. To give SOphie an instant to back out, to regret, maybe to just stare at that massive, impossible member in awe as it twitched against her sopping wet pussylips.
And then? And then Mars slammed it down to the hilt in a single goddamn thrust. Her womb was INSTANTLY forced wide open, the shape of that impossible bimbotamer shaft spearing out and bulging her stomach. And it didn't hurt at all. It was impossibly tight and impossibly rough, balls smashing into Sophie's ass hard enough to leave a bruise, a thick blast of corrupting precum teased out and 'improving' the blonde's body twice as much as it had already been improved (and just wait until she actually came!~).
And it felt so. fucking. good~
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough came fucking immediately~ Her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she was so easily handled, lifted and IMPALED~ The sheer GIRTH of that rut SNAPPING the little waist cinch she'd been wearing as she FELT truly and actually her curves grow~ Her breasts swelling immediately against her dress absolutely ruining the fit but giving her TITS for the first time in her life~ Impossible calories piling onto her hips and ass as she wrapped her arms around the redhead as she felt and SAW her stomach distend to fit around that impossibly huge femcock~ Even that PRE filled her, the excess oozing down her thighs as she wrapped her legs around Mars' hips, as her eager, NEEDY puss squelched as she felt those overvirile balls nestled against her~ The loud moan of want and delight muffled amidst their kiss as she FELT herself being 'ruined'- and loving every fucking second of it~
She had to lean her head back, fingers gripping those tails but trying not to yank as she GROUND against her~ Alexis oh so very far from her mind~ "Ngfhfucuckkkk~~~!~ OH fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck~~~ Oh fuck me~ Oh FUCK me~ Nffff~~~~”
She had to lean her head back, fingers gripping those tails but trying not to yank as she GROUND against her~ Alexis oh so very far from her mind~ "Ngfhfucuckkkk~~~!~ OH fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck~~~ Oh fuck me~ Oh FUCK me~ Nffff~~~~”
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe took her mercilessly and lovingly, brutally yet with care. Mars practically carried Sophie's body as her hips smashed wildly, only using the slightest bit of support from the booth to pound her up and down on that immense shaft. The kiss resumed, swapping a mess of spit and tongue and love as best she could in the wild frenzy of an unrestrained rutting. "F-fuck fuck! Gonna fuck you! Knock you up!" Mars swore, and her balls were already preparing to do it, swelling up with fresh seed as she pounded away. They had to be back home in time to wake up tomorrow, right? Well, Mars certainly did. She had schedules to keep and she wasn't going to COMPLETELY ruin them by fucking madly well past a responsible hour! (Okay, she was going to ruin them a LITTLE, but still. Still!) SO she put her all into it and made no effort to slow down, and she was already approaching her wild climax.…
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough was acting on pure and unrestrained id as she was bounced and USED. This was a quick and dirty fuck as her titties filled up, and those words? There was nothing in her mind but good thoughts and a biological clock she hadn't realized was SCREAMING at her~ So, what could she say as she was bounced and FILLED and TAKEN other than, "NnfghfuCK~ FUCK yes~ Fucking breed me~! Knock me up~ Gimme your cum~ Gimme your babies~ I don't wanna be able to walk - Knock me up!~ Get me pregnant~~~~!~" And she could HEAR that bubblegum tone in her own voice and fucking RELISHED it~
Bimbo Breed-Babe
Bimbo Breed-Babe barely needed to be told once, let alone at least five times! She PLAPPED wildly against that perfect ass, gigglng and moaning the whole way, sweet and bubbly and pink and wonderful with every mind-melting thrust! Her balls pounded against Sophie maybe a dozen more times, SLAP SLAP SLAP in blurring motion. And then…! And then they clenched down tight, processing sperm into an impossibly dense slurry, hypervirile jizz sloshing and gurgling and pressing forward, finally EXPLODING into Sophie's womb in unimaginable quantities. The sheer volume alone was enough for Sophie to know she could never stand a lesser lover again, assuming she'd even be able to have kids with anyone but this perfect stud anymore…!~ Gallons were just the fucking start, each toe-curling squeal accompanied by a fresh tsunami of nutslop that transformed the blonde anew, sending her careening over the edge of sanity and reality into the form of a perfect busty, bubbly, brainless, ball-huffing, baby-craving, broodmother bimbo babe.~ Her womb SWELLED wildly, first to the size of a pregnant woman ready to pop, and then more, more, More as it struggled to hold in Marbury's inhuman loads, wobbling and sloshing and spluttering the whole way through. Even as she threatened to flow onto the table, it was still leaking an equally absurd amount of excess cum, a thick, white, virile sludge gushing around the bimbo's cock and splattering across the floor, soon forming a solid river of spunk that rolled down out of the booth and flooded the drains, white ooze seeping out from beneath the blackout curtains.
If anyone was disturbed by the gallons of spunk overflowing from their booth, they didn't mention it~
If anyone was disturbed by the gallons of spunk overflowing from their booth, they didn't mention it~
Sophia Westerbough
Sophia Westerbough knew in that moment she'd been broken. Alexis LITERALLY couldn't satisfy her again – especially as her poor dress turned into a parody against her body~ Riding up as her belly swelled and swelled and SWELLED rounding in the best futile fight to keep as much of that potent load within her! If hearts could appear in her eyes they fucking would! The straps of her bra fucking SNAPPED almost cartoonishly just so her new TITS could strain against the garment in the worst way, nipples perked atop heavy, FULL breasts~ Her ass swelling to be a proper cushion against Mars' pushing~ She KNEW in that moment there was no world where she wasn't pregnant by that load, her tummy sloshing and full and rounded as she clung against her new lover~ A white out was absolute accurate as she quite nearly literally came her brains out – relishing every second of contact. Every moment she was STRETCHED around Marbury~ Moaning accurately like a bitch in heat~~~