Unorthodox Payment
Synopsis: A private eye does some work for a spunky Demon Queen and finds himself... rewarded.
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 64228
Word Count: 11592
Views: 863
Bookmarks: 0
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 64228
Word Count: 11592
Views: 863
Bookmarks: 0
Anthony Stroiche
Anthony Stroiche adjusted his trench coat as he dipped into the entrance of the the bar, the brown fabric clinging to him closely as he tried to shelter himself from the harsh winds outside. It always seemed to be like that in the area surrounding that shady little bar, the air always being a bit wicked or feeling off for some reason. Whatever the case might have been, Anthony pushed that thought out of his head as he found himself now walking across the scratched floorboards and towards the bar itself. A small place, more of a ran down little dive than something that people would actually want to visit on the weekends or after work. The air always seemed to be thick with smoke, the dim lights situated over the bar counter and sparse tables giving the place a bit of a darker vibe as well. Not to mention that it didn't help that most patrons preferred to keep to themselves rather than mix and mingle. A real low-key kind of place, but then again he wasn't there to knock back a few drinks either. With his right hand stuck deep in his coat, his fingers played with the small rings that lined his pockets. They weren't his of course, or at least not originally, no they were rather proof of a job well done for a certain client of his. One with quite the large… reputation among other things. And thus he sat, waiting silently at the bar as he shifted his glance to and fro, keeping an eye out for trouble as well as his rather alluring client. There was no doubt that she'd be quite interested in hearing what great news he had ready for her that night.
Rosie Tommy
And in she comes! You can tell because her theme music plays before she enters, and everyone turns their head to one of the back doors. Everyone who knows what's coming, that is. The bratty 'bar owner's daughter' cheerfully slams the door open with her bountiful hips, and out skips the Demon Queen herself, not that even most of the regulars realize who she REALLY is. For being a smug and brazen brat of a girl, Rosie has a mighty fine cover story. Almost as fine as the huge, plush rump that sways behind her, oversized on her frame- they say it's implants, but who can really say for sure? Anthony knows better, of course. The blonde hair vixen strutting towards him right now is one hundred percent real. No 'implants' of any sort. That blonde hair, those shapely curves, that titanic ass? All real. After this much time working with her, he's been made painfully aware of those things.
His client made a dozen people bite their lips in lust for her as she hopped upwards, sliding smoothly along the bar- it's awfully slick, and seems just made for spilling drinks!- before using those slender, gloved hands of hers against the edge to grind to a stop right in front of her erstwhile detective, grinning up a storm.
"What's the story, morning glory?"
And he can feel a dozen people's jealousies burning down upon him. The only downside to having such an… interesting client… Well, aside from having to investigate demons and whatnot.
His client made a dozen people bite their lips in lust for her as she hopped upwards, sliding smoothly along the bar- it's awfully slick, and seems just made for spilling drinks!- before using those slender, gloved hands of hers against the edge to grind to a stop right in front of her erstwhile detective, grinning up a storm.
"What's the story, morning glory?"
And he can feel a dozen people's jealousies burning down upon him. The only downside to having such an… interesting client… Well, aside from having to investigate demons and whatnot.
Anthony Stroiche
Anthony Stroiche looked up for a moment at the wall in front of him, his brows furrowing in concentration as he tried to place what was exactly going on. Turning around to feast his eyes on the ever eccentric and all-important Queen of the underworld, he admired her swinging hips for a brief moment before fully paying attention to her exciting entrance. This was more or less the same way he had made her aqaintance the first time as well, always over the top in how proud she was of who she was Who could blame her though? With an ass that large and tits to compliment, it'd be hard not to peel one's eyes off of her. Turning back to face the bar, he waited patiently, trying not to make it seem like he was too closely attached to Rosie so as to keep off the other patron's toes. That is until she slide her way down the bar and stopped right in front of the man, her heaving chest right at eye level as he looked up at her. "Well, well, always the most popular one around as normal, eh Rosie? Glad to see that you're enjoying yourself as per usual, I've got something you might be interested in though…" he replied back in an upbeat yet detached tone. From his pocket he fished out several rings, the various gold and silver bands glittering in the light as he held them up to her, "A few… "gifts" from those Chaps you told me about earlier. Let's just say that that they weren't able to send their regards directly, so I did it for them," he added with a small wink, their dealings with each other being as secret as ever. "I think that should cover what you asked, right? Always a pleasure working with such an elegant woman such as yourself, although it seems our friends here at the bar aren't too fond of us talking," he ended with, feeling as if a hundred eyes were burning holes in his back.
Rosie Tommy
It was quite a heaving chest that bounced right in front of his eyes, perfect for a man to just smother his face in. Or perhaps slide his manhood into… but that was neither here nor there. He wasn't here just to lust over the crimson-eyed Demon Queen. Though, that was certainly a bonus, looking at a body that damn shapely. Mentioning her popularity, of course, only made her pride in her own beauty swell even larger.
"As always, but now that's good to hear! Less usual, but still.. mmm. Good." Her eyes do widen for a moment at the sight of the rings, as though she hadn't expected him to return with quite what he had. But her surprise rapidly fades into pleasure, returning the wink with a conspiratorial smile. "I do believe that's more than enough… So. Why don't we take this somewhere more… private? Talk of future business arrangements. Too many people are staring."
And with that, she hops smoothly off the bar, landing in front of him and straightening out with a big, cheerful grin. "Come on, follow me." Then she turns, leans over her shoulder, and speaks quietly. "You can watch my ass all you want. I know how much you love it." And with that, the naughty Queen of Demons leads little Anthony Stroiche out of the bar, through the back door and into the depths of hell… or at least, into the depths of a private room where they can have a much more private chat.
"As always, but now that's good to hear! Less usual, but still.. mmm. Good." Her eyes do widen for a moment at the sight of the rings, as though she hadn't expected him to return with quite what he had. But her surprise rapidly fades into pleasure, returning the wink with a conspiratorial smile. "I do believe that's more than enough… So. Why don't we take this somewhere more… private? Talk of future business arrangements. Too many people are staring."
And with that, she hops smoothly off the bar, landing in front of him and straightening out with a big, cheerful grin. "Come on, follow me." Then she turns, leans over her shoulder, and speaks quietly. "You can watch my ass all you want. I know how much you love it." And with that, the naughty Queen of Demons leads little Anthony Stroiche out of the bar, through the back door and into the depths of hell… or at least, into the depths of a private room where they can have a much more private chat.
Anthony Stroiche
Heaving would probably be a bit of an understatement in reality, quite frankly he had never seen a rack that huge his whole life! Thankfully enough, the Queen of demons seemed to be merciful, or maybe vain, enough to let himself take in as much of her curves as he pleased. With a small nod of agreement, he pocketed the rings once more for safe keeping, took off his trench coat, and slung it over his shoulder for a bit more a of a casual feeling. "I think that would sound wonderful, not only would the privacy be nice, but I believe the real treat would be having a little one on one time with the one and only Miss Tommy herself," he replied to stroke her ego as he picked himself up from his bar stool. Obeying obediently, he fell in right behind her, albeit a few steps behind to get a full view of her plush ass. She didn't even have to extend the courtesy though, she probably knew that he would have stared down her read whether she wanted him to or not.
Just a few steps away and down a close hallway would more than likely provide them with the private room they needed, the atmosphere probably being a bit more inviting as well as personal. The whole time though business was the last thing on his mind, his eyes glued to the round cheeks that bulged out from beneath her loose looking dress. Once they were both out of ear shot, he smirked at her comment, "Now, I don't think that's particularly professional of you Rosie, but I'll gladly take a nice eye full of that ass of yours as a bonus." That's how she always was towards him, professional and friendly, yet a devilish tease at the same time. That being said, he'd gladly follow her anywhere so long as her attention and teases were directed at him.
Just a few steps away and down a close hallway would more than likely provide them with the private room they needed, the atmosphere probably being a bit more inviting as well as personal. The whole time though business was the last thing on his mind, his eyes glued to the round cheeks that bulged out from beneath her loose looking dress. Once they were both out of ear shot, he smirked at her comment, "Now, I don't think that's particularly professional of you Rosie, but I'll gladly take a nice eye full of that ass of yours as a bonus." That's how she always was towards him, professional and friendly, yet a devilish tease at the same time. That being said, he'd gladly follow her anywhere so long as her attention and teases were directed at him.
Rosie Tommy
Vain. Definitely vain. The Demon Queen delighted in seducing every passing man, woman, child and animal, and thrived in being at the center of attention, her ego seemingly always expanding despite many people's attempts to take her down a notch.
His stroking of her ego has definitely gotten her 'hot and bothered' though, and when he speaks to her again, she whirls, sending that massive rack and equally massive bosom jiggling like crazy as the vixen with the cherubic, almost childish face grins at him. Again. Always smug, when she isn't getting annoyed at someone, at least. "Oh? Well, I was going to offer you my body as your reward, but I understand you are quite the busy man." As she speaks, she slowly, seductively, teasingly shakes that body, while only barely pretending to stand normally. The way her hips and ass shimmy and sway, it's enough for a lesser man to lose his mind in. "If that's enough bonus for you already, you can be on your way."
His stroking of her ego has definitely gotten her 'hot and bothered' though, and when he speaks to her again, she whirls, sending that massive rack and equally massive bosom jiggling like crazy as the vixen with the cherubic, almost childish face grins at him. Again. Always smug, when she isn't getting annoyed at someone, at least. "Oh? Well, I was going to offer you my body as your reward, but I understand you are quite the busy man." As she speaks, she slowly, seductively, teasingly shakes that body, while only barely pretending to stand normally. The way her hips and ass shimmy and sway, it's enough for a lesser man to lose his mind in. "If that's enough bonus for you already, you can be on your way."
Anthony Stroiche
If he didn't know any better, he'd play off most of her act as just a childish game, a young woman totally unaware of what power she held over others. She knew though, oh yes, she knew exactly what a simple glance or shake of her hips could do to someone. At her newest challenge to him, he cracked the tiniest of smiles at her, "Busy man? Perhaps for most, but then again you aren't most people, right? I think I could spare some time for such a wonderfully inviting woman such as yourself." Taking a step forward, he placed his hands upon her hips in a rather casual manner, fingers griping lightly through the thin fabric in a feeble attempt to feel the flesh that laid below. "Call me greedy, but I don't think I've had quite enough yet," he added, hands trailing downwards towards her thighs before moving backwards to those two massive slabs of ass. It was his turn to tease her ad he groped that jiggly ass of hers through her dress, her chest practically pressing against his own, "I've always wondered how much ass you hide under this dress of yours, sometimes I think you'd be better off just flaunting your body off without it, you know?"
Rosie Tommy
"So you're saying I should walk out without a skirt, hm?" Those massive, heaving jugs press against his chest indeed, gently flattening as they run into his firm body. He finds plenty of her other points to squeeze and knead, of course, her hips soft under his grip, and her massive rear even softer, jiggling and swaying as his hands sink deep into it, practically pulled in as if by the cheek's own gravity. "Well, let's test that theory…"
For such a fancy looking dress, the Demon Queen's garments are surprisingly easy to remove. A clasp here, a button there, her hands quick and nimble as the skirts slide apart… before his very eyes, she lets it slide down her body, only pausing to move his hands out of the way to let it reveal just how massive that ass is.
As it turns out, she's not wearing a thing under it, and the curvaceous, buxom demon shines in all her nude glory as the dress falls in a heap around her. Her massive rack barely sags in the slightest, even without support, bouncing and wobbling so much more now that it's free, the thick, erect nipples tracing patterns in the air as they move. Her skin is smooth, everywhere, her curves slide along her body… And then there's her hips, wider than a church door, with an ass as deep as a well and as soft and pliable as… well, whatever it is, it's soft, and pliable, and massive, and as he can no doubt attest, very gropable. And then there's the half-hard shaft hanging between her legs, the drooling, warm sex beneath it, and no doubt a lovely, tight pucker behind it…
Wait, what?
Not that she gives him much time to complain about that one last bit, of course. Her creamy thighs rub together, and then the suddenly naked Rosie's hands wander over to Anthony, sliding into his clothes, opening them up and going for his manhood with the same almost supernatural efficiency that they just displayed. "So? Am I the real deal?~" she innocently teases, pressing forward to grind those fat, juicy mammaries into him, grinning up at him as she shows off her body just a little bit more than usual.
For such a fancy looking dress, the Demon Queen's garments are surprisingly easy to remove. A clasp here, a button there, her hands quick and nimble as the skirts slide apart… before his very eyes, she lets it slide down her body, only pausing to move his hands out of the way to let it reveal just how massive that ass is.
As it turns out, she's not wearing a thing under it, and the curvaceous, buxom demon shines in all her nude glory as the dress falls in a heap around her. Her massive rack barely sags in the slightest, even without support, bouncing and wobbling so much more now that it's free, the thick, erect nipples tracing patterns in the air as they move. Her skin is smooth, everywhere, her curves slide along her body… And then there's her hips, wider than a church door, with an ass as deep as a well and as soft and pliable as… well, whatever it is, it's soft, and pliable, and massive, and as he can no doubt attest, very gropable. And then there's the half-hard shaft hanging between her legs, the drooling, warm sex beneath it, and no doubt a lovely, tight pucker behind it…
Wait, what?
Not that she gives him much time to complain about that one last bit, of course. Her creamy thighs rub together, and then the suddenly naked Rosie's hands wander over to Anthony, sliding into his clothes, opening them up and going for his manhood with the same almost supernatural efficiency that they just displayed. "So? Am I the real deal?~" she innocently teases, pressing forward to grind those fat, juicy mammaries into him, grinning up at him as she shows off her body just a little bit more than usual.
Anthony Stroiche
He was playing with fire now, his little suggestion fully catching her interest as it seemed. Without even needing to keep up with her teasing, she went to work on getting rid of that pesky dress of hers, the light fabric falling around her quite easily with a few simple snaps. Although he didn't want to let go of those luscious curves so easily, it was entirely worth it as he glorious form was finally revealed to him. Immediately his eyes fell upon those massive tits of hers, swaying lightly in the air as her perfectly pink nipples hardening in the cool air. Given how they seemed to ache to be touched, he wouldn't be surprising if her breasts were brimming with creamy goodness just waiting to be milked. Downwards he moved his gave, her slender waist curving into massive hips and an ass of unholy proportions. Even a man like him wouldn't be able to hold all that with his hands alone. His eyes widened momentarily upon noticing that hardening shaft peaking out between her legs, the look adding a sort of naughty allure to her already amazing body. Given the small drip of juice down her inner thigh though, he was relieved to see that she had the best of both worlds to offer.
Within moments though, he found himself equally as exposed his clothes being stripped from him before he even had time to blink. Standing opposite of her, his toned and slightly muscular body being quite admirable under normal circumstances seemed to be dwarfed by her own amazing assets. Yet, he himself was already half erect, cock rising slightly and bumping against her lush inner thigh as her mammoth sized breasts dug unto his chest. Looking down at her, he returned the grin in kind, taking that as a signal for him to show his full… appreciation. "Real? You seem more like a dream more than anything else, just look at these…" he muttered, hands moving up to her tits as he gave them a hardy squeeze, the supple flesh being soft against his palms. Kneading and pressing her breasts together, he enjoyed how much she really had to offer as they spilled out from his grip. "Perfection, if I've ever saw it, now if you'll excuse me~" With that being said he dipped his head downward, opening his mouth and planting it firmly upon one of her nipples. Suckling lightly, he ran his tongue against her hardened peak, teasing the little nub in between bites as he enjoyed the texture and warm feeling. Down below, he was getting a bit more rowdy, his cock nudging against both her thigh and even her shaft as they both bumped against each other, a testament to his excitement.
Within moments though, he found himself equally as exposed his clothes being stripped from him before he even had time to blink. Standing opposite of her, his toned and slightly muscular body being quite admirable under normal circumstances seemed to be dwarfed by her own amazing assets. Yet, he himself was already half erect, cock rising slightly and bumping against her lush inner thigh as her mammoth sized breasts dug unto his chest. Looking down at her, he returned the grin in kind, taking that as a signal for him to show his full… appreciation. "Real? You seem more like a dream more than anything else, just look at these…" he muttered, hands moving up to her tits as he gave them a hardy squeeze, the supple flesh being soft against his palms. Kneading and pressing her breasts together, he enjoyed how much she really had to offer as they spilled out from his grip. "Perfection, if I've ever saw it, now if you'll excuse me~" With that being said he dipped his head downward, opening his mouth and planting it firmly upon one of her nipples. Suckling lightly, he ran his tongue against her hardened peak, teasing the little nub in between bites as he enjoyed the texture and warm feeling. Down below, he was getting a bit more rowdy, his cock nudging against both her thigh and even her shaft as they both bumped against each other, a testament to his excitement.
Rosie Tommy
The fiery eyed Rosie basked in every moment his eyes burned upon her flesh, her ego swelled with every word of appreciation, every throb of excitement from his shaft. Their grins mirrored as they took in each other's bodies, naked and beautiful, and then he was upon her, and she upon him. Her hand slid across his hardening manhood as it brushed against her own, then slid between her plush, soft thighs, not as massive as her irresistible ass, but still more than fleshy enough to let them squeeze gently around his shaft and form something more than fuckable enough for the moment, grinding his cock beneath her drooling slit, wetting it with her burning hot juices, teasing it with the throb of her own hardness against it, spreading copious, thick amounts of precum across his belly from the cock's eager spurts.
If he thought her cock was productive, though, it was nothing compared to those gorgeous, huge, swaying tits. The moment he squeezed down on them, two massive blasts of hot, thick cream practically exploded out of her nipples, covering his own chest in a ridiculous amount of her milk. "Mmm~ Hungry? There's more where that came from!" she teases, and as she says, that wasn't a fluke. When his lips latch onto a thick, juicy nipple, the result is the same, sweet demonic milk gushing into his mouth and down his throat and across his tongue, hot and heavy and good. But there's far too much to swallow it all, and the rest spills out to make a mess on their bodies and the area around them. Not that she seems to mind. "You don't… mind if I give this place a new coat of paint… do you?~" If anything, it sounds disturbingly like she sees 'painting the hallway white' as a challenge!
If he thought her cock was productive, though, it was nothing compared to those gorgeous, huge, swaying tits. The moment he squeezed down on them, two massive blasts of hot, thick cream practically exploded out of her nipples, covering his own chest in a ridiculous amount of her milk. "Mmm~ Hungry? There's more where that came from!" she teases, and as she says, that wasn't a fluke. When his lips latch onto a thick, juicy nipple, the result is the same, sweet demonic milk gushing into his mouth and down his throat and across his tongue, hot and heavy and good. But there's far too much to swallow it all, and the rest spills out to make a mess on their bodies and the area around them. Not that she seems to mind. "You don't… mind if I give this place a new coat of paint… do you?~" If anything, it sounds disturbingly like she sees 'painting the hallway white' as a challenge!
Anthony Stroiche
If only he knew the type of payments she offered before hand, he probably would have taken her up on it much, much earlier. With his mouth latched onto her aching nipple, he greedily lapped up her creamy breast milk as it poured down his throat unexpectedly. Within moments he was forced to let go, coughing and sputtering slightly as the excess trailed down his chin and fell upon his chest. It was delicious to say the least, so thick yet sweet enough to swallow without second though, and the way it almost seemed to scald the skin was amazing. "A-Ack… just an appetizer I hope? I still see a full-course meal before me," he commented back as he caught his breath. With her milk now against his chest, he could feel her rack slide easily against him, hard nipples running against his chiseled chest in a delicious manner as well.
Down below, his cock was quite content in being hot dogged between her two luscious thighs. With each thrust, it seemed her demonic love juices coated his shaft more and more as if to entice him to pay her snatch a little visit. Looking down at her own thick girl cock, he chuckled lightly as he trailed a finger against the throbbing underside. "Oh? And what's this? A little girly cock to join in on the fun? I'm hoping that this little thing is going to help with that painting," he said, although calling it little was probably an understatement given how precum flowed freely down the thick, juicy underside. With one hand teasingly running against the underside of her feminine dick, his other hand teased one of those leaking nipples of hers, as he milked her of that lovely cream. "Why just give this place a new coat? I think you'd look pretty fine covered in white as well. Do you think that prick of yours can outlast my own?" he said as if to issue her an even greater challenge than before.
Down below, his cock was quite content in being hot dogged between her two luscious thighs. With each thrust, it seemed her demonic love juices coated his shaft more and more as if to entice him to pay her snatch a little visit. Looking down at her own thick girl cock, he chuckled lightly as he trailed a finger against the throbbing underside. "Oh? And what's this? A little girly cock to join in on the fun? I'm hoping that this little thing is going to help with that painting," he said, although calling it little was probably an understatement given how precum flowed freely down the thick, juicy underside. With one hand teasingly running against the underside of her feminine dick, his other hand teased one of those leaking nipples of hers, as he milked her of that lovely cream. "Why just give this place a new coat? I think you'd look pretty fine covered in white as well. Do you think that prick of yours can outlast my own?" he said as if to issue her an even greater challenge than before.
Rosie Tommy
"Just an appetizer. As for my 'little girly cock', well, it'll do more than just 'help a little'", she responds, even going so far as to pout at him while he teases the girly cock in question, which of course spurs it to shoot its precum higher and harder, as if to prove itself not so little, and perhaps not so girly, throbbing hard against his hand, against his belly, while her thighs milk his own cock with their amazing softness, and her feminine juices serve to give him a thick coat of lubricant before he even enters any holes. "Though, swallowing that much cream might give you a little more 'paint' of your own. Or maybe… mmm… a lot more." She grins slyly, leaning up and kissing him, moaning softly as he milks buckets of that scalding hot, sweet liquid from her teat, splattering all over both of them, warming the two more than their clothes ever could have.
"I wouldn't mind a coat or two of something… hot and white…" She grins, sliding her hand still over the base of his cock, giving his balls a little teasing as she gently thrusts her body against him, thighs, cock, breasts, all of it. Her other hand squeezes her own rump, as if invited him to play around a bit more with the mighty booty that so enticed him and so many others in the first place. "Outlast? Let's test that out, hm? But to make it fair, wouldn't we have to suck each other's cocks or something to that effect?"
"I wouldn't mind a coat or two of something… hot and white…" She grins, sliding her hand still over the base of his cock, giving his balls a little teasing as she gently thrusts her body against him, thighs, cock, breasts, all of it. Her other hand squeezes her own rump, as if invited him to play around a bit more with the mighty booty that so enticed him and so many others in the first place. "Outlast? Let's test that out, hm? But to make it fair, wouldn't we have to suck each other's cocks or something to that effect?"
Anthony Stroiche
Anthony Stroiche bucked his hips rather lightly, partially to feel the outline of her pussy against his cock and also to feel that strange sensation of her girly dick rubbing against his stomach. "Oh? Is that so? I should expect as much from the Queen of demons herself… that's good though, I think you're a bit eager to get "painted" yourself," he commented, not entirely sure if she was bluffing or not. Yet he could feel something strange rising within him, his cock seeming hotter than usual, and even the girth being a bit larger than her normally remembered. Any thought of that was pushed away though, as he kissed her right back, his tongue darting out to play with her own, as he was coated with a mixture of her creamy milky and sticky precum.
There was just so much of her that he didn't quite know where to start and where to go, every inch of her body being fuckable almost. Stepping up to the challenge, he raised an eyebrow in thought, before offering a small smirk in response, "You want to test it out? Fine, why don't we give each other a bit of… lip-service, hmmm? Whether winner or loser, we both swallow each other's loads? I just hope you don't mind if I get a bit… hands on while I'm at it." Being true to his words, both hands wrapped around her waist as he grabbed hold of her ass, spread those fat and thick cheeks apart, and let go to hear them clap against each other. Grinning practically from ear to ear, he waited for her response as one of his hands moved down further, his middle finger extended as he traced circles around her hidden pucker.
There was just so much of her that he didn't quite know where to start and where to go, every inch of her body being fuckable almost. Stepping up to the challenge, he raised an eyebrow in thought, before offering a small smirk in response, "You want to test it out? Fine, why don't we give each other a bit of… lip-service, hmmm? Whether winner or loser, we both swallow each other's loads? I just hope you don't mind if I get a bit… hands on while I'm at it." Being true to his words, both hands wrapped around her waist as he grabbed hold of her ass, spread those fat and thick cheeks apart, and let go to hear them clap against each other. Grinning practically from ear to ear, he waited for her response as one of his hands moved down further, his middle finger extended as he traced circles around her hidden pucker.
Rosie Tommy
She certainly wasn't bluffing! Though just how much she wasn't bluffing was up for debate. Side effects may vary, after all. Maybe he would be able to match her, maybe not, maybe he would end up the 'bigger man' himself! Neither of them will know until it happens, but all that fresh cream certainly isn't going to do nothing.
"Always. Bathing is good for the skin, don't you know?" She grins after the kiss breaks off, planting another couple of cute little smooches on his cheek. Then he goes for those enormous ass-cheeks, and she raises an eyebrow right back. "Sounds like fun! And go ahead, feel me up all you want! But don't be surprised if I…" she moans softly, slyly pushing her hands around to his rear, before giving it a cute little grope. Nothing too big, yet, just making sure he knew exactly what she wanted to play with. "…get handsy with you too. Even if you don't have nearly as much… delicious booty as me… hmm~" His sly little finger made her moan in delight, and that was when she pushed him down into the milk-soaked floor, landing on top of him and quickly turning around to present her throbbing, enticing cock and of course her slit, her pucker, her enormous bubbly butt, even as her own tongue flicked out and slid across the very tip of his shaft, teasing it ever so painfully gently for the moment, but promising so much more in the moments to come.
"Always. Bathing is good for the skin, don't you know?" She grins after the kiss breaks off, planting another couple of cute little smooches on his cheek. Then he goes for those enormous ass-cheeks, and she raises an eyebrow right back. "Sounds like fun! And go ahead, feel me up all you want! But don't be surprised if I…" she moans softly, slyly pushing her hands around to his rear, before giving it a cute little grope. Nothing too big, yet, just making sure he knew exactly what she wanted to play with. "…get handsy with you too. Even if you don't have nearly as much… delicious booty as me… hmm~" His sly little finger made her moan in delight, and that was when she pushed him down into the milk-soaked floor, landing on top of him and quickly turning around to present her throbbing, enticing cock and of course her slit, her pucker, her enormous bubbly butt, even as her own tongue flicked out and slid across the very tip of his shaft, teasing it ever so painfully gently for the moment, but promising so much more in the moments to come.
Anthony Stroiche
Anthony Stroiche gave a small look of surprise as she returned the groping right back, his hands falling upon his rear as if to test him. "Handsy? If it's a risk I have to take, then I'm more than willing to do so… risking my ass for your own" he teasingly replied to her, actually enjoying the warm feeling of her hands on his cheeks a touch. Quickly though, things shifted as they nearly tripped over one another and landed onto the floor, each of them laid across the other. And there he was, presented with a plethora of gorgeous objects, whether it be a pucker, slit, or shaft. Spreading her ass apart once more, his tongue darted out immediately and lapped against her puckered star, tongue trailing around in circles before diving in. With her warm cheeks squeezing against his face, he licked and lapped at her waiting hole, tongue pistoning and pushing against her sphincter to get his prize. For a short bit he lightly licked at her rear entrance before retracting, instead seeing something new to experience. "Mmmph~ While I'd just love to eat this ass of yours, I wonder how this will taste instead," he said before tentatively trailing a tongue across the precum stained underside of her cock. Saltier than her milk, but still quite tasty, he trailed several kisses down towards the head before curiously attempting to take it into his mouth in a testing manner.
Down below though, something amazing was happening to his cock, as per her delicious demon milk. His normally measly several inch dick was growing by the second as it seemed, gaining in size and girth as it grew right before Rosie's eyes. If anything, it seemed like her teasing licks only spurred it to grow faster. Within a minute, his cock had grown nearly 4 times it's standard size, the juicy shaft throbbing powerfully as it bopped before her face. Surely she was in for quite the white treat indeed!
Down below though, something amazing was happening to his cock, as per her delicious demon milk. His normally measly several inch dick was growing by the second as it seemed, gaining in size and girth as it grew right before Rosie's eyes. If anything, it seemed like her teasing licks only spurred it to grow faster. Within a minute, his cock had grown nearly 4 times it's standard size, the juicy shaft throbbing powerfully as it bopped before her face. Surely she was in for quite the white treat indeed!
Rosie Tommy
That throbbing, juicy, rapidly growing cock was just begging to be sucked, and besides, she wanted to stuff his manhood inside her before doing so got a little bit harder! So she went from licking so gently straight to wrapping her lips tightly around the head of the shaft, suckling with loud, lewd sounds as she went down on Anthony's dick. As it grew inch by inch, she took it deeper and deeper, her tongue swirling around the head still, occasionally lapping at his cum-slit for good measure as if to taste the white treat that would explode out of it in time. Her lips, though, stayed tight, slurping and suckling, working up and down its throbbing, hardening length. Her hands, she split up. One found a handful of his ass, giving a single cheek a slow, steady massage- still nice and gentle, to break him in slowly to the idea, of course!- but the other went all out on his sack, which was expanding right along with his shaft. Kneading it, stroking it, rolling it around in her palm, all was calculated to force the most and thickest cream out of him she could.
On the other end, she enjoyed the mixed pleasure quite nicely, as shown by how she moaned around his shaft. First his face eating out her huge ass, tasting all its forbidden delights and depths. Then he went for something else, and she trembled with anticipation. Her cock was sensitive, as it turned out- how she bucked against him when he licked showed that much! Each little smooch made her whine and sigh with pleasure, twitching, throbbing in front of him, but she didn't go crazy when he took it into his cute little mouth. After all, he's too cute to facefuck. Instead she let him suck on it at his own pace, spilling that thick, salty (-er) pre inside him all the while, of course.
On the other end, she enjoyed the mixed pleasure quite nicely, as shown by how she moaned around his shaft. First his face eating out her huge ass, tasting all its forbidden delights and depths. Then he went for something else, and she trembled with anticipation. Her cock was sensitive, as it turned out- how she bucked against him when he licked showed that much! Each little smooch made her whine and sigh with pleasure, twitching, throbbing in front of him, but she didn't go crazy when he took it into his cute little mouth. After all, he's too cute to facefuck. Instead she let him suck on it at his own pace, spilling that thick, salty (-er) pre inside him all the while, of course.
Anthony Stroiche
At the moment he was split between enjoying the heavenly sensation of having her tongue loll around his much more impressive shaft, or the own lewd and naughty act of servicing her own girl cock. Although initially just suckling the head lightly and swallowing her salty treat, he felt as if it wasn't quite enough. Moving a hand onto her shaft, he pumped her meaty length slowly as he started to bob his head down past that red dick head. Although difficult at first, between the first few little gags and coughs, he began to take several inches past his tongue and against his inexperienced throat, being able to feel the full raw power of her cock. Not only was the taste enjoyable though, but the musky smell of her feminine dick practically clouded his mind. Needing to catch a breath of air, he pulled back from her cock momentarily, letting out a soft, perhaps even cute sigh of satisfaction as strings of precum clung to his lips.
His cock though felt as it it was on fire, the various lewd sounds she was making only being music to his ears. The messy slurping and sucking matched perfectly with her motions, each suckle causing his shaft to spurt a bit more precum out into her mouth as a reward. The massaging of his balls only helped of course, the movements getting his "juices" a bit more freely as it seemed, and getting a particularly thick load ready for her. Surprisingly though, he didn't resist the soft touches she placed upon his cheeks, the gentle almost motherly motions coaxing him into relaxation. Honestly at that point, he probably couldn't even resist anything she'd want to do to him at all. With each passing moment though, his pleasure seemed to boil higher and higher, those balls of his clenching towards his body in anticipation in a way. Perhaps maybe he wouldn't win their little challenge after all!
His cock though felt as it it was on fire, the various lewd sounds she was making only being music to his ears. The messy slurping and sucking matched perfectly with her motions, each suckle causing his shaft to spurt a bit more precum out into her mouth as a reward. The massaging of his balls only helped of course, the movements getting his "juices" a bit more freely as it seemed, and getting a particularly thick load ready for her. Surprisingly though, he didn't resist the soft touches she placed upon his cheeks, the gentle almost motherly motions coaxing him into relaxation. Honestly at that point, he probably couldn't even resist anything she'd want to do to him at all. With each passing moment though, his pleasure seemed to boil higher and higher, those balls of his clenching towards his body in anticipation in a way. Perhaps maybe he wouldn't win their little challenge after all!
Rosie Tommy
Perhaps not. Emboldened by the clenching she felt, she pushed herself deeper onto that massive, throbbing shaft he was now sporting, letting it grow and throb and spew its thick,delicious precum straight into her throat- the same throat that was now clenching around more and more of his shaft as time went on. HEr moans kept it vibrating and well pleasured inside her, tongue keeping it slick with saliva and ensuring the length stayed pleasured and loved. With his climax clearly approaching, her hands went to work faster, one tracing veins and tunnels along his balls to try to push and knead the creamy sperm up into his cock, or at least very much encourage it. And her finger slide between his cheeks, gently, carefully sneaking between his walls with only the slightest of touch to his sides, searching for his glands to give him the true joy that came from playing with a man's ass. (Though she probably had such a thing to tease herself!)
She was too busy slurping, sucking, choking on his enormous shaft (getting only more enormous with every moment!) to compliment his technique, but surely her moans were compliment enough? He was learning the technique of sucking a cute girly dick pretty fast. She sighed in pleasure as he took him down, forcing past his gag reflex and lovingly massaging him with his cute little throat. Cute was right, and she shot him a thumbs up at how much enjoyed her shaft, how much he was willing to play with it and try out something so new just for her. Then again, maybe any man would suck a dick if it was on such a cute thing? Who knows?
She was too busy slurping, sucking, choking on his enormous shaft (getting only more enormous with every moment!) to compliment his technique, but surely her moans were compliment enough? He was learning the technique of sucking a cute girly dick pretty fast. She sighed in pleasure as he took him down, forcing past his gag reflex and lovingly massaging him with his cute little throat. Cute was right, and she shot him a thumbs up at how much enjoyed her shaft, how much he was willing to play with it and try out something so new just for her. Then again, maybe any man would suck a dick if it was on such a cute thing? Who knows?
Anthony Stroiche
Without needing to say it, she was clearly a step above when it came to "lip service", her throat practically milking his engorged and now massive shaft. With every lick she made, he could feel his shaft throb in anticipation of a certainly massive climax, as his cock was positioned just right to shoot that sticky load of his right into her stomach. The way she paid so much close attention to his pleasure was lovely, from her teasing finger that traced his skin and the purring of her moans against his slab of meat. What truly sent him over the edge, however, was when she snuck that curious finger right between his cheeks without knowing it. It would only take her a matter of seconds before she found that little gland within his ass, causing him to tense up as she pushed his final button. In an instant, his cock gave a final spasm as it shook and throbbed within her mouth, a torrent of hot, thick spunk not shooting but gushing out from the cum slit of his cock. Would the infamously horny Queen of the demons be able to keep down his thick seed? Or would those fat, juicy tits of hers be covered with much more than just milk? Whatever that milk of hers was, it did more than just upgrade what he was packing, that's for sure!
Too busy being lost in the bliss of orgasm, he didn't put up a fight as she slide her own girlish dick past his tongue and down his throat. His tongue darted past his lips, lapping at the underside of her cock while the upper shaft and head were hugged cutely by his throat. Although he wasn't able to taste her salty treat as readily like that, he could feel the semi-thick liquid ooze down his throat with each little thrust in a satisfying manner. Feebly though, he raised a hand and pried apart those massive cheeks once more, wiggling a finger past her still slick pucker and felt around for a gland of her own. After all, wouldn't it have been nice to return the favor in kind?
Too busy being lost in the bliss of orgasm, he didn't put up a fight as she slide her own girlish dick past his tongue and down his throat. His tongue darted past his lips, lapping at the underside of her cock while the upper shaft and head were hugged cutely by his throat. Although he wasn't able to taste her salty treat as readily like that, he could feel the semi-thick liquid ooze down his throat with each little thrust in a satisfying manner. Feebly though, he raised a hand and pried apart those massive cheeks once more, wiggling a finger past her still slick pucker and felt around for a gland of her own. After all, wouldn't it have been nice to return the favor in kind?
Rosie Tommy
He found her gland alright. As she suckled and slurped on the obscenely huge, throbbing meat pillar buried inside her throat, as she suckled all that creamy seed down into her belly with appropriately supernatural ease, doing her very best to swallow it all as he had challenged her, she was already bucking lightly into his throat, her own powerful (if much more proportional) orgasm rapidly approaching. After all, the Demon Queen is the kind of person who gets off on getting people off, and she was certainly getting him very much off!
So when his hand opened up her titanic ass, when he went inside, when he found that little, oh so incredibly sensitive gland, she was very receptive to blowing her load right after him. Her body seemed to warm up to near boiling in an instant, and her mouth distorted into a particularly massive moan, loosening up enough that his shaft could slide out easily, spraying geysers of over-produced semen all over the both of them. Not that she minded the rain of white, and a moment later, she added to it, crying out and hilting herself as she pumped load after gushing, scalding hot load of her sperm down into his throat, as smooth and thick and creamy as he could have ever hoped for. She did pull back a little to let him at least have a taste of some of it, even sweeter than her pre on his tongue, a few more excess ropes of it finding their way out from between his hungry lips and drooling gently down his face, for good measure…
So when his hand opened up her titanic ass, when he went inside, when he found that little, oh so incredibly sensitive gland, she was very receptive to blowing her load right after him. Her body seemed to warm up to near boiling in an instant, and her mouth distorted into a particularly massive moan, loosening up enough that his shaft could slide out easily, spraying geysers of over-produced semen all over the both of them. Not that she minded the rain of white, and a moment later, she added to it, crying out and hilting herself as she pumped load after gushing, scalding hot load of her sperm down into his throat, as smooth and thick and creamy as he could have ever hoped for. She did pull back a little to let him at least have a taste of some of it, even sweeter than her pre on his tongue, a few more excess ropes of it finding their way out from between his hungry lips and drooling gently down his face, for good measure…
Anthony Stroiche
While under normal circumstances he'd be done within seconds, there seemed to be no stopping here. Pint after pint of that thick cock milk of his poured easily down her throat, as she amazingly managed to swallow most of it down with ease. With the amount of stuff he was pouring down into her, she could practically skip dinner and just let him provide an equally nutritious meal (Even if she wanted seconds… or thirds…). As his orgasm continued on, he could feel a similar sort of throbbing within her own dick, a nice reminder of the treat he was about to receive himself.
Looks like he had hit juuust the right spot as well, her body melting and warming up his own as she let out a moan of approval. In an instant, his cock sprung out of her mouth, the thick shaft still swinging lightly around as she covered her face and gigantic tits with a new layer of white, as a river of cum flowed down the underside of his shaft and over his legs. When she hilted herself within his mouth, his eyes went wide momentarily before he realized what was going on, her delicious cream pouring down his throat and filling him up quickly. Thankfully though, she pulled back to let him get a better taste, and a much needed breath, as they came in tandem with each other. By the time she pulled out completely, his cheeks bulged slightly as he tried to keep himself from spilling out all out. Sloshing it around his mouth, he swallowed hard, only able to swallow less than half of it before opening his mouth and letting it drip down his chin and neck. Panting, he tried to speak between breaths, strings of cum still attached to his lips, "A-Ahhhck… s-shoo much… just as… as good as your milk too!" His best attempt at a compliment for the time being, his mind lost in a haze as he tried to collect himself. Although given the way his tower of meat still stood up at attention, it seemed as if he was far from done.
Looks like he had hit juuust the right spot as well, her body melting and warming up his own as she let out a moan of approval. In an instant, his cock sprung out of her mouth, the thick shaft still swinging lightly around as she covered her face and gigantic tits with a new layer of white, as a river of cum flowed down the underside of his shaft and over his legs. When she hilted herself within his mouth, his eyes went wide momentarily before he realized what was going on, her delicious cream pouring down his throat and filling him up quickly. Thankfully though, she pulled back to let him get a better taste, and a much needed breath, as they came in tandem with each other. By the time she pulled out completely, his cheeks bulged slightly as he tried to keep himself from spilling out all out. Sloshing it around his mouth, he swallowed hard, only able to swallow less than half of it before opening his mouth and letting it drip down his chin and neck. Panting, he tried to speak between breaths, strings of cum still attached to his lips, "A-Ahhhck… s-shoo much… just as… as good as your milk too!" His best attempt at a compliment for the time being, his mind lost in a haze as he tried to collect himself. Although given the way his tower of meat still stood up at attention, it seemed as if he was far from done.
Rosie Tommy
"Such a hungry… hungry boy!" She wiped a bit of excess semen from her lips, the Queen of Demons handling the sperm overload much more easily than poor Anthony. She grins, rolling off of him for a moment, giving him some time to breathe, her eyes mostly glued to that throbbing pillar of meat that still stood proud above his hips. Soon, the mighty, curvaceous and oh so affectionate Rosie is gently, lovingly lapping at the side of his towering cock, smiling at him whilst tending to his needs like an adorable little kitten. For now. Obviously, neither of them are done yet, but it's alright to take a little break, right?
Anthony Stroiche
"Haah… Boy you say?" he questioned, although given his tone he didn't seem to mind at all. Although, she was probably right, she was the Queen of Demons and he was just an average human, he pretty much was a boy in comparison (even if she was still a bomb shell at xxxx years old). Still laying on his back, he laid his hands upon his stomach momentarily before pulling them back, his hands sticky with a mix of semen and breast milk, he was positively a mess! But thankfully Rosie had him covered, the voluptuous woman doting on him and cleaning up his still rock hard towering cock. Reaching a hand down, he smiled right back as he affectionately ran his fingers through her slightly sticky blonde hair. "I didn't know you were so fond of… thicker milk," he teased as he continued to pet the irresistible demoness.
Rosie Tommy
"I'm very fond of all kinds of things that are thick, sticky and white, as you can see." She talked while she cleaned, licking the many splatters of mixed fluids of that shaft. It was a little hard to tell what was what, both were so white and so thick. At least they smelled different. Rosie smiled while she worked away, while she played with that 'upgraded' package of him, even giving his equally engorged sack a few friendly slurps on the side. "So, what do you think of your first time with the Queen of Demons, human? And what's next on the agenda? Pounding this sweet ass? Sliding your cock between my tits? Just working on that new coat of paint? Showing off your meat to strangers on social media?"
Anthony Stroiche
Anthony winced slightly on occasion, still enjoying the care and service she was giving him, but very, very sensitive after cumming that hard. Whenever she's sneak a few extra sucks on that bulging sack of his, he'd playfully nudge his shaft against the side of her cheek, knowing she could appreciate that sort of thing. "Human" My, my, and here I thought we'd be on friendly terms after all that dear Rosie," he mentioned, "What's the word for it though? Amazing? Mind blowing? Best fuck I've had in… forever? I think that sums it up." More praise for the vain Queen, though all of it was honestly the truth. Giving her a quick look over, he grinned, "So many choices, it's hard to choose. While I'd love to see how much of this massive thing you can take and feel my balls slap against that oh so delicious ass of yours, how about we do a bit of showing off to some strangers? I never knew you were that sort of pervert to be honest, Rosie~"
Rosie Tommy
"Ahahaha. It was relevant, wasn't it? But you are a very nice human, Anthony." She grins, coming away from his massive pillar to smile oh so sweetly up into his eyes, her hands idly making that rack of hers bounce and sway for his delight. She could tell he was looking, after all. Rosie giggled softly, leaning up further, teasing his shaft with a slight, playful nudge of her hip as she pressed into a warm, affectionate, delicate kiss. "I don't think you should be surprised. After all, I'm perverted in so many other ways, right? If anything, I'm shocked that you would enjoy such a thing. So… What's the plan, mister?"
Anthony Stroiche
"And that would make you a very nice demon as well, Rosie. Don't worry though, I won't ruin your reputation," he said back with a small playful wink. She practically had him wrapped around her finger for the time being, gaze and attention all focused on her. Even with that massive rack right there to take up his view, he chose to look back at her with an affectionate gaze, enjoying it even more as she laid across him. When she kissed him, he held it momentarily, even nibbling lightly at her lip as they pulled away. They might not have been exactly lovers, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy a bit of sweet, loving intimacy. "I hope to see more then, I'm liking this perverted side of you, along with the sweet one too of course," said before shifting focus, "Hmmm, lemme think real quick Missy. How about we set ourselves up a camera for starters, to catch everything and more of course. If you've got a phone on yourself, don't be afraid to take some pictures for memories as well. Aside from that, we're here to entertain, right? Wanna see who's cock is more popular? Maybe even have another challenge as well, I sure did enjoy the last little suggestion you made after all." Frankly there was so much they could do, jerk each other off, size comparison, take some viewer suggestions, down-right fucking, or any other myriad of kinky things. All they'd need was something to record it with, then they'd be set to flaunt their bare skin for all to see.
Rosie Tommy
She smiled at that, planting little kisses of affection across his face, on his chest, with her legs idly flanking his manhood, towering as it was. "Well, Mister, I'm not so great with human electronics myself, though I do get the basics. There's no connection to the World Wide Web in the underworld, you know. Still… this is why I have maids and servants and such, eh?" She kicks her legs a bit, and as she lays casually atop his naked and messy body, just as naked and just as messy, she puts her finger in her mouth and lets out a shrill whistle. Within moments, an army of very, very embarrassed maidservants surrounds them, Rosie of course basking in all their stares, especially at that huge rump she wiggles so enticingly.
"Okay then! I want you to set up one of those streaming video camera things. Preferably several, so that everyone can bask in our glory! And why don't you set us up somewhere a bit softer so we can pose and roll around? As fun as painting the hallway was, it's getting a little old. Besides, I SUPPOSE someone might want to use it…"
And despite their obvious lust for their mistress, the demonic and/or monstrous army of maids under Rosie's command are admirably efficient. She snaps her fingers and they burst into action, using magic to levitate the two of them and haul them into a nearby room that is converted from an office into a glorious bedroom suite even as they enter, the bed being teleported in barely a second before they're dropped onto the luxurious and very, very water-resistant blankets. The flurry of activity is too loud and frantic to really even think over, as cameras are set up, hauled in, tested for water resistance via throwing them into buckets, thrown out, replaced, and tested again, then linked to the net while at the same time someone far more internet savvy than the Queen of Demons is getting them hooked up and ready to go on every adult streaming site she can hack and wire together. In what must be the most glorious combination of technology and magic ever devised, the two find themselves with the chat room being projected straight into their heads, rapidly filling with all the scum of the net wandering in and wondering when the stream is starting. Also Tits or GTFO. Lots of Tits or GTFO. The poor fools have no idea what they're in for when the army of cameras start uploading.
"Well. That was… actually much more impressive than I expected, for once." The maids are quickly taking cover, pretending not to be there, casting invisibility, or any combination of those things! Her Majesty, on the other hand, grins sheepishly, finally rolling off of Anthony and stretching out onto the wonderfully soft bed, sinking gently into its silky embrace.
"So. You ready, mister?" she asks, smiling a naughty, naughty smile as she reaches out to caress the face of her lover-for-now.
"Okay then! I want you to set up one of those streaming video camera things. Preferably several, so that everyone can bask in our glory! And why don't you set us up somewhere a bit softer so we can pose and roll around? As fun as painting the hallway was, it's getting a little old. Besides, I SUPPOSE someone might want to use it…"
And despite their obvious lust for their mistress, the demonic and/or monstrous army of maids under Rosie's command are admirably efficient. She snaps her fingers and they burst into action, using magic to levitate the two of them and haul them into a nearby room that is converted from an office into a glorious bedroom suite even as they enter, the bed being teleported in barely a second before they're dropped onto the luxurious and very, very water-resistant blankets. The flurry of activity is too loud and frantic to really even think over, as cameras are set up, hauled in, tested for water resistance via throwing them into buckets, thrown out, replaced, and tested again, then linked to the net while at the same time someone far more internet savvy than the Queen of Demons is getting them hooked up and ready to go on every adult streaming site she can hack and wire together. In what must be the most glorious combination of technology and magic ever devised, the two find themselves with the chat room being projected straight into their heads, rapidly filling with all the scum of the net wandering in and wondering when the stream is starting. Also Tits or GTFO. Lots of Tits or GTFO. The poor fools have no idea what they're in for when the army of cameras start uploading.
"Well. That was… actually much more impressive than I expected, for once." The maids are quickly taking cover, pretending not to be there, casting invisibility, or any combination of those things! Her Majesty, on the other hand, grins sheepishly, finally rolling off of Anthony and stretching out onto the wonderfully soft bed, sinking gently into its silky embrace.
"So. You ready, mister?" she asks, smiling a naughty, naughty smile as she reaches out to caress the face of her lover-for-now.
Anthony Stroiche
Well, at least she was honest about what she was and wasn't exactly the best at. Her little mixes of kisses and touches put him at ease though, that throbbing tower of his still being the main concern on his mind currently. After she whistled in for her entourage of maidservants to do her bidding, things seemed to flew by and pass so quickly that he didn't even have to lift a muscle. It was almost scary how efficiently they worked, all while trying to keep straight faces. Within a matter of minutes the pair was deposited in a much more welcoming and momentarily private room. The bed beneath him was soft enough to take a beating along with water-proof blankets, both of which they'd surely need in due time. Not only one camera was set up though, but rather a whole group of them too. There wasn't going to be a single missed angle, nothing to hide either.
And there they were, sitting side by side on the bed, the cameras set up, the comments being projected into their heads, and his dick all ready for a second round of… whatever was to come. They were still quite the sight, sticky to an extent, the cum and milk combination being rubbed off slightly during the moving, but they were still plenty messy. At her question, he shot her a confident smirk, taking her hand from his cheek and kissing it gently. "Oh, I think you know the question to that, I'll be sure to take real good care of you Missy." Letting go of her hand, he wrapped an arm around her waist, pushing close to her and staring at what would appear to be the main camera. For now he would control himself, at least until they were rutting with each other like wild animals that is.
And there they were, sitting side by side on the bed, the cameras set up, the comments being projected into their heads, and his dick all ready for a second round of… whatever was to come. They were still quite the sight, sticky to an extent, the cum and milk combination being rubbed off slightly during the moving, but they were still plenty messy. At her question, he shot her a confident smirk, taking her hand from his cheek and kissing it gently. "Oh, I think you know the question to that, I'll be sure to take real good care of you Missy." Letting go of her hand, he wrapped an arm around her waist, pushing close to her and staring at what would appear to be the main camera. For now he would control himself, at least until they were rutting with each other like wild animals that is.
Rosie Tommy
The messy blonde giggled, returning the kiss to his own cute little hand, squeezing together to steal warmth from his body, or share it, rather, seeing as they were both quite warm. And that wasn't going to change anytime soon. With a gleam of those scarlet eyes, she gave the camera a little thumbs up.
"Hello world! Is this thing on?" The world, as it turns out, says yes. Also, those people are in various stages of awe, shock, and disbelief. "I guess so. Hey, darling." She grins, leaning into him, sitting straighter on the bed and pulling him straighter upwards two. One hand slides across his towering pillar, gently stroking and loving a tiny portion of the enormous girth, guiding it to point right towards one of the many cameras. "A lot of them don't think we're real. How would you like to prove them wrong, mister?"
"Hello world! Is this thing on?" The world, as it turns out, says yes. Also, those people are in various stages of awe, shock, and disbelief. "I guess so. Hey, darling." She grins, leaning into him, sitting straighter on the bed and pulling him straighter upwards two. One hand slides across his towering pillar, gently stroking and loving a tiny portion of the enormous girth, guiding it to point right towards one of the many cameras. "A lot of them don't think we're real. How would you like to prove them wrong, mister?"
Anthony Stroiche
There was no turning back now, the last seconds of privacy they had being broken as the red lights of the cameras turned on and a slew of thoughts were processed through his head. Thankfully there seemed to be a bit of a filter between the spam and less original posts and from the more legitimate one. Sitting on the bed, he sat up straight and smiled into the camera as Rosie spoke, only leaning over to kiss her forehead as she leaned her side into his side, "And a fine hello to you too, Lovely." His breathing quickened slightly as she ran her hand across his unimaginable girth, the viewers watching in disbelief. "Well, that's not nice of them is it? If that's the case, we'll just have to show them how to play nice!"
That being said, he reached a hand over and grabbed a hold of her girl dick, mimicking her own light rubs as he traced his way from the base, up the sticky shaft, and to the tip where a bit of left over cum had pooled to the tip. Wiping it off with two fingers, he held his hand out to the camera to see before promptly dipping it inside his mouth. This obviously got a rise out of the audience, some shouting out in disgust an anger, others holding keen interest, and others still not entirely convinced. A particular comment cropped up though: Lol wat, she's got a dick too? Whatever, how about them tits, they've got to be fake. "Fake? Not a chance in Hell, my lovely woman here has the best rack you'll ever see," he mentioned before leaning forward on the bed and adding in a very loud whisper, "Though, just wait until you see that fat, juicy ass of hers." To prove his point, he grabbed hold of one of her hard, obscenely erect nipples, kneading gently as a trickle of milk coated his fingers. "See? Looks as good as it tastes too," he quickly added before leaning towards her monstrous mammaries and placed his mouth upon her nipple. Nipping lightly at the teat, he sucked greedily ad he clamped down, staring up at her for as if waiting for approval as he hastily swallowed her hot, creamy demon milk once more.
That being said, he reached a hand over and grabbed a hold of her girl dick, mimicking her own light rubs as he traced his way from the base, up the sticky shaft, and to the tip where a bit of left over cum had pooled to the tip. Wiping it off with two fingers, he held his hand out to the camera to see before promptly dipping it inside his mouth. This obviously got a rise out of the audience, some shouting out in disgust an anger, others holding keen interest, and others still not entirely convinced. A particular comment cropped up though: Lol wat, she's got a dick too? Whatever, how about them tits, they've got to be fake. "Fake? Not a chance in Hell, my lovely woman here has the best rack you'll ever see," he mentioned before leaning forward on the bed and adding in a very loud whisper, "Though, just wait until you see that fat, juicy ass of hers." To prove his point, he grabbed hold of one of her hard, obscenely erect nipples, kneading gently as a trickle of milk coated his fingers. "See? Looks as good as it tastes too," he quickly added before leaning towards her monstrous mammaries and placed his mouth upon her nipple. Nipping lightly at the teat, he sucked greedily ad he clamped down, staring up at her for as if waiting for approval as he hastily swallowed her hot, creamy demon milk once more.
Rosie Tommy
She groaned softly, delighted, feeling his hand slide over her warm, throbbing cock, making it spurt just a little bit more of that scalding precum- by now, Rosie was well back up to speed, her hand working more quickly over his shaft, encouraged by the heaviness in his breath, delighted by the sense of how many people were watching them, now. Whether they thought it was real or not. She was pretty sure, personally, that all the camera angles they were seeing would give them all the material they needed to figure out that the two of them were very, very real. But haters are gonna hate, of course.
"The taste of your wife's cock never gets old, does it?" She grins at that, giving him such a loving kiss on the cheek, sliding a hand up and down his hot, hard, throbbing shaft, finding a bit of his own leftover cum, which she eagerly slips up with her fingers and pops into her mouth, relishing the taste with a loud, pleasant moan. As he brings their attention to her massive, bouncing mammaries, she grins, lifting them up for him even before she grabs one and forces a thick spurt of the sweet, thick cream right out. Judging from the comments, the milk gets quite a reaction out of them. Maybe it's because a lot of them wish they could make their girls give milk too. There's still plenty of disbelief, but she seems to thrive on the negative attention as well as the positive- this is Rosie's dream, she's gotta do this more often! With a sly nod, she pushes her teat deep into her 'husband's' mouth, smiling and sighing in pleasure as fresh and thick spurts of her milk flow into him, sending a bit more throbbing and growth through his cock.
Jesus Christ, how big are those things?!
"Ah, do you mean my breasts, or my darling husband's wonderful shaft? Well, let's see.." Even as she's nursing him, her hands form a sort of scale, measuring from one spread fingertip to the other. "Let's do a quick measurement." Slowly, her hands climb across his length, trading places as she counts out the lengths with little nods of her head. "…one foot… two feet… three feet… four feet… five feet… why, I do believe his cock may be longer than most of you are tall." A devilish grin. "How's that for manhood?"
"The taste of your wife's cock never gets old, does it?" She grins at that, giving him such a loving kiss on the cheek, sliding a hand up and down his hot, hard, throbbing shaft, finding a bit of his own leftover cum, which she eagerly slips up with her fingers and pops into her mouth, relishing the taste with a loud, pleasant moan. As he brings their attention to her massive, bouncing mammaries, she grins, lifting them up for him even before she grabs one and forces a thick spurt of the sweet, thick cream right out. Judging from the comments, the milk gets quite a reaction out of them. Maybe it's because a lot of them wish they could make their girls give milk too. There's still plenty of disbelief, but she seems to thrive on the negative attention as well as the positive- this is Rosie's dream, she's gotta do this more often! With a sly nod, she pushes her teat deep into her 'husband's' mouth, smiling and sighing in pleasure as fresh and thick spurts of her milk flow into him, sending a bit more throbbing and growth through his cock.
Jesus Christ, how big are those things?!
"Ah, do you mean my breasts, or my darling husband's wonderful shaft? Well, let's see.." Even as she's nursing him, her hands form a sort of scale, measuring from one spread fingertip to the other. "Let's do a quick measurement." Slowly, her hands climb across his length, trading places as she counts out the lengths with little nods of her head. "…one foot… two feet… three feet… four feet… five feet… why, I do believe his cock may be longer than most of you are tall." A devilish grin. "How's that for manhood?"
Anthony Stroiche
There was just something special about her moans and groans that turned him on even more, maybe it was the thought that he was doing something just right for her. Even while suckling on her teat, he continued to stroke his "wife's" dick, his hand gaining speed as he remembered it's shape quite well. When he had his fill of her thick and creamy tit milk, he pulled off with a satisfied sigh, her nipple pouring excess milk down onto his chest just like before. Despite being quite full at the moment, he used his free hand to play with those long, hard nubs on the tip of her breasts, enjoying how hard they were against the palm of his hand. "Hmmhmm, don't tempt me now Darling, you know I'd gladly polish that red head again with my tongue," he teased her, although sounding quite serious.
Hearing the next viewer's disbelief, he leaned back onto the bed while Rosie did a excellent job of measuring his now colossal dick, the thing practically towering over him by then. Leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek he added in, "And it's all yours as well, in fact, I'm pretty sure that my wife would be the only one able to take such a thing. Not to say that her own little prick isn't admirable too~" Such sweet words, in combination with a few harder strokes of her own shaft, the precum dripping from the tip trailing downward onto his hand. As per his last comment though, this raised a new problem from the audience:
Take it? As if, I call bullshit, no way that's possible
Raising an eyebrow with a challenging look, he reached a hand and laid it firmly onto her ass. "I bet you anything she could take it like a champ. You poor souls, you haven't even seen my wife's greatest… asset yet. Honey, would you care to show off that wonderful, magnificent piece of ass you happen to have? These fine men clearly don't know what they're missing," he said, lathering on the praise before adding, "I'm telling you guys, she's got the prettiest little pucker you've ever seen, and Christ is she tight. She could probably milk a guy dry in 30 seconds flat if she wanted if she clamped down, wouldn't even spill a drop either. I'd eat her ass for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I could!"
Hearing the next viewer's disbelief, he leaned back onto the bed while Rosie did a excellent job of measuring his now colossal dick, the thing practically towering over him by then. Leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek he added in, "And it's all yours as well, in fact, I'm pretty sure that my wife would be the only one able to take such a thing. Not to say that her own little prick isn't admirable too~" Such sweet words, in combination with a few harder strokes of her own shaft, the precum dripping from the tip trailing downward onto his hand. As per his last comment though, this raised a new problem from the audience:
Take it? As if, I call bullshit, no way that's possible
Raising an eyebrow with a challenging look, he reached a hand and laid it firmly onto her ass. "I bet you anything she could take it like a champ. You poor souls, you haven't even seen my wife's greatest… asset yet. Honey, would you care to show off that wonderful, magnificent piece of ass you happen to have? These fine men clearly don't know what they're missing," he said, lathering on the praise before adding, "I'm telling you guys, she's got the prettiest little pucker you've ever seen, and Christ is she tight. She could probably milk a guy dry in 30 seconds flat if she wanted if she clamped down, wouldn't even spill a drop either. I'd eat her ass for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I could!"
Rosie Tommy
Rosie excellently played the part of loving, beautiful, and utterly perverted wife to the obscenely endowed and very, very proud husband that was Anthony. It was such a sweet little act, pouring all that romance and affection into her actions was not only fun, but rewarding! She just loved how easily their pleasure flowed between each other. "Oh, I know you would~" she purred out, nuzzling into him and gently cuddling Mister Anthony after he lifts his lips off of those bountiful, wonderful breasts, still drawing little streams of creamy milk out of them as he played with those lovely nipples of hers.
The Demon Queen gently bucked and throbbed into his playful, stroking hands, smiling in bliss, closing those pretty eyes for a moment while he tended to her 'little' prick, sparking a renewed and vivid discussion of the chat of how gay it was. "Mmmm. When a man and a woman love each other very much, how can it possibly be gay?" she commented, smiling smugly to herself as she rested her head against Anthony's own.
Then the challenge was laid down, and he responded. As he reached around and pushed into her massive, bubbly ass, her eyes opened, gleaming with a brand new flame of mischievous delight. "Well, I've yet to find anyone else who's woman enough to handle my darling's manhood. I'd say most ladies aren't even a sixth of what's required to please him. You folks really don't know what you're missing~"
Come on! Show us the booty!
"Weeeell, alright. Since you all want it so much. And since darling wants it, too. You naughty flatterer, you." With her usual grin, Rosie rolls herself over, immediately presenting that massive, shapely rear to everyone who cares to stare at it. Slowly, she pushes it into the air, wiggling the titanic booty, rapidly shaking it from side to side. Her face drops low to the bed, grinning over her shoulder at the camera as her hands come around to grab an orb each, easily overflowing her fingers. She pulls them back, then gives herself one firm slap after the other, grinning in delight as she shows the viewers just how much they shake. And then she grabs them again and spreads them open, bearing her tight, clean backdoor and her wet, drooling slit for all to admire.
"So, are you just going to serenade my ass all day or are you going to fuck it, mister?"
The Demon Queen gently bucked and throbbed into his playful, stroking hands, smiling in bliss, closing those pretty eyes for a moment while he tended to her 'little' prick, sparking a renewed and vivid discussion of the chat of how gay it was. "Mmmm. When a man and a woman love each other very much, how can it possibly be gay?" she commented, smiling smugly to herself as she rested her head against Anthony's own.
Then the challenge was laid down, and he responded. As he reached around and pushed into her massive, bubbly ass, her eyes opened, gleaming with a brand new flame of mischievous delight. "Well, I've yet to find anyone else who's woman enough to handle my darling's manhood. I'd say most ladies aren't even a sixth of what's required to please him. You folks really don't know what you're missing~"
Come on! Show us the booty!
"Weeeell, alright. Since you all want it so much. And since darling wants it, too. You naughty flatterer, you." With her usual grin, Rosie rolls herself over, immediately presenting that massive, shapely rear to everyone who cares to stare at it. Slowly, she pushes it into the air, wiggling the titanic booty, rapidly shaking it from side to side. Her face drops low to the bed, grinning over her shoulder at the camera as her hands come around to grab an orb each, easily overflowing her fingers. She pulls them back, then gives herself one firm slap after the other, grinning in delight as she shows the viewers just how much they shake. And then she grabs them again and spreads them open, bearing her tight, clean backdoor and her wet, drooling slit for all to admire.
"So, are you just going to serenade my ass all day or are you going to fuck it, mister?"
Anthony Stroiche
He could get used to being doted on so sweetly and lewdly, the perfect sort of wife that could pamper him and suck him off at the same time (or even vice-versa). He laid his head against her own as she nuzzled into him, gladly accepting the way she wanted to be oh so close to him. His gaze shifted downward as she bucked lightly into his grip, the lewd feeling of her powerful shaft being quite the enjoyable feeling as well. "Please, with a wife as energetic as this? It'd be a crime not to give proper attention to this lovely dick of hers. If anything, it makes things twice as fun and twice as messy~" he added in as well, agreeing with her entirely.
As she acknowledged his flattering words and rolled over, he knew he had won or was about to win at least. He gazed in tandem with the rest of the audience as she exposed that gloriously juicy ass to the camera It was hard to resist, but he kept his hands off of her momentarily as she exhibited just what she was working with. The jiggle it had with each smack was enough to make him lick his lips in anticipation even, not that he'd need to wait much longer anyway. "Maybe I will, I know how much you love that as well, but I'm sure that's not what the audience wants."
So then, standing up and falling to his knees on the floor beside the bed, he placed his hands right beneath her own as he helped spread those fat cheeks apart. His fingers practically melted into her hot flesh, her backdoor waiting for him to play with it. Leaning his face forward, he extended his tongue as he traced around the rim of her asshole, tasting nothing else other than the vague sweetness of her skin. Round and round his tongue went before her finally pushed it in, prying that star-shaped hole apart and digging further in. Rubbing against her right walls, he momentarily pressed his pink appendage against that same little gland from before, poking and teasing it as he lapped against her host insides. Such a naughty thing, as he pulled back, a strange of saliva connecting the two together. Going back down once more, he closed his mouth over her pucker and sucked gently, tongue occasionally lapping against it whenever it would tighten up.
Satisfied with his quick little "meal", he stood back up and stroked his cock briefly, before lining up the precum dripping tip with her back entrance. "Get ready dear, let me see if I can fill this ass of yours to the brim!" he said aloud as a final sort of warning. A moment later he was pushing himself forward, taking a step to accommodate his new length. He watched with keen interest was the ruby red tip of his cock pried her asshole apart, the pink star giving way and letting him in as she started to stretch and take his girth in. With a pained look, he pushed himself further and further, inches quickly turning into feat as he managed to somehow magically fit his colossal cock within that equally huge ass of hers. Within second he managed to somehow hilt himself, his engorged balled slapping against her ass cheeks for good measure. She'd sure be walking funny tomorrow!
As she acknowledged his flattering words and rolled over, he knew he had won or was about to win at least. He gazed in tandem with the rest of the audience as she exposed that gloriously juicy ass to the camera It was hard to resist, but he kept his hands off of her momentarily as she exhibited just what she was working with. The jiggle it had with each smack was enough to make him lick his lips in anticipation even, not that he'd need to wait much longer anyway. "Maybe I will, I know how much you love that as well, but I'm sure that's not what the audience wants."
So then, standing up and falling to his knees on the floor beside the bed, he placed his hands right beneath her own as he helped spread those fat cheeks apart. His fingers practically melted into her hot flesh, her backdoor waiting for him to play with it. Leaning his face forward, he extended his tongue as he traced around the rim of her asshole, tasting nothing else other than the vague sweetness of her skin. Round and round his tongue went before her finally pushed it in, prying that star-shaped hole apart and digging further in. Rubbing against her right walls, he momentarily pressed his pink appendage against that same little gland from before, poking and teasing it as he lapped against her host insides. Such a naughty thing, as he pulled back, a strange of saliva connecting the two together. Going back down once more, he closed his mouth over her pucker and sucked gently, tongue occasionally lapping against it whenever it would tighten up.
Satisfied with his quick little "meal", he stood back up and stroked his cock briefly, before lining up the precum dripping tip with her back entrance. "Get ready dear, let me see if I can fill this ass of yours to the brim!" he said aloud as a final sort of warning. A moment later he was pushing himself forward, taking a step to accommodate his new length. He watched with keen interest was the ruby red tip of his cock pried her asshole apart, the pink star giving way and letting him in as she started to stretch and take his girth in. With a pained look, he pushed himself further and further, inches quickly turning into feat as he managed to somehow magically fit his colossal cock within that equally huge ass of hers. Within second he managed to somehow hilt himself, his engorged balled slapping against her ass cheeks for good measure. She'd sure be walking funny tomorrow!
Rosie Tommy
She obediently lined up that huge, juicy ass with his face, watching him move around, preparing to fuck her ass in front of thousands of adoring fans. Probably thousands. Rosie didn't actually know, and honestly she didn't care. They wanted the two of them to fuck, and that turned her on so much the slutty Demon Queen almost came right then and there. And the idea of being watched had nothing on the pleasure that Anthony's skillful tongue brought to her rear, melting her into a fit of lust, grinding back against his face, almost swallowing it up while he sucked on that tight, sensitive star.
Then he took his tongue away, and instead, he brought that massive shaft to bear on her tight, gorgeous ass. Of course, she loved it, and she was eager to finally get to some on-camera fucking! Lining up her hole, using the saliva and precum to get it slickened quickly, the Demon responded with an affirmative nod to Anthony's little warning, and when her 'husband' finally started to actually push it in, well, she just about went wild, moaning and grunting and squeezing her ass tight as she tried to suck it in with muscle alone, pulling the massive cock into her huge ass and somehow taking it in ridiculously deep. She doesn't seem to mind the fact that there's about her height in cock that's been suddenly shoved into her, nor the fact that her whole body is stretched out around it, visibly bulging through her skin. The crowd, naturally, can't even begin to comprehend this, being made mostly of nerds who are not aware that magic is A Thing, and the awe practically flows in through the cameras, spread enough to each side to give good angles of her as she pushes those massive ass cheeks back against his churning, musky balls and squeezes the whole thing down with that ever so talented body, moaning lovingly like a normal woman might when she was getting a normal fucking, not like… this!
Then he took his tongue away, and instead, he brought that massive shaft to bear on her tight, gorgeous ass. Of course, she loved it, and she was eager to finally get to some on-camera fucking! Lining up her hole, using the saliva and precum to get it slickened quickly, the Demon responded with an affirmative nod to Anthony's little warning, and when her 'husband' finally started to actually push it in, well, she just about went wild, moaning and grunting and squeezing her ass tight as she tried to suck it in with muscle alone, pulling the massive cock into her huge ass and somehow taking it in ridiculously deep. She doesn't seem to mind the fact that there's about her height in cock that's been suddenly shoved into her, nor the fact that her whole body is stretched out around it, visibly bulging through her skin. The crowd, naturally, can't even begin to comprehend this, being made mostly of nerds who are not aware that magic is A Thing, and the awe practically flows in through the cameras, spread enough to each side to give good angles of her as she pushes those massive ass cheeks back against his churning, musky balls and squeezes the whole thing down with that ever so talented body, moaning lovingly like a normal woman might when she was getting a normal fucking, not like… this!
Anthony Stroiche
He had finally gotten what he wanted, hands digging into her hips and holding her down momentarily. He couldn't believe that she managed to take every inch, or rather foot of him, her insides squeezing him from every angle. Needless to say, he was practically in bliss as his loving "wife" moaned so beautiful while being impaled on his dick. Despite the length he was able to wield though, he pulled out about a half a foot or so and roughly slammed his hips back against her, his huge ball sack smacking against her rear. Satisfied, he began to buck his hips in a rhythmic motion, the sound of skin against skin filling the air as he properly fucked that slutty ass of hers. He could see the way her slit below drooled in excitement, the glistening juices trailing down her legs and shaft. Within her though, she would no doubt be able to feel the steady flow of precum bathing her insides, slowly making it's way towards her ass and making it a much easier time for them both. Yet, he continued to fuck her vigorously, perhaps even ruthlessly as his shaft continued to be swallowed by her tight rear. Given his own sounds of excitement, it would be quite the explosive ending as well!
Rosie Tommy
She was hungry, she was horny, she was rapidly filling up with pre, he was pounding her senseless, making her moan and squeal and roll her hips and use her entire body to pleasure the dick that was so needfully impaling her! Rosie relished this, wrapping her legs loosely around his hips to pull him back in with each powerful thrust, feeling his enormous balls slapping against her sultry and equally massive ass. It was like a beautiful dream, honestly, and she loved every second.
She grinned over her shoulder, watching him pant and groan as she squeezed down on him, milking him for so much pleasure out of that giant shaft. Her own throbbed and pulsed and spilled great ropes of precum across the bed, and she played and teased with it herself, his smashing against her glands bringing her rapidly towards….
"Let's flood the …screen in white…. Mmm…c…cumming!~"
She had a moment to warn before she screamed in pleasure, her back arching and her insides squeezing down like a vice! Massive ropes of hot, salty pre gushed and poured from her shaft, spraying white cream all over the room, half covering the main camera. Of course, it was about to be massively dwarfed if her efforts to milk an apocalyptic-level orgasm out of her lover bore fruit~
She grinned over her shoulder, watching him pant and groan as she squeezed down on him, milking him for so much pleasure out of that giant shaft. Her own throbbed and pulsed and spilled great ropes of precum across the bed, and she played and teased with it herself, his smashing against her glands bringing her rapidly towards….
"Let's flood the …screen in white…. Mmm…c…cumming!~"
She had a moment to warn before she screamed in pleasure, her back arching and her insides squeezing down like a vice! Massive ropes of hot, salty pre gushed and poured from her shaft, spraying white cream all over the room, half covering the main camera. Of course, it was about to be massively dwarfed if her efforts to milk an apocalyptic-level orgasm out of her lover bore fruit~
Anthony Stroiche
If there was one thing that added more onto the experience, it was just how damn sexy she could be. Every movement and noise she made just pushed him closer to wrecking that titanic ass of hers. The only thing that he did regret was the fact that he didn't have a front row seat of watching that thick bundle of girl meat spew a new batch of hot milk as well. Surely there'd be more than enough time to admire her in the future though.
For the time being though, Anthony was panting rapidly as he felt himself inching closer and closer to climax, her ass practically milking him at that point. "A-Ah… right after I… flood your i-insides!" he energetically retorted back. After several more seconds of pumping his massive shaft within her massive rump, he clutched her hips rightly and hilted himself perfectly within her. For a split second his mind went blank before his entire body tensed in pleasure, forcing him to arch back and lean on his tip toes. Inside her, he practically exploded as his monster cock released a torrent of steaming hot spunk from his boiling balls. Practically gallons upon gallons of cum gushed within her stretched asshole, the amount being so much that it spilled past her plugged entrance and splashed against his abdomen. Letting out a massive moan of pleasure, his eyes practically rolled into his head as his tongue hung from his mouth.
Holding his titanic rod within her for several seconds, he more or less collapsed a moment later as he landed on the floor. At the same time, his cock slipped out of her ass in a single motion, letting out an audible pop along and allowing all that built up semen to flow out if she wasn't careful. Still lying on the ground, his cock swayed back and forth as it continued to pump out his thick white stuff, the streams landing at all sorts of angles. On him, on her, over the bed, the cameras, the floor, even on the stealthily hidden maidservants as it seemed. She wanted her share of white spunk, and she sure got it~
For the time being though, Anthony was panting rapidly as he felt himself inching closer and closer to climax, her ass practically milking him at that point. "A-Ah… right after I… flood your i-insides!" he energetically retorted back. After several more seconds of pumping his massive shaft within her massive rump, he clutched her hips rightly and hilted himself perfectly within her. For a split second his mind went blank before his entire body tensed in pleasure, forcing him to arch back and lean on his tip toes. Inside her, he practically exploded as his monster cock released a torrent of steaming hot spunk from his boiling balls. Practically gallons upon gallons of cum gushed within her stretched asshole, the amount being so much that it spilled past her plugged entrance and splashed against his abdomen. Letting out a massive moan of pleasure, his eyes practically rolled into his head as his tongue hung from his mouth.
Holding his titanic rod within her for several seconds, he more or less collapsed a moment later as he landed on the floor. At the same time, his cock slipped out of her ass in a single motion, letting out an audible pop along and allowing all that built up semen to flow out if she wasn't careful. Still lying on the ground, his cock swayed back and forth as it continued to pump out his thick white stuff, the streams landing at all sorts of angles. On him, on her, over the bed, the cameras, the floor, even on the stealthily hidden maidservants as it seemed. She wanted her share of white spunk, and she sure got it~