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Character Count: 33549
Word Count: 5743
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Ultra Bug Slut
With the supreme Serpent finding her way to the outside world, the giant snake found herself destroying trees and buildings In her wake, the destruction trembling In her wake, even killing many of the people she'd slam, squish and tread over the poor humans that'd get In the way of the black serpent, the crashing and screams of the people below her. Although the space rift begun to tremble and become disturbed upon the gigantic sized pokemon that came across the world, with the space rifts opening more than normal thanks to the serperior's Immense power. In the time, a portal begun to open to be disturbed near the city, what came out of the distortion In the sky, landed a very well endowed bug, her huge weight leaving a crater as she landed, those giant sized tanks on her chest bouncing along with her huge rear end looking up towards the large towering pokemon that was Rhass. Pheromosa sighed and moved her hand back across her back, until then she jumped upwards with her speed and charged towards the huge being, using her hand to swat down towards the frontal part of the serpent's throat, and a loud THWAP was heard with Pheromosa THROAT CHOPPING her, the force perhaps stunning the creature! "Why have you come to disturb this world? Regardless you're just a pitiful snake, I just see a very large punching bag, It would be wise to go back where you slithered from, worm." The busty bug said, charging her hand for that throat-swing!

Hayleigh Rhass
merely watched as this so-called 'Ultra-beast' charged up her throat chop, watching as she impacted her throat, the attack not even making an indent in her scales- Not even the very atoms of Rhass being disturbed from the rather... pitiful attack. She tilted her head slightly throughout the entirety of the ordeal, angling her ears the to the best angle in order to hear whatever measly words came out of her mouth. Rhass waited until the Pheromosa had finished her attack, raising her utterly massive tail to quite literally swat the slut out of the air like she was a fly. That ridiculous, overpowered tonnage slamming into her. Over 500,000 tons of raw power. She was lucky she wasn't completely eviscerated from that attack, as most would be turned to a red mist within an instant. The only reason she wasn't completely killed was because she crossed the threshold of thickness to actually be worthy of Rhass' attention.

Ultra Bug Slut
After using her attack, the bug thought she had the upper hand, until she hit onto her throat, all she heard was a loud CLACK from her scales, making her fall back from the deflect from her throat chop, Pheromosa, not expecting that outcome, she wouldn't have time to move out of the air before that giant tail swatted down and hit against her like the bug she was, that massive tail forcing Pheromosa underneath It. After that a giant crash echoed loudly, the buildings nearby the Impact would start crashing and falling, Pheromosa being SLAMMED and buried Into the ground from the serpent's huge black mass of a tail. Pheromosa made a crevice within the ground, twitching with pain and unable to get up from the many tons that were forced upon her, even her eyes twitching from the shock. "A-Ah...ah....!" The stuttered weakly, her body attempting to get up off of the ground, the more she tried, she ended up falling back Into the ground. "Y-You... fucking...!" Pheromosa managed to get out.

Hayleigh Rhass
rolled her eyes softly, that gaze moving down to the crushed bug currently laying in a crater caused from her form getting utterly fucking pulverized by the towering GodStud in front of her. "D'awww, little Ultra-Beast is mad she got beaten with a single attack? You're lucky I left you with one HP left, retard. Only because you're so fucking stacked. You really think you can just waltz on in through one of the relativistic tears I create and act like you WON'T get raped into dust? C'mon, your tits are fucking absurd. Same for that ass. You'll look SO much better twerking on my dicks until your mind is numb." She was absolutely fucking cruel with her words, holding nothing back as she looked over the fat-titted cow of a 'bug' Pokemon. What bug had such fucking meat on their body? She extended a thick vine from her back, grabbing onto Pheromosa's neck- Having more than ample room to wrap around, strangling her and releasing just so she could get enough air to stay alive. She raised that bug up into the air, opening her maw wide as she brought the skin-tight suit clad bug- And CLAMPED her maw down on those fat as fuck tits. Her fangs pierced through that suit, rubbing along those pale white breasts as she gulped the remnants of the suit around, wrapping her prehensile tongue around those milk-filled tits as she began to GUZZLE down the milk within. Of course, Pheromosa still had the rest of her suit on. That'd be coming off next.

Ultra Bug Slut
The weakened bug on the ground listened to the hostile and repulsive words the reptile shot down at her, which made Pheromosa more angry, making her wanting to get up, especially after being called a RETARD, It would make Pheromosa even angrier, that light suit tightening around her body, making her expected to be some kind of hero coming out from that rift. "Retard...?! How fucking dare.... you? Stupid fucking... black snake... thinking I'll look up to you, bitch...?" She coughed, before long she felt herself wrapped by the tentacles off the shattered ground, making her eyes widen after those huge black vines gripped and swirled around her neck, making Pheromosa gag and cough, making her Inhale, her white hands gripping onto that vine after gasping for air! She begun to sweat with fear, her eyes staring straight up towards those godly eyes of her whilst opening that large mouth and revealing those fangs of hers In the front. Those fangs suddenly sprung forward attaching themselfs onto the suit and ripping the part covering her nipples off, making her huge bust jiggle, and to also reveal those yellow nipples of hers, Pheromosa stared down at her fangs In shock, her eyes following without anything to say due to that vine clamping and squeezing her neck, and once the black serperior gripped her huge white fucking tits with her tongue to start squeezing, making all of that milk start to GUSH out of those yellow nipples, making the Pheromosa gasp loudly!

Hayleigh Rhass
felt that delicious, creamy milk hit her tongue- The dense amount of tastebuds relaying every minute detail of that warm liquid to her in great detail. The joy of being God was that everything she did was absolutely perfect. It felt, tasted, looked. Her reality was her desires incarnate- And her reality was about to get even more fucked up as that milk hit her gut with that first gulp. Rhass let out a heavy growl, her stomach letting out a near deafening CHURNNNN- from the hunger within her, the hunger that only GREW The more and more she's been fed. Her body gave a sudden lurch- The massive maw surrounding Pheromosa getting even more so- That tongue around those tits growing tighter and tighter as Rhass milked her like she was a cow more than an insect Pokemon. She wasn't going to stop until Pheromosa was drained properly. And based on how Rhass was growing? She meant it too- Those stats ballooned, Rhass' size ballooned too. Already unstoppable, becoming EVEN MORE SO.

Ultra Bug Slut
Her breast were at the mercy of being swallowed and devoured by her, Pheromosa being milked like a cow rather than being a bug, those massive tits being sucked and pulled for all the milk she had within those fat tanks of breast the bug had, Pheromosa couldn't help but let out a soft moan along those coughing wails that escaped her lips, the black god standing before her taking all of that milk Into her own body to gain those absurd amount of stats, hearing the deafening growl from her stomach that made Pheromosa's eyes widened, her ears fully In catch of that loud deafening growl! The bug feeling her stats draining along with her energy, even though the dumb retarded bug was left at one HP at the poor, devastating mercy of the black serpent, she sat there unable to do anything from her milk being drained along with her throat being gripped, just enough to keep her alive and unfortunate enough to be experienced and feeling the aggressive sucking from Rhass draining those giant cow tits!

Hayleigh Rhass
sucked those tits absolutely fucking DRY. Not a single drop of milk left within those tits, that nutritious fluid getting multiplied a fuckton within her gut- Those walls of her stomach being beyond efficient when it came to absorbing nutrients, violating MULTIPLE laws of conservation of mass- But Rhass didn't give a fuck! Lavoisier-Lavioshmier. She ended up around twice as big as she was before hand, over 130' of raw fucking stud power. Only when she was satisfied did she pull off of Pheromosa's tits with a near-comical POP of that suction being released. Those crimson eyes of Rhass were only that much more intimidating now thanks to her size. Swirling voids of realities within her iris, circling around that pupil more threatening than a black hole. "You survived that, not bad- I guess I'l just have to take you in as another jizzpig for my harem. After all, you can't survive in the wild anymore! Your stats are all FUCKED now. And all your moves are gone!" She laughed heartily as she rolled her massive, fat tail over- Forcing Pheromosa to look as FOUR obscenely huge rapelogs CRASHED into the ground like a group of falling skyscrapers, oozing out that massive amount of precum. Occasionally the cumveins running along the bottoms of her cocks would bulge obscenely, forcing out a thick as fuck, sloppy spurt of precum- Literal chunks of sperm residing within that gooey mess, completely killing the grass and other flora around ground zero. A thick as fuck, black smog worse than the most polluted cities on Earth residing around those spade-makers as well. She was an absolute fucking FORCE OF NATURE. And a force of un-nature. She gave a sadistic laugh, "So... What do you think?"

Ultra Bug Slut
Those tits were absolutely DRAINED to the point where they didn't even drip anymore, all of her moves and stats, making her useless to fight against the giant towering snake now, Pheromosa took a long few breaths upon that loud POP erupting from her tits and nipples, the face on Pheromosa showed fear and shock, her body being hung up by that one tentacle going around her neck, her suit going around her body, even the sweat making It much tighter on herself as well as the altitude she were In now, making It hard to contain and breath due to the now massive-sized snake god opposing the smaller cow-bug Pheromosa. Her eyes beheld that sight of her getting bigger and bigger simply from her milk alone, taking all of her moves and stats away from her! Staring Into those voids In her eyes, looking Into the darkness of a threatening black hole, making the bugs eyes shrink down In utter fear, after hearing those Insults, not capable of living In wild. Stuck by the vine and held over the destroyed, shattered city. Upon glaring down along that turning tail, those FOUR GIANT TOWERS erupting from between her, Immediately spouting pre-cum that lingered down from the tips and to the grass below, making the ground even more corrupted than It already was. She stared for a brief moment, noticing the bulging veiny undersides throbbing to spurt out that thick virile chunky pre-cum, even the smog was getting to her.

Hayleigh Rhass
let Pheromosa soak in the sight of those ridiculously fucking fat cocks absolutely ruining the landscape, the chunky cum leaking from her cock most akin to magma mixed with Fluoroantimonic acid, an unstoppable juggernaut of liquid that would absolutely cut itself through anything and everything that Rhass wanted it to. It had already melted the topsoil, currently cutting through the rock underneath. Rhass gave a soft groan, forcing out a few extra large chunks from the depths of her balls, a heavy breath escaping from her maw. That breath would go on later to form a hurricane in the gulf somewhere!

smirked smugly, tightening that grip on Pheromosa's throat as she pulled her through the air, jerking her arorund much like a child would play with a doll. But with a child, it was from a lack of fine motor skills. With Rhass? It was pure fucking malice, there was no dispute about that. As the bug was getting pulled towards Rhass, she moved her massive tail once again, rolling the same way as before to lay on her back- That towering God using a local hill as a back support, those eyes focused on her prey. She brought Pheromosa to press up against one of those pitch-black cocks, and SLAMMED her against one, right on the underside to press against that fat cumvein- Dragging her up until she was sitting ontop of that pitch-black tip. Her end was near~

Ultra Bug Slut
That groan made the entire air shake, Pheromosa facing the midst of It, the pure amount of magma cum seeping, her eyes looming down at the Immensely thick cum oozing like tar to disintegrate the ground, her face showed true fear, Rhass able to feel that beating presence of her fear along that beating heart coming up through her throat. The Ultra Beast unable to even say anything, her own will being shattered simply as the ground below her would, and once Rhass tightened her grip around her feeble throat, the vine begun to shake the bug, being shaken like keys through the air and being drug around It without mercy, making those giant sized tits jiggle, shake, and wobble within that tight suit of hers, the tightness of It didn't help either! The malice from Rhass was brutal, making a lingering trail of her thick virile cum on her way to the hill, leaving the grass a black mess like magma coming from a volcano. Pheromosa stared down to the beast, shifting her tail to get on her back upon resting on the hill- Suddenly being dragged through towards the serperior's black cocks that oozed and throbbed from that cum-vein, Pheromosa observing that throbbing along being dragged up that pitch black godly dick, her nostrils filled with the extreme potency of her musk and black smog surrounding those huge towers of dicks, being placed atop that giant dick now, Pheromosa having a look of regret on her face, those eyes shrunken, making her eyes shake and twitch upon seeing her doom approaching.

Hayleigh Rhass
let her body passively, and utterly fucking rape anything it could get its presence into. That thick smog, completely fucking destroying Pheromosa's lungs. It was like she'd smoked a pack a minute for the past ten years, fuck- At this point it'd be like she NEEDED that musk to survive, and if she breathed in a normal amount of oxygen she'd find herself going through hypoxia- Even though Hypoxia might not be an apt name for the effects she'd sustain. That musk even wormed it's way into her blood- Making her completely dependent on Rhass' being for eternity. Rhass made sure she'd do anything to get another taste of this hulking, black god. That vine around her neck tightening a bit further, nearly cracking the exoskeleton of that bug- Of course, Rhass wasn't done with this slut- Far from it, she wouldn't throw away her prize so easily. She moved that vine expertly- Letting it go underneath her suit, right between those tits were just enough of that suit was left intact, the thick bulge of that vine more than visible. Between the tits, down the stomach between the legs to rub up against that sopping cunt, between the ass cheeks and back up again. With a single flex of that vine, Rhass expertly SHREDDED That suit- And what was left? It was too good to be true, a little bikini bottom made out of the remains, the tear so clean it looked more like a cut- Rhass was just that fucking good, that knowledgeable when it came to the materials that were used within that suit. The same was said for her top to. Even though the suit had been torn away to give Rhass access to those fat tits- The material seems to have just... Moved- Simple as that, like it had been reconstructed on the molecular level, squeezing onto those tits- Spades right over those nipples where a normal triangle bikini would sit. "You look MUCH better like this, rapesleeve. Don't you agree?" She let her grip up just a bit, retracting that vine sloooowly back to it's original position of being around her neck.

Ultra Bug Slut
Pheromosa unable to contain herself amongst taking In that putrid smog Into her lungs, being forced to sit on the tip of that bitch destroying dick, the more she tried to Inhale, the more she was forced to take It all Into her body due to how much she tried to hold In not trying to absorb all of that smog and musk like a vacuum. Her eyes practically watering like she had a very bad cold, the water going down her eyes to fall onto that thick black vine, hearing the pleads of Pheromosa, being too hoarse to hear. Eventually the vine found It's way through her suit, slithering It's way upwards, then down between her giant tits and across her now-wet cunt, making the bug tense up along that vine before It suddenly protuded, making a loud RIP sound as her suit would be molded Into that of a bikini, a spaded leaf going across her nipples and similar blue bottoms around her lower half with a spade on the back pulling out that semi-bubbly rear end of hers. The vine found Itself back around her neck, leaving her body restricted again by that black vine, her panting got much heavier too, her body taking In all of that heavy musk, odor, then smog. The best she would be finally able to get out, as that vine slowly went around her neck, nice and slowly... "Y-Yes... I look SOOO much better In this, I think you should put me In a bikini all the time...~!" She was able to say, that corruption finally taking over her body~

Hayleigh Rhass
"You know, your species looks so... Natural with this absurd display of submission. Like a latent genetic marker within your genome has been activated, all it took was an unstoppable BLACK GOD to completely fucking stain your porcelain skin. Maybe I'll enslave your entire species proper, like I did with the Gardewhores, hm?" She tilted her head slightly, "And I'm glad you like your bikini, retard. You look much better in it, and you will NEVER be allowed out of it unless I say so. If I do~? You're joining that milk of yours in my gut. You'll be my own little cow, begging to be milked as your tits just swell larger and larger," She used that vine to pull her newly formed bikini-bottom to the side, pressing that one cocktip against her sopping cunt. Another vine extended from Rhass' back, this one moving to wrap around the middle of Rhass' cocks, right where they were the thickest- bInding them together as the tips mashed against eachother, all pressing up against Pheromosa's cunt. It was a fucking absurd sight, this utterly tiny little bug surrounded by these black behemoths. It'd be a miracle of Rhass if she survived.

Ultra Bug Slut
"Yes GOD, I'll only wish to be put Into bikinis by you, owned by your mark, begging to milked, make my tits HUGE to milk them~!" The bug pleaded, the vine grasping around her neck as the bug admitted defeat but not by her own regards, by getting that THICK steamy MUSK and Smog forced down Into her lungs like a fucking smoker addict. Pheromosa felt entirely relied on for Rhass, wishing her to command, milk, and control her... even not even caring If the giant BLACK GOD enslaved her pitiful species like how she did Pheromosa. By the time she was done with her words, her bikini slid and pulled to the side, her wet cunt pressing onto the top of that rape rod, her mind only filled with Rhass... The vine came across her body towards those four smoggy and musty black dicks, coiling them together like a bundle as she'd press them against the Pheromosa's dripping cunt below.~

Hayleigh Rhass
pushed her tail upwards, stretching her cunt absurdly, all four cocks fighting for entrance into that gushing cunt, just for each of them to spread those lips to absolute fucking biblical levels, the yellow bug-cunt having to take ALL of those cocks. Just a fucking tiny fraction of the head of those cocks got into her snatch before they completely busted open her cervix, those cocks LURCHING forward a few more inches to SLAM into her wombwalls, wearing it like a fucking condom over 1% of that cockmeat, even less including the girth. She gave a primal, guttural roar as she felt that fleshlight stretch over her cocks- Before that choking vine split off two more- Grabbing onto those legs, "Let's see how durable you are with one HP remaining, hm?" She growled sadistically, exposing her massive fangs with a smirk. She YANKED her down on those cocks, her white, pristine gut turning black as her body was stretched so far you could see the black cocks through her stomach walls. It was OBSCENE.

Ultra Bug Slut
Her body held onto those dicks, shortly after, Rhass pushed her tail up, making those 4-tied tips force open her cunt, making the bug moan loudly, her eyes rolling back with shock and forcing her mouth open, slowly sliding down onto those four tips spreading her Immenely, the godly dicks pushing every so slowly In, the poor Pheromosa being slid down a mere 1%, though her cunt already taking the tips were only the start. The cock-shocked bug felt her legs grabbed and spread out... Right then she went down HARD on those giant black dicks, making her stomach bulge upward and out, her stomach projecting black stretching the Insides of her cunt and stomach. Pheromosa's legs spread to T being held down, her eyes twitching, aching for those giant cocks to DESTROY her Insides along with those pussy lips of hers. Her stomach showed off the four black dicks pulling and outright showing their size compared to how small Pheromosa were compared to them, the bug seemingly full of pleasure, and shock. Even from Rhass YANKING her down, she hit those fat fucking nuts, causing a loud THWAP once being forced down~

Hayleigh Rhass
pulled Pheromosa's legs back, locking them behind her head, ankle over ankle as she forced her body to contort into a full-nelson, those vines serving the role as hands where Rhass locked them. She didn't care though, she had an infinite amount of vines, infinitely more dexterous than what nature could provide it's toys. That main vine around her neck split off a smaller vine, a bulbous head already oozing precum, the occasional chunk spilling out of the head, and it QUICKLY pounced onto Pheromosa's face, slamming into her mouth, forcing her jaw to open wide to take in that bulbous head, already pumping her stomach with that chunky mud- Her cocks echoing that as they dumped absurd amounts of sperm into her. Pheromosa looked like a proper fucking skank. Jaw forced open, legs in a V, gut stretched to oblivion~ There was already a faded spade SEARING itself into existence over Pheromosa's womb.

Ultra Bug Slut
From being forced to take her four cocks at once, the vines splitting her legs went off to just pull them upward, hitting and forcing her ankles to a V, those giant fuckrods starting to fuck her slowly, until that point, her mouth hung open with the supreme pleasure and sheer girth she felt from those massive rods. Out of nowhere she had her mouth pushed Into, forced and having jaw widen to a O shape, the bulbous head showing a wide-mouth 90 degrees In front of her from the bug, her throat forced wide to begin swallowing that chunky tar-like cum In her stomach which begun to start Inflating those already large bust and ass, each time the vine pumped Into her, keeping that mouth open with no signs of closing, that thickened sludge Increasing the assets of Pheromosa's body, even the sounds of her gulping down Rhass's godly sperm whilst continuously moving up and down along those cocks by those merciless vines. Having her jaw nice and wide like a proper dumb bimbo-tard along those god fuckers she'd be forced to take In her holes, destroying her with the shade Implanting Itself above her cunt~

Hayleigh Rhass
merely laid herself back on the hill she found herself on, giving a soft huff as she closed her eyes. All this was beyond natural for Rhass, the DrainStud just completely fucking ruining any chance that Pheromosa had left of her living a SOMEWHAT normal life. With that vine in her mouth, fattening up her already whorish proportions even further? Yeah, she was going to be a proper, WHITE twerktard for her new and ONLY stud. Rhass used her like a fucking jerksleeve- That vine pulling her up by her neck, choking her near to passing out. She only relieved the pressure when she made her way up those murder-poles, and SLAMMED her back down by her legs, shattering her brain into fucking lust-drunk fragments. "By my divinity, you're such a fucking WHORE for BLACK GODCOCKS, aren't you? Fffuck- To think the last sluts only got two." She said with a VERY real sadism in her voice.

Ultra Bug Slut
The dumb bug kept being pulled up along those giant 4 throbbing dicks, each time they'd push Inward and outward from the sheer length as well as size of her BLACK GODCOCKS. Pheromosa being made Into a dumb WHITE retarded bimbo for her GOD and STUD, worshipping those fat cocks, and being bloated by that vine pulling her mouth outward, continuously filling her up, Increasing her size to a entire football field, her body jiggling from the corruption that filled her stomach constantly. Those RAPEROD MURDERDICKS stretched her out, the vines working her body properly for Rhass, her stomach bloated of the CHUNKY TAR stuffed within her followed by those BLACK DICKS pushing outward to cause her stomach to Inflate that dumb WHITE RETARD who kept getting more and more addicted to her new GOD STUD, giving a seemingly nod to her response to loving her BLACK MURDER-RODS~

Hayleigh Rhass
"God I fucking love you white retards, bouncing away like the proper blacked sluts you are. You know black dick is superior, why the fuck wouldn't you? Better of all, you know that BLACK SERPERIOR dick is the best. Isn't that right? You're just a snow-bug rapetard~" She snickered evilly, opening those crimson eyes again. Her immense nuts swung back and forth, up and down as they bounced against her massive tail, SLAMMING into Pheromosa's pristine, white stomach. She leaned forward slightly, slamming her back against the hill again, completely fucking leveling a nearby town from the shockwaves of her divinity. She bucked her hips again, bruising Pheromosa's stomach black, the same going for her jaw as the internal bleeding was just too much. "Ohohohoh- I'm getting close, I can feel the damn about to bust. Ready, Snowbug~?"

Ultra Bug Slut
She kept bouncing on those fucking black dicks, becoming fucking addicted to black cocks, at this point she'd properly worship her fucking cocks with that new giant ass that kept clapping up and down on the god-studs black rods. The dumb snow-bug nodded with her head, her eyes rolled back hearing those giant ass cheeks and bust clap together along with the bikini top doing It's best to hold In her massive chest, jiggling In front of Rhass to show that black cocks were better. The loud sounds of pain and clapping from Pheromosa's giant ass and balls echoed loudly, more-so when she'd slam back down onto the hill, same with her giant nuts moving along with the movements! The only reply the dumb white retarded snow-bug could give was a simple nod, unable to speak with that fat fucking bulb stretching her jaw out~

Hayleigh Rhass
was pretty much forcing her to twerk with how fast she was bouncing up and down that bundle of cocks, stretching her to infinity and utterly and completely ruining her sanity. The only thing left on her mind would be Rhass and her ridiculously fucking fat cocks. Rhass gave a loud growl, those fat BLACK nuts of hers giving a ridiculously fucking harsh clench, the floodgates were let loose. It was like the fucking HOOVER DAM has burst open- The amount of cum held within those balls not even FATHOMABLE by mortal, or so called 'immortal' beings. It was like a gutpunch times a thousand, straight into Pheromosa's womb. Her old life was officially over. Now? She was a white twerk-pig for Rhass. And Rhass knew this cow-titted bug wouldn't have it any other way.

Ultra Bug Slut
The more Pheromosa clapped the Immensely sized twerk bait, her mind would only focus on what was fucking the black cock addicted slut. Those massive godly cocks forcing their way In and out of her ruined cunt, the vine shifting her up and down to where the bug's ass kept hitting the gurgling black nuts of Rhass, Pheromosa's lungs and mind filled with nothing but wishing to worship that fucking god-stud, those dicks making her go crazy for It, the bug's cow-tits slapping and hitting each other went along with the other sounds of Rhass claiming that dumb white retard! With the bouncing getting louder and louder, Pheromosa felt those cocks beginning to throb and rumble, the fucking cumveins aching Inside of her, until long she felt those gushing cocks starting to release that massive barrage of thick chunky god-sperm, making Pheromosa's stomach Inflate by an unholy amount, her eyes twitching, her mouth screaming loudly onto that vine In her mouth. All her stomach did was taking In all of that cum Inside of her pussy, the size stretching her out and the only thing able to be seen were those four black rape-rods pushing Into her stomach to show nothing but black, the bug's stomach being bloated by the second, the dumb white retarded bug becoming addicted to Rhass and black cocks!~

Hayleigh Rhass
felt, and HEARD her cock audibly chug out that ridiculously fucking thick cum- Those cocks exploding every seconds with a sudden blast of chunk-riddled cum, nuclear bombs of cum detonating within within Pheromosa's womb, each egg within her womb. That cum was being forced into her fallopian tubes, bulging them to obscene levels as her ovaries were brutally fucking raped, pounded into utter submission- Fucking beaten RAW with large sperm just fucking PLUNGING into those ovum, massive spear-shaped heads completely obliterating any resistance, EVERY single egg within her womb being impregnated. She'd be having an absolutely fucking massive amount of Pheromosas. The population of her species was about to EXPLODE with hyper-fertile females. Rhass' Orgasm lasted for a few minutes straight- Those nuts far from empty, but the poor bug was about to fucking explode, and Rhass didn't want to kill her prize. She gave one final SLAM into Pheromosa, those fat black nuts of hers slamming into that burnt-in spade, before Rhass yanked her off by her neck, and tossed her haphazardly to the side, watching the obscene combination of ass, tits, and a fat bloated gut sloshing and jiggling like mad. "Not bad. You just earned your species a permanent genetic enslavement. You're just the first of many, twerktard."

Ultra Bug Slut
Her stomach kept ended up getting bigger and bigger, aggression being pressed down onto those four fat dicks, the thick cum Impregnating her holes and outright demolished from Rhass's giant raperods! Pheromosa's eggs filled up constantly without even letting up once, the bloated front of her becoming filled to the brim to obtain that tar-chunky sperm Inside of her without able to stop It, ending up with her fate as a dumb breeder for numerous Pheromosa's to bare for Rhass to claim, even those giant tits, ass and stomach of hers jiggling and slapping along those four bound-cocks pumping Into her, beat ABSOLUTELY by the much more powerful oversized beast claiming the white bug. Once lifted up, Pheromosa left a dumb braindead mess being tossed to the side like a piece of garbage, laying on her side twitching and that hole gaping wide, stained with the size of those massive oversized god-cocks. The bug laid there twitching, the stomach of hers fully bloated along with erupting giant FAT udders and a giant jiggling back end, unfortunately though, the bikini spaded bitch still wore her new attire with pride, panting without a word, also her jaw being definitely dislocated, needing to heal... Being dominated by her new GOD-STUD of a pokemon. Many months passed, for how fertile that thick cum was from Rhass, the white bug already produced about 50 of those Pheromosa's around that same area, unable to stop the hyper fertility, each and every one about to be as thick, fertile and ruined by Rhass If she'd ever come back. Despite being an Ultra Beast, Pheromosa had a smile on her face to be carrying that spade across her womb, being Immensely knocked up from that black-cocked Serperior. Even then her giant tits kept producing milk, leaking an absurd and unordinary amount of It, plenty for the new Pheromosa's she'd be forced to bring into the world just to get fucking ruined by Rhass. Whenever she'd try to walk, her body clapped, wobbling with every step she took bearing those massive assets.