Furry Futa Submits to Girl on Stream

Synopsis: An furry futa lets a girl dominate her on a darkweb streaming site for her fans
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 28008
Word Count: 4954
Views: 1194
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Ruby Doulton
smoochies mommy <3

Inora The Catgirl
returns a nice deep kiss, "Hi hiiiiiiiiiii! How's it been, My Pedo~?"

Ruby Doulton
blushes and almost cums on the spot "Hmm Ive been better but goodness, eharing that makes me feel so much better"

Inora The Catgirl
giggles, giving you a big hug, "Hehehe~ Don't get tooo excited! If you're gonna cum it should be inside me!"

Ruby Doulton
giggles and nods, cuddling tightly "Sorry mommy its just calling me a pedo and calling me YOURS really got me going, Mommy always knows what to say to me"

Inora The Catgirl
snickers at someone so much taller than me calling me 'Mommy'... I shiver when I rub against your bulge, "Well~ I guess I can't complain too much then... I do know what you love!"

Ruby Doulton
smiles and feels that lovely, little body grind into her making her tail wag some as she blushes "hmm and what I love most is mommy"

Inora The Catgirl
squeezes a little tighter when I notice your tail wagging, "Mmmhmmm~ I know you do! Wanna head to the bed~? I set up some cameras~"

Ruby Doulton
blushes as she heard the camera like which reminded her about what the pair talked about last time, she bites her lip and nods shyly.

Inora The Catgirl
grins, dragging you along by the hand to the bed, pointing out the different cameras, especially the ones on the headboard and footboard, giving really close looks at the good parts

Ruby Doulton
blushes softly, as she is pulled along, so easily, by such a small little girl, showing just how much a pedo she was... she then bit her lip looking around as she took notice of all the cameras, biting her lip so much

Inora The Catgirl
clicks a remote, and all the cameras whir to life, and I look at the main camera in the top of the headboard, "Hi hiiiiiiiiii! Today I'm gonna be having lots of fun with my pedo lover Ruby! Enjoy~" I nudge you onto the bed onto your back, and help you adjust before climbing over you

Ruby Doulton
blushes to the introduction again she LOVED being called a pedo and lvoed even more being called YOURS.... Thats what made her most happy, blushing some more, she smiles and climbs onto the bed as she was ordered too

Inora The Catgirl
pulls off my panties, and helps strip you of every last scrap of your clothing as well, before standing up to the camera and lifting my dress a little, giving it (and you) a very nice and close look at my shiny cunny, just a puffy line with a sheen of wetness between my legs

Ruby Doulton
blushes softly, as she watches you pull down those lovely, panties, before moving those delicate little fingers, and moving them to strip her in kind too, showing off, her large fat breasts first, and then removing her pants, to show off her thick sheath balls, and the sweet smell of her crotch... She then pants softly, adoring the really close look of that shiny pussy, and loving the smell it gives off.

Inora The Catgirl
dips a little lower, right in front of your mouth, just a little out of reach, "Soooo friends, wanna see my pedo friend lick me? Or breed me~?" I giggle, looking at the comments rolling in on my phone, "No, not taking my dress off yet! That's the only peek you get for now!" After a few moments though, I press my damp slit right against your lips

Ruby Doulton
shivers, as that wonderful pussy comes in close, indeed it was just out of her reach but she could easily, smell it, and it distracted her from what her beloved mother was talking about, wondering what "Chat" would ask for more... but then she lost her drain of thought from that pussy pressing into her mouth which she began to lap slowly.

Inora The Catgirl
grinds against your mouth as you lick and lap at my smooth elementary-schooler cunny, whimpering softly... "Hnnn.... Of course you guys wanna see both, I should've expected that.... You'll get it, don't worry~! You're all so desperate to see a 10-year-old get bred again after I shared those pics of my tummy last time... You're all so naughty~ Especially my lusty pedo licking - Mmmff~ so hard at my young little pussy right now!"

Ruby Doulton
moans out as she keeps on slurping that pussy loving the feeling of it grinding into her as she blushed, she too was eager to breed mommy seeing a 10 year old with a nice round belly was always so sexy to her... she again moaned, loving being called her mommies pedo, as she slurps and slurps, even pushing her tongue inside of that cunt worshipping it like a "Good little girl" she was for mommy

Inora The Catgirl
shakes a little as you dig your tongue inside of me, putting a little more weight as I lean forward and sit on your face, my clit rubbing against your nose... "Ooooohh~ you guys... She's really good at this, such a good little slutty pedo just for me... Hmmm~ Nnn? What's that Chat? Oooh, you're right, I might as well do that too when I ride her..."

Ruby Doulton
groans out loudly, as her mother soon sits on her face, using her face, like a make shift, dildo, even rubbing that tiny slit on her nose, she shivers, and keeps slurping pushing ehr tongue deeper and deeper into the pussy as she adored, the praise she was getting, wondering what mommy was planning for her <3

Inora The Catgirl
shivers a little, my juices dripping down your face, I gasp for a moment, shakily lifting myself up, and scooching back on your belly, your cock stiff against my back. Catching my breath, I reach into my bag, pulling something out and putting it between your legs... "Aaaaahnn~... And... here, ah, comes the main event, everyone... She's gonna stick... No, that's not right, I'm gonna stick her immense 14-inch cock inside me... But just before we get to that..." I stick a 9-inch dildo inside your sodden pussy, flip a switch, and it starts vibrating... low, at first.

Ruby Doulton
moans out, and feels sad at first, as she felt, that pussy leave her mouth the sweet taste of her beloved mothers cream still on her lips, as she watches eagerly, what mommy planned, sititng in her lap as her fat 14 inch cock acts as a back rest... and then she felt, it that sudden dildo pushed into her making her toes curl and her moan out her mothers name, specially, as it starts to hump in her making her spray some precum onto her beloved back

Inora The Catgirl
smiles at your enthusiasm, "Mmmm, seems like she likes it! You guys are so good to me, thanks for the suggestion~! Now, it's time to reward your loyalty~<3" I make a little heart symbol with my hands, winking at the camera, as I stand up on the bed, having realized from times past that just kneeling doesn't give me the room to slip your huge dick in me... I line it up with my drenched cunny, and sink upon it, taking inch, after inch, until I'm nearly halfway down...

Ruby Doulton
blushed softly, to that cute little heart shape, she smiles softly, and blows a kiss, through the little symbol, before she watches you, pretty much stand over her cock, witha leg on either side of her... she blushes softly, and almost right away holes out her mothers name once more, as she feels, that pusys slowly, begin to devour, her cock, watching that stomach slowly bulge out the more her mother takes

Inora The Catgirl
groans as my tummy stretches, taking your shaft deep inside of me, your tip reaching my womb just as your knot reaches my entrance, "Ggghhhhnnnn... This is what you're here for, I know it~ Remember to subscribe and donate if you wanna see more streams like this on Inora's Lewd Adventures Channel~" I pull up just a little, leaning up to give you a sloppy kiss, your saliva mixed with my love juices... and I reach back and set your vibrator to max.

Ruby Doulton
kisses her beloved nice and hard and deep, the kiss was very sloppy, as drool would flow down all over the both of them as the kiss was so wet, she then moaned into those wonderful lips as she felt, the toy, suddenly, turn up inside of ehr, which made her entire body jump, which made ehr suddenly, thrust into her beloved pussy even harder!

Inora The Catgirl
whines loudly, bouncing on your cock as you thrust harder and faster, my eyes starting to unfocus as I ride you, feeling you throb deep inside of me... "Aaaaaahhhh~ This-this is the real thing guys! So big, so energetic... If you haven't fucked like this or been fucked like this... You're missing out! Maybe come find me if you can come close to my favorite pedo here~"

Ruby Doulton
blushed as she adored, being called mommies fave slowly, she would wrap her hands around those tiny hips, and begin to thrust into her beloved tiny little pussy hitting the back of that womb, each time she went, that toy, in her making her shiver more, making ehr say mommies name over and over again

Inora The Catgirl
rocks my hips as you pull me deeper and deeper onto your cock, feeling your tip dig into my womb, and your knot stretch out the entrance of my cunny, "Nnnnff, gaaaawwwddd fuck! Fuck me harder Ruby, my lovely pedo! Stuff that whole gigantic cock inside me again! Breed me! Make me a mommy again in front of all my viewers! Bloat my tummy!!!"

Ruby Doulton
moans out to her beloved mothers sweet words, they was turning her on so much and making her toes curl, she nodded softly, still holding onto those hhips, she began to slam fuck that pussy bouncing her beloved more on her cock, as she watched that belly bulge, slide up and down along with her deep thrusts

Inora The Catgirl
shudders as you pound me, my tummy stretching with each deep thrust, I reach up to steady myself on your tits, groping them as you eagerly fuck me, the shocks sending reverberations through your boobs making them shake. My face is flushed entirely red at this point, and I barely get the opportunity to push back with how rough your fucking me but my moans make it obvious I'm loving every second

Ruby Doulton
lvoed feeling those tiny, hands gripping her massive mounds, the feeling making her entire body shake, with despite, specially, with the feel of that toy, humming away in her, she couldnt really, hold back her own moans as she sped up faster... and faster...

Inora The Catgirl
leans forward more, stuffing my head between your huge cushions, letting you thrust deeper and faster into my tiny, soaking cunny, I groan against your chest as I feel you build up, throbbing and going so fast... "Haaa.... Haaaa... So how is it... friends? Love watching my pedo lover pound... me so recklessly...? I know I do..."

Ruby Doulton
gasps, feeling you motorboat, her huge breasts, as she would keep on thrusting more and more, panting softly, as she heard her beloved words, her hands moving to grab that little loli ass a sshe whispers "Mommy im close"

Inora The Catgirl
pushes back against you as I hear you whisper, biting my lip as I urge you onward, sucking your nipple for a few seconds before leaning back up, "Mmmm~ I dunno if you heard that Chat... But she's close... So watch closely... This is the best part by far...." I shiver in anticipation, bouncing on your cock just as hard and fast as you are...

Ruby Doulton
blushes as she gets a very naughty idea, using her magic, she made another camera, appear, this one was aimed between her legs, allowing chat and her mommy, to see her cock, slamming deep into her pussy... But that wasnt all.... She made another camera, appear one that only mommy could see, it was all for ehr a special "Thank you" it showed the internal view of what was happen as with a few more thrusts she pulled her beloved close "MOMMY IM CUMMING!" she screams, for her beloved and for chat, as her mother saw that Fat knot [rule34.xxx] Lock into them before moments later suddenly, erupting right into that womb

Inora The Catgirl
's eyes widen as I see two more camera streams pop up, watching closely as I've got such a close look at what's going on behind and inside me.... I strip my dress, nearly forgetting to reward my viewers with my flat underage chest, yowling as I feel you pull so deep inside me, that thick knot stretching my entrance just as your tip pierces my womb and floods my tummy, it swelling wide and quickly, instantly making me squirt in climax over your belly

Ruby Doulton
loved feeling you squirt all over her cock, a sshe flooded you to the brim with her thick load, and with that special camera, you could see it all happening, seeing your womb, flood with all her thick pedo seed, and that belly swell outwards, she moans out and squeezes you, flooding you to the brim with her seed making it certain she knocked you up

Inora The Catgirl
lets out a soft moan as I slowly come down from orgasm, my large belly quickly making me look pregnant again... "Nnnnyaaaaa~ Aaand... That's all... the action for now... If you subscribe and donate... You can watch me cuddle with my pedo here, the rest of you... Laaaater~" I hit a button on the remote, the camera lights change, and I set your vibrator to minimum before collapsing over you, turning my belly to the side as I rest my head on one of your soft melons, "Haaaaaaaahhhnn~ So you enjoy that Ruby? I sure did..."

Ruby Doulton
smiles and nods, as she wraps her arms and even wings, around her beloved mommy, nodding shyly "I loved it mommy, and im glad you did too, I look forward to doing this more, and im glad you liked my surprise..."

Inora The Catgirl
giggles, "Hehe, yeah, that was really neat! I didn't know you could that! I record everything that shows up, so I'm really looking forward to watching that lots more... Normally you only get a view like that in hentai... I'm gonna enjoy that a bunch!"