XJ-9 gets Defragged
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 15131
Word Count: 2694
Views: 1070
Bookmarks: 0
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 15131
Word Count: 2694
Views: 1070
Bookmarks: 0
God Queen XJ9
XJ9 was on her throne relaxing with a her foot propped on one of her assimilated slaves. the touch alone causing her to cum which got a small snicker out of the woman as she browses her phone and social media. Gosh this planet got so boring since they started killing each other off trying to claim they were the biggest simp. While the explosions and war was fun at first it lost its fun after the millionth time. So with a groan she lets her hand fall to the side. a look at a side boob causes some guards to come as she responds "Gosh I wish something interesting would happen. I thought simping this planet would be fun but turns out I was wrong"
Hayleigh Rhass
almost seemingly on cue seemed to appear before this android, crushing a guard underneath her massive foot as she looked around, taking in her surroundings for a brief moment as she then looked down to the small woman, "Oh! So you're the one who thought she could hold a candle to me?" She raised her eyebrow, looking down at this mechanical being, "I'll make that brain of yours bluescreen."
God Queen XJ9
she raises her eyebrow unimpressed as she looks over the figure propping up just enough to lean on her as she snickers "And who the hell are you supposed to be. You look like a pokemon and a edgy porno mixed and had 3 bastard children" she snickers "Ohhh are you that one with the size kaiju schdict that thinks you need to be taller then the person to actually overpower them...how...to use some old school language..quaint" she grins widly
Hayleigh Rhass
"Oh? Then why don't you get the fuck over here and show me you're made of sterner stuff, hm?" She laughed softly, that massive, pitch-black cock giving an immense throb, the women in the room cumming harder than they ever had before- "Well~ I think they like more than you~ I'm just wondering if I should churn you, or spade you~"
God Queen XJ9
rolls her eyes as if she was just asked to take out the trash as she just points a finger gun as a giant cyan energy beam quickly forms. with a yawn she responds "Or I could blow off your top half and use your dick as a dildo. Maybe then your inferior flesh will actually be useful...it was a nice like...what 30 seconds getting to know you" she says as the blast fires off, encasing a good portion of the room and obliterating many of her own slaves but they were worthless and she had millions more so who gave a fuck...
Hayleigh Rhass
watched as that energy beam formed, and shot right towards her without a blink inbetween. That energy blast slammed into her scales, the white belly scales absorbing them without anything left but a sizzle of energy dissipating across her body without anything else~ "Oooh~? You're gonna use me like a dildo, hm?" She took a step forward, her multi-ton weight shaking the entire continent, "Or am I going to use you like a nuts-and-bolts fleshlight~? I'm gonna gunk your gears with cum, fuckbot."
God Queen XJ9
she raises her eyebrow as it does nothing and there is the slightest twitch. Smallest chink in the armor that immediately disappears as she swings her feet and standing up. Brushing off some dust as she looks up to the figure. She dealt with kaijus and such when she was still doing the hero gig so how much different is this walking porn comic. she grins at that actually pondering it looking around "well as much as I want to go full power on you I rather not destroy my tower in the process. So...whomever the fuck you are you caught my attention...If you think a big dick means you can break me" she spreads her legs showing the perfectly crafted pussy in all its beauty "come on lets see how long until you are begging for more"
Hayleigh Rhass
"Oh~? Already submitting?" She stomped over to XJ9, the ground shaking under her immense weight as she left dents in the floor from where her soles impacted the ground. She looked down at her as she moved onto her knees, and then leaned forward to absolutely eclipse her with her immense shadow, "I encourage your full power. You'll need it," She said as she let that fat, 8' long shaft SLAM onto her stomach, sending all sorts of pressure and crushing warnings throughout XJ's systems. "I'm going to enjoy raping you."
God Queen XJ9
her nose takes in a bit of a scent which makes her grimace lightly. What the hell is with flesh folk and waving their uncleanliness like its a fucking badge of honor. Nevertheless will just make her all the more fun to breaking her...she had to admit this creature was kinda cute...maybe could make a good fucktoy bodygaurd after this...ohhh she likes that idea. Her legs spread even wider as her grin grows "Give it your best shot you overgrown furry's wet dream. I am going to enjoy when you realize how in over your head you are"
Hayleigh Rhass
"Furry~? I'm a scalie I'll have you know~" She growled softly as she slammed into her cunt without remorse, defiling that synthetic slit and SLAMMING through that cervix. The thing that no mortal had done before, no "Divinity" had done before, and she was defiled in an instant. But she wouldn't break that fast, would she~?
God Queen XJ9
The size itself was not an issue, at least so far, she had conquered giant kaiju's and put them under her command with her folds alone...but something new was going in through her sensors...was that...pleasure? Well a new kind of pleasure....nevertheless her body spreads with ease around the cock as she grunts out. the grin flickering a tiny bit but still staying "Well..you aren't half bad..certainly the best fleshy I had"
Hayleigh Rhass
"Shut the fuck up, cunt," Rhass treated her like a piece of meat- err, a piece of metal. She moved that massive hand to bring it's firm grasp around her head, SLAMMING it down into the ground to dent the ground behind XJ's head, "Oooh~ I can hear a change in your tone, can't I~?" She hissed deeply, looking over her thick as fuck body, "I wonder what the capacity on that womb is, hm?"
God Queen XJ9
Rhass would notice that her pride did have some standing as her folds her amazing in their own right. Even at Rhass's side it still hugged envery bulge and piece of flesh perfectly. As she is slammed down though Rhass would notice that alone wouldn't break such a being like her..though it does cause her to...is that blush as she speaks out a bit muffled due to her current position "Don't get cocky dick for brains I am just getting started" she knew how to make this wannabe break. ANd that was riding this dick so hard the bitch cracked. using her thrusters she attempts to slam herself up and down the rod. Or at the very least attempt to
Hayleigh Rhass
watched as that shear girth actually seemed to give her some problems, watching as the vines bulged out her womb alongside of that cock, using her hand to slam her back and forth on it relentlessly, watching those thick curves of this fuckbot jiggle relentlessly, "Oooh~ I wonder if I could just slice into your code, increase some bytes here, remove some there~ I've never been a techie, so I might leave you missing a few bits of RAM~" She laughed at her own jokes, already leaking her pre-sludge.
God Queen XJ9
as she rides the pleasure seems to well up more and more. Her front was falling and she starts to whimper lightly...This wasn't like her...why was she acting so strange...Why wasn't she breaking yet? No individual she has ever encountered before had been able to handle her pussy this long...the belly bulging some as she responds back "YOur...stupid...mind couldn't hope to dissemble...this...even if you tried" she said between slams. Each one getting harder than the last. Even her insults were getting worse
Hayleigh Rhass
"Shut the fuck up. I'm going for that mouth next. What alloy are you made out of, hm?" She tapped the back of her claw against XJ's bulging stomach, watching as that bulge was expanding and shrinking absurdly fast with how brutally she was slamming in and out of her, hearing the harsh sound of her balls slamming onto metal, denting her thighs and ass slightly. "I'm gonna snap that jaw off." She smirked as her code-rewriting pre was seeping into that synthetic womb.
God Queen XJ9
her body was being dented..her beautiful perfect body was being broken and...why did she not care...stuff started to matter less and she was unsure why. She started to push back less and less as she let Rhass take the lead..yeah it was just her taking the lead as she decided to shut up like she was asked...wasn't worth spending wasted air anyways...the body of hers...for the first time in forever...groaning slightly as a whimpering moan escapes
Hayleigh Rhass
was feeling her will cave more and more, that cum seeking into every facet of her existence. It was helpless to stop her divinity, she could not be stopped- SHE WILL NOT be stopped. She was the absolute fucking Apex of corruption and divinity. "You're thick as fuck~ I was debating on letting you live- But now? Fuck no. You don't get that pleasure, robocunt. I enjoy watching you sluts break, putting your asses in their place. But there's so much here for me to devour. So much for me to add to my own divinity. I will destroy your kingdom bit by bit, dissect it further and further with each 'minor' throb of this reality-raping god-killer." She was timing her words with each slam, them beginning to grow more and more savage as she cared less for the survival of this being, "Your riches will be mine, your worshippers nothing more than fodder for me to annihilate, to grow one step closer towards Eternamax. I know it exists, and I'll find it. Not like I expect some 8-bit system like you to understand what the fuck any of that means," Her pre-sludge was building in that womb, pouring into her in thick chunks that seared her womb without remorse.
God Queen XJ9
she could feel her body breaking, her mind going from Exabytes in ssize to pentabytes to tera down down down until it would eventually be no smarter than a toy you would get at a fast food joint. She should be terrified, she should be upset, she should be angry, but instead as her womb grew bigger and bigger and the creaking grew louder and louder all she did instead was cry out in absolute pleasure. Her body actually malfunctioning and the voice box itself jumping at various points as she squeals out in complete and total whoric blisss. her voice becoming more and more distorted as her mind and body was fried until it sounded like a chiptune. The final words she got out before drifting into unintelligable nonsense is "yo..You biiitE E e FILL ME AND BREAK ME. I AM NOTHING BUT TO BE USED AS YOUR FURTHER DIV-POWERFUL TOY THING...DO IT DO IT DO EEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Hayleigh Rhass
felt that smug smirk grow to shit-eating proportions as she heard the heavenly sound of that voice breaking, sounding more like a Daft Punk album than a highly esteemed Robotic-God. She took this time to increase the pressure on that head, feeling it crunch further and further. She was watching that stomach be pushed further and further into it's bloating eternity, "Ohhh you like that~ Don't you, robocunt? No more bits and bytes running through that head." She grabbed onto that head tighter, ripping it off from the neck. She knew she wouldn't deactivate from this- Her body was much more sophisticated than to fall to such mortal vices. "FUCKING NOTHING," she roared, shattering the optic lenses that covered XJ's eyes, leaving her vision a blurry mess. She couldn't make out the background, but she could make out God just fine. She pulled her cock back ,letting the disgusting sound of creaking metal and churning nuts combine in the air to overload her audio receptors next, as she lined up that cock horizontal with her body. With a sudden sLAM, she defiled that womb, tearing the metal apart, the cock so hard it was beginning to melt it as it SLAMMED out of that neck, the tip throbbing in free air as she stood back up, holding the head in her hand by her metal ears, letting the oil from her being drip down onto the ground, and coat her cock an oily black, "Still alive~?"
God Queen XJ9
the metal creaks and gloops as it all is torn aside. All that anyone else can do in the room is just watch the absolute carniage. Many of them already in their own orgasmic haze as XJ-9 Sounding more and more like a literal broken record as she is torn off as instead of a scream of pain she yells out in chiptune glory in orgrasmic bliss ass her eyes shattered. Who needed those anyways..who needed anything. She could still see what mattered.. her oil dripping to the ground as her backup generator in her head kept it running. her ears and head a big crumpled mess but she was far to gone to even notice that. Her eyes and ears focusing on the only thing that mattered as she replies in her broken tones "A-A A liiiiii vvveeeee " she barely gets out through the stuttering mess that is what is left of her body. the pieces moving to the ground and the once perfectly crafted folds nothing but stains on the ultimate god cock
Hayleigh Rhass
moved that head toward the tip of her godcock, watching as the mouth hung open slightly. Poor XJ was too fucking dumb at this point to even keep her mouth closed. She lined those pale blue lips up with her fat tip, and SLAMMED down with the same remorse she's lacked since she showed up, since she came into existence. "I don't give a fuck about you, you belong in a garbage heap. Not even worth the fucking recycling, Or maybe I'll leave you just barely alive, hm~? Or maybe I'll damn you to an eternity in my balls, stuck in a half-aware state of existence. Letting you experience death and rebirth for infinite cycles." She laughed softly as she felt that jaw crumple, the head unable to even take the tip before it came out of her neck.
God Queen XJ9
at this point the voice box was broken so even if there was anything left in there there was no way to show it. Her body glitching and such as it was broken to nothing but scrap metal as her 8 bit brain just kept thinking about how much she wanted to be used by the goddess. Repeating the same thing in her brain over and over and over again. Her view of the outside world nonexistent as what is left of her power begins to quickly fade to the rough fucking of the goddess. More and more pieces crumbling away from the once proud and loud XJ-9. Her gaurds and followers all either bowing or masturbating to the scene
Hayleigh Rhass
didn't stop until she had fucked that skull into nothingness, watching as scraps rained down on the ground, "I might keep a shard of you as a trophy~ You're one of the special ones, XJ. As for your body? It will serve as a better one," She hissed deeply, moving over to scoop it up with a vine, tilting her head back as she opened her snake maw wide, and dropped the thick as fuck, broken body down into her waiting stomach.