City Saved, World Ruined

Synopsis: Selvaria Bles invades Night City, and almost conquers it. Right up until she meets the hyper-augmented Rebecca, and realizes just how far technology has outstripped her...
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 12650
Word Count: 1917
Views: 1825
Bookmarks: 0
Night City Greeting

So Fucking Blessed
was expecting such a technologically advanced city to put up at least... some resistance to her invasion. Hmph...

Night City Greeting
wasn't expecting that, mostly because she was half of the reason - the massive Edgerunner was taking advantage of the chaos to steal a minigun the size of a truck, along with some truly massive powered armor gauntlets and boots - looking like a barely clothed sex bomb with limbs bigger than most people, giggling as she casually mowed down row after row of anyone who got in front of her. Invader, local, didn't care, having too much fun!

sorry, tiny Edgerunner in massive armor :3

So Fucking Blessed
casually slices through a building with the flick of her blade, the rubbing falling in two pieces down into the streets below to reveal her on the opposite end from Rebecca. She pauses in silence at the sight of this woman casually throwing around cars- and then reaches out, catching one out of the air with a hand and tossing it back. "And what is this clown show..?"

Night City Greeting
grins as she turns to the BLESSED demigoddess, letting out an impressed whistle and hardening in an instant [] as she crushes the thrown car between massive, bright metal gauntlets. "Name's Rebecca! Scariest bitch this side of the city!" She tosses the scrap away, her cybereyes glowing brightly as she staaares at Selvaria. "Are you the one blowing up the other side? Thanks, choom! Makes it a lot easier for me, honestly." Rebecca happily shoots a fingergun towards the Valkyria, thankfully not a real gun.

So Fucking Blessed
...tilts her head? "Are you some kind of anarchist? Or just an opportunistic looter? Either way..." She readies her blade and sighs quietly, assuming a stance that suddenly flared with blue Valkyrian flames all around it, an aura of power so immensely oppressive that it lit up all the emergency functions on Rebecca's hyperadvanced augments! That she stole. Just recently! She heard a few of them get real crazy when pushed...~ "...You will not fit in my Empire. Apologies, but please die swiftly so you don't cause me a headache."

Night City Greeting
shivers with the thrill of adrenaline, her artificial muscles THROBBING and SWELLING as her brand-new augments fucking bulk up to meet the challenge. Steam pours off her pale skin, and her eyes practically burn like little suns as she grins at Selvaria - razor sharp, cracklign with energy. "Mhh. Yeah, that's me. Real chaos-causer. And headache-causer!" Rebecca laughs again, before swinging that massive rotary cannon to the Valkyria, letting loose with a barrage of two-meter-long high explosive shells while missiles erupt from her body in every direction to swerve towards the imperial demigoddess!

So Fucking Blessed
's eyes flicker with gold for a moment as she analyzes the assault and weaves her way casually through a wall of city-devastating armaments, slicing one missile clean in half with her blade before riding its explosion right into Rebecca's bulking, swelling figure- the momentum, of course, serving to augment the stab she intends to pierce clean through her hear-- SNAP. ...Her blade is broken on Rebecca's figure, and the end that is stuck in her is absorbed. Ah, what exotic metal is this? Must be from space or something... ample material, huhu!~ "W-What th... hmh--" Selvaria leaps off of her pecs right before she can continue, and adjusts her stance a bit. Her fists are just as deadly, of course, especially with that fire. "...Quite the headache indeed. That was Valkyrian Ragnite, how did you so casually break it..?"

Night City Greeting
's body gleams with power, and swells too, all her muscles and limbs throbbing and shivering. Blatantly displayed girlcock too, ESPECIALLY with how close Selvaria was to her, mhh. Rebecca's musk was positively steaming, much like the rest of her, as she smiiiiles up... And throws her gigantic gatling away, her newly swollen arms splitting into three equally massive limbs each. Six fists of fury deploy themselves, and Rebecca gives the white-haired Valkyria a mysterious smile, before leaping in with a barrage of punches and chops from every direction...! The fire sears the paint, but she'll be fiiiiine.

So Fucking Blessed
tries to block one punch- and a second, and a third. She can handle that many with her speed, but it isn't long before one of the strikes connects straight in her gut and she gags, the wind knocked from her lungs and her body sent absolutely sailing clean through a concrete wall holding up an overpass... and then dumping said overpass right on her head. About ten seconds later- more than enough time for the new and improved Rebecca to act, she kicks the rubble off of her and leaps back to attention, only to see...

Night City Greeting
...that Rebecca is casually jerkslamming her cock with two of those titanic hands, working a shaft bigger than a bus fast enough to blur! She shoots Selvaria a wink as the Valkyria recovers, not slowing down in her attentions, barely letting out a huff of breath. "I got bored of waiting for you!" Rebecca taunts, as a sizzling lake of ultrathick, world-rending pre slowly sinks down into the crater lake beneath her cocktip. "You still good to go, choom?~"

So Fucking Blessed
"What the hell does that word even mean? Is that a slur or something..?" She shakes her head and leaps up into the sky, trying to get over Rebecca before she can do whatever attack she intended to do with that fucking bulldick of hers- entirely unaware of just how slowly the cyborg war god perceived time now. It was like one of those 5000 FPS videos, she could see the hair gliding around her supple figure so delicately as she rose, taking seconds to blink in Rebecca's eyes and just... presenting herself. It gave her so much time to think, to act, to plan...

Night City Greeting
wasn't even attacking, but - since Selvaria is thinking about abuot it, the cyborg war god darts through the air, launching off a building with one huge hand. Before the Valkyria can blink, the depraved cyberpsycho is behind her, the weight of that titanic cock crushing Selvaria while Rebecca holds them up with powerful magnets and a single massive hand wrapped around Selvaria's waist. "It's a term of affection, cutie," the deceptively little beast whispers into Selvaria's ear. A massive droplet of steaming, glowing precum the size of Selvaria's whole body drips from the tip of Rebecca's cock, seeming to fall in slow motion as the nanite-laced, god-impregnating swimmers buzz and writhe - beaming FERTILITY into the Valkyria's brain from the fuckin' sight alone. "But I expected you to put up some more resistance, jeez....~"

So Fucking Blessed
can barely even seen Rebecca coming before she's already in her grasp, struggling and staring in horror as a scream forces its way up her throat like she got actually jumpscared by the oversized, overpowered freakstud. She can't even begin to process what's coming out of her, the feelings, the thoughts, she swirls with equal parts imperialist disgust and absolutely breedcrazy need- until she snaps herself back to reality, and ignites once more in an obscene, city-devastating flare of blue flames- oh, how kind of her, giving her even more energy to work with? She was almost down to a zettajoule- how would she be able to muster up such casual displays then? She might need to start trying... Selvaria groans and lurches, tits squeezing into her fat skysplitter and her single titanic finger nestled beneath it. "TOUCH ME AND THE EMPIRE ENDS YOUR FUCKING RACE!".

Night City Greeting
fucking GRINDS Selvaria into that burning, shuddering breedpole, groaning and swelling as it absorbs that APOCALYPTIC blast of energy. Rebecca's eyes alone burn everything they look at, twin nuclear lanterns chewing their way through reality, while even the smallest of her countless fingers is big enough to flick the Valkyria away like a bug. "Mhhh. I'll just have to repopulate them then, choom. Starting with you~!" the cybergoddess coos, and pulls the silver-haired bitch close, seeing eye to eye as the city BURNS around them. Thousands are screaming. Reality shudders and creaks at the seams. The cyberpsycho's musk alone is enough to melt mortals into SCREAMING BROODSLUDGE. She looks the imperial warriorsow in the eye for every foot of godcock that she slides oh so delicately into that fertile Valkyrian womb. 💖

So Fucking Blessed
can't help herself from moaning now, eyes rolling up on reflex from the electric glory of Becca's fat, ever-evolving breedermeat ruining her tight, virgin godcunt. She can feel the uptight shattering bitch's hymen snap against her snuffpillar, the sensation of it enough to tip her over the edge into pure fucking breedfrenzy... every spasm of her womb around her, every tight and violent squeeze of her vice grip legs trying to wrench her off but failing completely and utterly, the absolute decimation of the city with each screeching flare of her power and its subsequent absorption and redoubling so, soooo~ casually... what else was there to even do for her at this point, gritting her teeth and slowly going absolutely fucking insane while the biggest, strongest musclegoddess she'd ever seen used her like a disposable onahole? Her ovaries explode into activity, spewing out millions of eggs a second to crowd around the dribbling head and get absolutely gangraped by her OP sperm. Most of the eggs don't get fertilized not because of any fault on Becca's part, but simply because they were too weak to handle her precum swimmers. ♥ "S-STOHHHOHP- NO, NOOONONONONOOOPLEAAASE!~ NGNHHHUUFHHUUUCK!~"

Night City Greeting
leans in closer still, hugging Selvaria with deceptive tenderness. "Can you hear that?" she whispers, echoing in the Valkyria's ear like an earthquake despite how quiet Becca is. "That's the sound of your eggs being genocided because they can't handle my superior sperm. I can hear every single scream." The cybergoddess squeezes the squirming, blazing wombbitch just a little tighter. And stretches her out a lot fucking further as all that power goes into her muscles and into that ruinous fucking cock. Her balls alone could snuff out a city block, and Selvaria can FEEL the gravitational pull of each incredibly dense nut, the sperm only growing more powerful as she wastes all her energy on making becca STRONGER. Then she starts thrusting. ♥️

So Fucking Blessed
is ruined, instantly and totally, her insides fucking cored by the cybergoddess' casualest of hipthrusts into her depths. She screams one last desperate cry for help before her brain shuts off, tits swelling hard enough to burst from her shirt in a massive milky gush that drowns the streets and would likely slaughter everyone left... if anyone could survive the living star currently tearing the fucking planet apart with her simplest of motions. Becca feels her soul leeching in now, all the residual power of a properly divine creature being cannibalized by her supreme heart-reactor. Ah, there it is... Her womb is little more than a stretched egg-filled condom now, and even with all that casual supremacy-decimating dominance-invalidating genetic dwarfing Becca just pulled on her, she still has millions of bratty semi-robotic spawn gestating inside of her now, just waiting for their own chance to be born and ruin some other planet too. In one spurt, Selvaria is a house-sized cum blimp. By the third, she's the entire block. And then the fourth. Fifth. Tenth...~