A Good Night's Sleep

Synopsis: A quickie where prettyboy needs to sleep, crawls inside Mama for warmth. Real cozy!
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 9218
Word Count: 1653
Views: 932
Bookmarks: 0
Alard Droverson
Alard Droverson groans out as he rolls over for what must be the third time this hour, his efforts to will himself asleep only serving to make him more awake, as it has for the last couple of hours. With a huff he gives it up as a loss and tosses off his covers and sits up, leaving his body completely exposed to the cool night air, completely bare save a set of boxers as he rubs his eyes and looks around. The room is dark and he is tired, 'so why can't I get to sleep?' the redhead wonders as he slides off the bed, shivering slightly as his feet hit the carpet. Ah, that's why, even under all his covers he can't help but feel chilly, in fact he's felt like that ever since… his thoughts trail off as he blushes, thinking back to the beautiful woman in the room across the hall. That… might be a solution he realizes and with some hesitation makes his way over. Knocking at the door he opens it by a crack, "Hey, Rai-, uh… I mean Mama?", he quickly corrects, "I can't sleep, too cold, can you… I don't know? Let me sleep someplace warm? Like inside of you?" he softly asks

Raikou-mama giggles at his words. "Come in, Alard-kun. You're welcome to let Mama warm you up~" she purrs. The beautiful woman sits up in her luxurious bed, radiating warmth even from this far away. Her delightful scent has completely swamped the room- the scent of milk and womanhood and the massive, delightful cock that Alard can see the outline of, if not the full shape, a beast of a shaft that throbs openly up into the air, cumslit rippling as if to invite the boy inside and down into the sack that's bigger than his entire body, even bigger than the massive mama's mountainous mammaries!

Alard Droverson
Alard Droverson his previous hesitation starts to evaporate and his blush deepens at the sight before him, the nice, toasty warmth he can feel from here makes him wonder for a moment why he'd ever want to be outside of her body, and the scent! That wonderful, comforting scent! Each whiff fills his head with feelings of comfort, safety, and contentment, it's no wonder he makes it to her bedside before he even realizes he's taken the first step. "I…" the boy shakes his head to clear his thoughts, it works …for about a second. "Thanks" he mutters with a hint of awe in his voice, gaze traveling up her massive length, settling on it's tip, "I'm just, so cold…" he complains as he crawls up onto the bed and in between her legs so he can better bask in the warmth radiating from the depths of her cock

Raikou-mama smiles brightly in the dark, watching him crawl up between her legs, bringing his face oh-so-close to the tip of her perfect shaft. Her sack churns softly, sloshing with her own personal ocean of seed, helping to inundate him with that heavenly scent he's so rightly infatuated with. "It's okay. Mama will take good care of you," she coos, bringing her long, lithe arms up and planting them both on the tip of that awe-inspiring manhood, a sultry sigh spilling from her mouth as she slowly pulls her gaping cumslit open wider still. A pulse of precum, a 'mere' gallon or so of delightfully warm, sticky liquid, slides up to lubricate the inside of the beast, forming a thick rope that slowly drools out over her edge and paints the sheets with her divine virility…

Alard Droverson
Alard Droverson leans in closer and closer, her soft voice pushing all previous reluctance out of his mind as he watches in awe as her cock lets out a 'small' spurt. "So…cold" he mutters, getting close enough to earn himself a face full of precum, the thick, milky liquid washing over him, flowing down his little body and leaving him moaning out in delight as bit of it trickles into his mouth. "More… please Mama, more" he begs as he pushes himself further, towards the source of her addicting seed, easily sliding his head into the cumslicked slit as he does his best to lick the walls clean, wiggling in inch after inch as he seeks out more, more of the scent, more of the warmth, more of Mama.

Raikou-mama moans in delight as Alard-kun begins to pull himself inside, the immense shaft easily accommodating him. Another pulse of delicious, mind-melting sperm slowly slides up to meet him, to help him crawl deeper still. Mama helps too, of course. "Mama will… keep you warm…" she murmurs, gasping softly from the stimulation, reaching down and gently pulling the adorable redheaded boy along, her blissfully heated sack already swelling with seed and with sheer anticipating of receiving a new, willing occupant~

Alard Droverson
Alard Droverson gasps out as another wave washes over him, causing his mind to empty and soaking his little body as it flows around him, leaving him nice and slick as she guides him down. Wiggling and squirming the boy shimmies down the shaft, somehow kicking off his underwear in the process he ends up rubbing his naked body against the walls and lapping up mouthful after mouthful as he's lured down by the siren song of her gurgling sack and the raw need to be there, to bath in Mama's seed. For a second, and hour, a night, or forever, it doesn't matter to the boy, in his cumaddled mind, all he knows is that even here's it's too cold and he needs to be there down where it's warm, if only for a moment. Torso, hips, thighs, legs, feet, every last bit of him is gulped down by her shaft in his rush to lose himself in her warmth, leaving a squirming, moaning lump, sinking down her shaft as he gets closer and closer

Raikou-mama groans and purrs in bliss as the boy climbs all the way inside, her shaft flexing and contorting to speed his descent. This deep inside, he's breathing nothing but her musk, the experience of raw, concentrated pheromones equal parts bliss and sexual ecstasy, as good as masturbating, if not better. ANd there's even better to be found inside her sack, right?~ Outside, Mama gently strokes over the bulge in her titanic cock, her eyes closed and her back arched as she basks in the pleasure of swallowing the redhead… forever? Well, it wouldn't do to churn him up into cum… not because being cum was a bad thing, but because he'd inevitably end up splattered across a wall or something, and he wouldn't be so cozy and warm! (Unless her sperm can just keep itself warm forever.) But still, Mama doesn't exactly think he ever wants to leave her sack~

Alard Droverson
Alard Droverson the air is thick and heavy with Mama's very essence, each time he inhales the cum-saturated air it set every nerve in his body on fire with pleasure, leaving him moaning out as he loses more and more of himself to this ever growing cycle of arousal and bliss, till there is no room left for anything in his mind as he's pulled inexorably down. Some part of him, more instinct than thought, knows it's only a little bit further and he'll be home, safe with Mama forever. And so as she caresses his form through her flesh, the boy gives out one last burst of activity, unsatisfied with the current speed of his decent as he frantically crawls and writhes the last few feet, until his face is hit with a mind-melting blast of her pheromones as it breaches the entrance way to her sack and he slides into the waiting, gurgling, churning sea of hot, gluey cum, and allows himself to sink down into it, finally home

Raikou-mama pants hotly, feeling Alard-kun pop into the sea of tar-thick sperm, the mass thick and hot and white even in the darkness of her nuts, rolling and squeezing over him. She works herself over, fingers pressing into massive, throbbing veins, gasping and moaning with each twitch, every fresh load of cum pouring into the insides of her swollen sack. And as she does, he finds himself sticking to the walls of his home, then starting to dissolve into them. The process is utterly painless, his form melting against her orbs and gradually becoming one with them… her balls growing to an even more massive size as they absorb him in body and mind alike, leaving him to endlessly bask in the warmth and pleasure and bliss of being part of those perfect, wonderful orbs. Mama leans down over her cock, smiling down at her newest occupant. "Be a good sack and make lots of cum for Mama, okay?~"

Alard Droverson
Alard Droverson it's warm, wonderfully, intensely warm as he sinks, it might even be called boiling if it didn't feel so good, tossing his body around, churning and squeezing as if he's just another mass of cum, pulling him under until he comes to rest against the fleshy inner wall of her sack. And then like a loving embrace Mama's very flesh begins to engulf him, surrounding him with her love as it seems to hug every inch of him both inside and out. Soon he begins to drift away, a picture of utter contentment as he finally finds the warmth and rest he sought after, knowing that he'll be with Mama forever, be hers forever, to do nothing but make her happy forever, even if all he can do now keep her supplied with her seed. He's unable to give her an answer anymore by the time she smiles down at him, but for a moment, the gurgling of her balls sounds happy