Cursed British Invasions
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 11748
Word Count: 1982
Views: 1335
Bookmarks: 0
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 11748
Word Count: 1982
Views: 1335
Bookmarks: 0
A Kingly Lancer
A Kingly Lancer stared out over her assembled army, clad her in silver, shining armor, lance in one hand. Their neighbors had been a problem for far too long, and things had finally hit the breaking point - leading to war. She smiled out over her troops - this was to be a glorious fight, but one that she was confident she would win. She was King of Britain, after all, and had never been defeated before - the very thought that this war could go poorly never even entered her mind. They would conquer, and conquer well, and expand her lands to get rid of those pesky catwomen~. With a yell, she stamped her lance onto the ground, then pointed - and her troops began to march to war.
Big Brown Cat Cock
Big Brown Cat Cock stared down at the bitch-king, defeated within minutes of first contact with her army. And how could it have been any other way? Artoria hadn't even accounted for the feline shestuds' musk, the idiot. Mere whiffs of their stench turned all but the most stubborn of whites into whimpering slaves to fat, girthy black cock. And the rest were easy pickings at that point.
The god-queen smirked at what used to be her main rival. Her troops were scattered behind her, yowling as Rizwa's warriors had their way and reduced man and woman alike to slutty little fagbitches, bloated with niggerspunk and splattered with stains of fuckstank. There wasn't any resistance worth mentioning anymore, and that left Rizwa free to loom over Artoria like this. The defeated queen was without her armor, but unbound, not that it mattered. After all, Rizwa's massive, gurgling niggerbitch balls were out and free, and the soul-crushing aroma that rotted away at her brain was far stronger than any rope or shackle. Even more so when it was paired with the tree-trunk-like mass of the black stud's arm-shaming cock, drooling rancid and virile sludge too potent to be called precum, not even hard and already jaw-breakingly immense and lethally productive…
The cat-god giggled softly, leaning on her spear and looming over the broken blonde. "Were Anglos like you always this fucking pathetic?" she teased. "God, at least the Romans knew to plug their noses. Is this really the best the white race can do? A skank queen with half a brain cell in her body?~"
The god-queen smirked at what used to be her main rival. Her troops were scattered behind her, yowling as Rizwa's warriors had their way and reduced man and woman alike to slutty little fagbitches, bloated with niggerspunk and splattered with stains of fuckstank. There wasn't any resistance worth mentioning anymore, and that left Rizwa free to loom over Artoria like this. The defeated queen was without her armor, but unbound, not that it mattered. After all, Rizwa's massive, gurgling niggerbitch balls were out and free, and the soul-crushing aroma that rotted away at her brain was far stronger than any rope or shackle. Even more so when it was paired with the tree-trunk-like mass of the black stud's arm-shaming cock, drooling rancid and virile sludge too potent to be called precum, not even hard and already jaw-breakingly immense and lethally productive…
The cat-god giggled softly, leaning on her spear and looming over the broken blonde. "Were Anglos like you always this fucking pathetic?" she teased. "God, at least the Romans knew to plug their noses. Is this really the best the white race can do? A skank queen with half a brain cell in her body?~"
A Kingly Lancer
A Kingly Lancer stared up at the monstrous fuck-god towering over her, her eyes wide with shock, each breath through her flaring nostrils sending more and more of that obscene musk straight into her brain. She couldn't think properly anymore - her dick, normally the most impressive around, was rock hard and drooling, but utterly pathetic compared to the fucklog hanging over her, which wasn't even stiff yet! She shuddered, rocking slightly on her knees, unable to pull her eyes away from that massive shaft and those obscene, churning nuts. She gulped as she was spoken to, but still couldn't manage to tear her eyes away to look her conqueror in the face. It was just too mesmerizing - those pulsing veins, the way those nuts churned and gurgled, how that dick throbbed and twitched and leaked. She just… she needed it, more than anything she'd ever needed before.
She took a soft breath, her brain working like molasses, need and addiction and craving running through her body. "Y-yes~. I'm sorry, I'm just a stupid skank that thought she was better than you, but I was wrong~!"
She took a soft breath, her brain working like molasses, need and addiction and craving running through her body. "Y-yes~. I'm sorry, I'm just a stupid skank that thought she was better than you, but I was wrong~!"
Big Brown Cat Cock
Big Brown Cat Cock 's grin widened as Artoria whimpered on her knees before her. The catnigger gave another little laugh, stepping closer to the little faggot snowbunny beneath her. That sizzling sludge drooled over her head, the slowly hardening cock hanging just out of reach of the sow….. idly, the towering black goddess kicked at the slut's nuts, delighting in how they gave way under her feet. Clothing was too good for a skank like her, after all.
"That's right. You're nothing but a hopped-up snowbunny begging to be broken by fat black cocks. A child of my tribe could ruin you for life." She emphasized it with a SLOSH of her fat, mesmerizing nuts, a fresh splurt of opaque spunk leaking over Artoria's fat white tits. "You don't deserve my dick, you understand? You're lucky that you haven't been passed around by the rest of the army, or churned into my nutsludge on the spot.~"
"That's right. You're nothing but a hopped-up snowbunny begging to be broken by fat black cocks. A child of my tribe could ruin you for life." She emphasized it with a SLOSH of her fat, mesmerizing nuts, a fresh splurt of opaque spunk leaking over Artoria's fat white tits. "You don't deserve my dick, you understand? You're lucky that you haven't been passed around by the rest of the army, or churned into my nutsludge on the spot.~"
A Kingly Lancer
A Kingly Lancer could only stare up at the fuckgoddess above her as she stepped closer, eyes fixated on those monstrous nuts and hanging, stiffening dick, her mouth hanging slightly open as she breathed, her cock rock hard - and then that foot slammed roughly into her nuts, causing them to squish easily under the blow, her eyes screwing up in her head as she squealed in pain, her cock pulsing and spurting out thick globs of prenut splattering onto the floor in front of her as she shuddered and twitched on her knees, her hands clenching onto her thighs as she shuddered in pain~. "I'm sorry for being such a worthless snowbunny fagbitch~. I'm sorry I thought I could compete with your amazing, monstrous, perfect niggerdick~." She gasped as she felt that thick, gluey jizz splatter onto her fat, wobbling tits, biting her lip. The cat towering over her was so huge, so powerful, so hung~. How could she have been stupid enough to think she could compete. "Please, I know I don't deserve it, but I need it~. Fuck my faggot asshole with your ridiculous, oversized, perfect slab of cock~."
Big Brown Cat Cock
Big Brown Cat Cock pretended to think about it for a long, hard moment. Then she smiled. "No. Of course not. Far too good for you, skank-queen." Rizwa sneered down at her, and then KICKED again. This time, not to her sack, but to her chest, sending the worthless, comparatively tiny blonde sprawling onto her back. The abuse to her sack and balls came a moment later, as the inhumanly tall niggercat fuckstud strolled across Artoria's fallen body, deliberately pressing her full weight first into a gurgling, broken nut and then onto that rock-hard cock, crushed under her sheer heft as easily as paper.~ It didn't even break her stride, the rib-crushing titan casually smashing in the cage with her next step, the step after taking her right over the blonde's face, blocking out the sky with the shadow of her dark, perfect body.
Then she turned and slammed herself the fuck down, smashing her slut-crushing ass and gut-breaking nuts down into the fag's face. Chocolate rump and gurgling, veiny balls blocked light from her eyes and oxygen to her brain, the only thing she could breathe being the slightest gasp of wet, putrid, brain-melting nutstink that was about as breathable as carbon monoxide. Not that the ass-sweat sliding down onto her head and instantly matting her hair was any better.~
Then she turned and slammed herself the fuck down, smashing her slut-crushing ass and gut-breaking nuts down into the fag's face. Chocolate rump and gurgling, veiny balls blocked light from her eyes and oxygen to her brain, the only thing she could breathe being the slightest gasp of wet, putrid, brain-melting nutstink that was about as breathable as carbon monoxide. Not that the ass-sweat sliding down onto her head and instantly matting her hair was any better.~
A Kingly Lancer
A Kingly Lancer let out a grunt as she was kicked over, eyes going wide as she was sent sprawling onto her back, tits jiggling heavily as she slammed into the ground. She moved to lift herself up, only for one huge foot to step down onto one of her nuts, causing her eyes to roll back into her head as she squealed again, her cock twitching and pulsing - and then that was stepped on too, crushing it into her belly - as it twitched and pulsed and spurted, the masofag's load spraying all over her belly and the underside of her tits, the breath blasted out of her as a foot slammed down onto her ribs. She twitched and groaned on the ground, eyes rolling in her head, one nut totally crushed, her dick still twitching and spurting as she looked up at the shape of that amazing, perfect fuckgoddess body… and then it slammed down.
Her legs kicked and her arms rose up to push weakly at that massive, firm ass as she was completely and totally smothered by those perfect, amazing, churning niggernuts, the first direct snort of that nutsweat practically causing her brain to melt, her tongue pushing out to begin slurping and suckling at the wrinkled skin of them, drinking up that intense ballsweat as she did so, her face an instant mess~
Her legs kicked and her arms rose up to push weakly at that massive, firm ass as she was completely and totally smothered by those perfect, amazing, churning niggernuts, the first direct snort of that nutsweat practically causing her brain to melt, her tongue pushing out to begin slurping and suckling at the wrinkled skin of them, drinking up that intense ballsweat as she did so, her face an instant mess~
Big Brown Cat Cock
Big Brown Cat Cock shifted, getting comfortable with that huge, round ass and equally huge, round niggersack on top of the snowfag's body. Using her as a throne, as a living vibrator, as nothing but a sextoy. And not even that for long. Her weight refused to be lifted off of Artoria's face. Rizwa didn't even register the skank's cock uselessly flopping down below. No, she put all her weight, all her force into smothering the bitch. All that sweat and stink? It went straight to her nose and her lips, condensing on her as she struggled to breathe. Rizwa dug her fingers into the ground and pushed down, harder, only letting out the slightest of sighs to acknowledge the spade-bitch's tongue trying so desperately to worship her godly sack. So, naturally, the niggerqueen didn't even let her do that. Instead she shifted, enough to push Artoria's face into her tight, perfect asshole instead, all the while casually drooling more rancid jizz than the white skank had seen in her whole damn life~
A Kingly Lancer
A Kingly Lancer couldn't even breathe as that ass was slammed down onto her, practically crushing her into the ground, her eyes rolling up in her head as she was smothered, used like an object, her face rammed against that tight, sweaty asshole. Her tongue still pushed out of her lips, but she could barely do anything - there was so much weight, so much pressure on her head that she barely managed to rim that dark ass~. Her hands continued to push against those muscular asscheeks, her cock twitching and throbbing in the air as obscenely thick spunk splattered all over her curvy, twitching body - it must have been quite an odd look, since she probably looked like a headless body twitching out from underneath the black fuckstud~♥
Big Brown Cat Cock
Big Brown Cat Cock might well make Artoria into a headless body at this rate, with how hard her ass was bearing down on the bitch's face, her hole totally smothering Artoria's lips and making her attempts to rim her seem just as pathetic as she was. Rizwa's muscular ass bore no interruptions, and her pucker barely noticed the white skank's worship. Her cock certainly seemed pleased, though, judging by the flood of spunk drowning the bitch's lower half. And still the catgoddess pressed down, expressly interested in snuffing out this worthless skank~
A Kingly Lancer
A Kingly Lancer 's eyes rolled up in her head as she felt the pressure increase and increase, the massive, sweaty ass pushing down harder and harder. It was so pathetic - the King, and yet she was about to die, crushed under a naked, superior ass, covered in nutsweat, soaked through, nuts crushed, body coated in that gluey, rancid spunk… it was all two much. Just as she felt her head give way, as she accepted she was about to die, her whole body jerked intensely, her cock pulsing out her last, most powerful orgasm before… squish~♥
Big Brown Cat Cock
Big Brown Cat Cock drooled out just a little more of that thick nutglue. Then a lot more as she stood up, walked away, and just… casually buried Artoria in a few more massive ropes of burning sludge. Drowning her remains in the white muck, never to be seen again. A fitting end for a spade-worshipping snuffslut of a king. How utterly pathetic. She'd probably melt away under the potency of the cat-queen's spunk and leave nothing but a few bones.~