The detective comes to inspect the Giant Futa Idol

Synopsis: Naoto was the lucky one chosen today to meet Miku after her show. Naoto had heard the "rumors" very well of what happens in these meetings but she was real curious about the Idol's recent boom in popularity.
Platform: F-List
Character Count: 32635
Word Count: 5781
Views: 1090
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Hyper Futa Miku
was just finished with her show, it was still unknown just how the virtual idol became a real person or much less why the virtual idol had become a real person that was simply... overpowering to this degree. Miku stood and though her curves were thick, she was a towering giant standing at almost 9 feet of height. Where exactly did this world warp itself so much, that the previously virtual idol was now a giant shemale? But more exactly... contrary to what many would believe, Miku's sudden "existence" skyrocketed her popularity, and the fact she was an unstoppable fucking machine seemed to raise her popularity even further. Now that it was time to rest a bit, Miku was waiting for the one lucky fan that managed to win a chance to visit her after her show. It totally wasn't a secret what happened to these fans, it was very well known what happened to everyone that met Miku after her shows...

Princess Naoto
had felt pretty nervous throughout the whole day. It turned out that Naoto was that one lucky fan that was allowed to meet Miku after her show. Normally she wouldn't even have any kind of nervous feelings like this, after all she was best friends with a pretty high profile idol herself after all! But something about Miku..something about this enormous giantess that had grown to this odd proportion that no real human ever should grow to..And the fact that she was WAY more popular than her friend Rise could ever get was making her heart pound like crazy. She wasn't wearing anything real special..just her normal outfit..which had grown to become a rather tight fit after all those years of growing she had done after those life-changing experiences of hers. Standing in front of the door to the idol she'd take in a deep breath, a couple actually. Finally having gathered enough courage and having thought it all through she would gently knock on the door, waiting for an answer before she'd open the door and walk right on in, keeping her clothes a slight bit more open just so that the idol would have easier access. She..did..know after all what happened on these meet and greets..

Hyper Futa Miku
In the last two years that Miku became real, the entire japanese Idol industry was turned on it's head in ridiculous way, mostly because of the fact that Miku had bred and impregnated 90% of the idols in the country, and in turn taken their fanbases, making her this ridiculous behemoth of popularity, somehow attracting all fanbases no matter what she did. Some people considered it some kind of meta-pheromonic action that made humans simply accept the alpha idol as some type of leader. No matter what, things that would ruin the career of idols before? They happened 3 times a day to Miku and yet she only became more and more popular by the day. Miku heard the knock on the door, playfully coming to the door to open it. Naoto would first off all notice the scale of everything, this entire room was made to the scale of the giant idol, and it showed, everything was taller and as Miku looked down at Naoto, the entire scale of it all becomes clear. First off... Naoto is closer in height to Miku's crotch than any other reference point in the idol's body, the overwhelming stature of the idol reflected exactly where normal people stood in comparison to the ultra-alpha idol. And then it came... the intense scent of Miku's body... she was covered in sweat from the show and the intense fumes of musk that come off her body are ridiculous, it takes about 3 seconds for all of Naoto's intake of air to be replaced with nothing but that thick musk, that intense virile musk that seemed to seep through all of Miku's clothes and just move through the air like this heavy pure sex in the air. "So you are the lucky one today! You look so good! Come in, come in!" Miku said towards the smaller girl, playfully beckoning her inside while Miku herself sat on a massive chair, once again the scale of the room is clear, the entire structure and everything inside is built to the scale of the giant idol, making Naoto seem like a miniature.

Princess Naoto
had been trying for quite a long time by now to gain an audience with Miku. It was purely for her detective job as she wanted to find out what exactly was causing this odd insane change in the entire world. Of course she did like Miku's music on it's own already so really it was just getting the best of both worlds with this lucky chance! She'd get to meet an idol she genuinely enjoyed even before this strange extreme transformation into the real world...and she'd hopefully be able to find out a cause! She just hoped it didn't have anything to do with shadows..she was..pretty done with fighting after all. But when she took that step into the room, those eyes just widened, staring all over the room and seeing how enormous it was...It made her feel more like she was stepping into a gym rather than a regular room! Well that and..the scent..that thick virile and absolutely lovely mind-constricting scent of the idol. Those fumes almost making the entire room feel like a cloudy humid sauna to the detective. Her breathing was getting more and more heavy, her mind slowly already starting to forget about the fact she was here to find out a cause to this phenomena..and just kept looking more over the giantess of an idol..Such perfectly fair skin, clad with a lovely shiny sheen of sweat. Other people might've been turned off from the sight but Naoto, who had started to sweat a fair but under her own thick clothing, could really appreciate a hard working woman. Especially one that smelled this..absolutely delicious.. "Y-yes! Yes I'm Naoto Shirogane! I-I'm a detective a..n-no no i'm a massive fan of yours..I was way before you even became this..this..well this real! I used to listen to your music over and over again as a teen!..Gah..sorry it's getting a bit embarassing for me to talk like this.." her nose scrunched itself up a little, clearly showing that she was still breathing in deep through those nostrils of hers

Hyper Futa Miku
"Oh calm down! I am just the most popular person in the world and the most virile breeder in the planet! It's not like I am that much of a big deal!" A bit of sarcasm here and bit of playfulness there, sitting down on that massive chair makes Miku look like a giant sitting down on a throne in front of Naoto, every movement of her body seems powerful, even as her skin seems soft, and her curves are voluptous, the overwhelming power that her body carried was clear, to even walk with such a big body. Naoto would also soon see the most obvious thing about the idol, the monstrous bulge that sneaks down her leg, Naoto obviously had seen it before, maybe even images on the internet, maybe even a video of her good friend Rise being absolutely pummeled by that cock, but being so close to it now? It was different, it was still inside Miku's pants and yet? It seemed to be almost as thick as one of her legs, it seemed to be long enough to go down to Miku's knees even when soft, even through Miku's black shorts the outline of that cock was impossible to ignore. "I hope you don't mind, but after such a long show I do need to let my body breath. I know you don't mind though, in fact I am pretty sure you came here hoping to see this." Miku said, a bit smugly as she began pulling down on those black shorts, and revealing that cock towards the "detective" ... it's too much, she just keeps pulling and pulling and pulling and it goes and goes and goes, till finally she pulls it down beyond her knees and that monster flops out. No amount of preparation in the world would prepare someone for the sheer scale of this cock, it comes out of her pants, this thick monster is ridiculous, coated in a thick layer of cocksweat, and thick virile clouds of cock fumes come out of it, literal visible clouds of cock musk wafting off that heavy cock moving through the air as it passes through the space of the room. Truly ... was there even oxygen anymore in this room? The entire air was replaced with nothing but this pure smell of sex, there was no air anymore only the thick musk of that virile cock cannon resting as Miku playful throws her used pants at Naoto's face, the thick concentrated musk stuck to it as it falls on her face.

Princess Naoto
could barely even form words at this moment. Her entire body shivering from the mere presence of this..near godlike idol that had completely taken the world by storm. Even her boss seemed to not care much about her actually finding out the truth about all this. And the more that idol was pulling those shorts down the less Naoto would care about it too..every single inch of that monster that showed itself through the removal of those shorts made her stare with even deeper intent, every single fume of cockmusk that escaped from those damp shorts making her nostrils widen as she took in deeper and deeper breaths..did her lungs even need oxygen anymore?...At this point it felt more like they were acting purely on thick lovely cyan-haired cockmusk.. Whent he sight of that monster fully hit her eyes, that thick hefty pillar of godly hyper virile idol cock being nearly the only thing even visible inside of her eyes. She could hardly believe something like this was real...Sure yeah she'd seen plenty videos..she'd heard and seen how her friend had changed ever since her meeting with thos she'd completely given up on her idol dream and just lived to give more and more kids to this enormous Idol..Naoto..felt a surge of jealousy come over her. Why couldn't SHE be the one to be a breeding slut for this godly Idol!? She gritted her teeth, nearly about to say something until those damp shorts filled with cocksweat would just smack down on her face. The weight and strong addictive scent of it just making her legs wobble until she suddenly fell down onto the floor, her legs giving up..Now that she was on her knees she was at a perfect height for those fat nuts, her face mere inches away from it..or..feet? she couldn't tell anymore..anything that wasn't Miku was a pure air of nothing in Naoto's eyes already. Slowly she'd grab those shorts, pushing them against her face a bit more and taking in a deep intensly heavy whiff of that oh so thick and strong fuming musk, her mind altering at a breakneck pace as her eyes slowly looked back up at the idol "M-..Miku..~ Y-you're right..I..I'm pretty..happy yeah..~"

Hyper Futa Miku
couldn't help but smile, truth was... Miku didn't know what brought her here, much less why she came out like she did... but why would that matter? When she is like this after all... Her hand comes upon Naoto's head, a grasp that shows off her strength, truly there was no escaping Miku, even if Naoto would be able to muster the brain cells needed to think about escaping, that grasp cemented her place her Miku calmly pushed Naoto face first against the two nukes between Miku's legs. Each of those fat heavy factories of seed weighted just as much as most of Naoto's body, the intense overwhelming weight of them meaning each of them weights at least 40 pounds, while that thick monstrous cock rested on the back of the "detective". Being in that spot is like a barrage on the senses, every single one of them being assaulted, the overwhelming smell that seemingly fries the brain cells of the slut, the overwhelming taste that can even be felt through the very air, the touch of that sweaty fat monster against her face, the intense heat of those churning nuts, it feels like being in front of an oven as that thick heat bathes the body of Naoto, and the overwhelming sound of those nuts churning. It was a banquet for every single sense of the human body to be completely overtaken by nothing but the presence of the Godly Idol. Miku was simply relaxed, her hand used Naoto's face as nothing but a sweat rag, letting that thick sweat on those monstrous jizznukes between Miku's legs stick to Naoto's face and become this thick coating, it would invade her pores and instill this strong scent onto Naoto. So that was the scent Naoto felt whenever she talked to Rize, gone was the smell of the former-idol there was the scent of the overwhelming dominance of the godly-shestud. Naoto would never smell like herself again, that thick sweat would overtake her pores and make sure she smells like property of Miku. All through out this moment, as Miku used her face and upper body as a sweat rag, Naoto would feel the heavy fat cock resting on her back, if each of Miku's dense nuts weighted at least 40 pounds, that monstrous cock must weight at least 60 pounds of weight, this monstrous mass of muscle resting on the slut's back, applying it's pressure as Miku relaxed more and more on that chair like it was a giant throne. "Feel free to enjoy yourself down there a bit Naoto, when we are done I think I am in the mood to breed." Miku said finally letting her hand go, letting Naoto do as she wishes till Miku deems it time to use her.

Princess Naoto
felt those fingers grasp around her head, feeling the force applied to her skull nearly made her want to moan out..well at least she thought she was only thinking about it. In reality her mind was already screaming in pure pleasure, her mouth drooling with heaping amounts of saliva while the color in her eyes seemed to dim more and more with each and every breath of that thick heavy mindmelting cockmusk. When she finally was allowed to feel those glorious cumtanks pressed against her face, to feel the core of that nuclear thick miasma of cockmusk drilling it's way up her nostrils, she couldn't help herself anymore, her hands working to remove whatever clothing she could..she was getting way too heated by now, almost to the point of being OVERheated even. Her vest and shirt came off first before she tried moving her legs to remove those pants of hers was a moot effort..the weight pressing down on her body was way too much to handle for the poor 'detective'. She wanted to show her goddess her own plump body..she was proud of it..she was proud of how much she'd grown over the past years and how almost chubby her body looked. Her tits were extremely heavy..sizes that almost seemed to compare to Miku's even at Naoto's much smaller stature! Even though that ass of hers was covered by a tight pair of pants it could so easily be seen that her ass was incredibly plump as well..her hips perfect for breeding..If Miku wanted to she really could keep this slut around as her personal breeding pet. Which..was exactly all that Naoto could think of at this be bred by these heavy be drilled in by that monstrous fat dick laying over her now bare back..her nose had been snorting ever since she'd gotten her face pressed into those nuts, deep heavy snorts almost sounding like that of a pig. Even Rise hadn't gotten this desperate over just the thick heavy scent of those huge orbs and that fat dick. Being forced to breathe in the Ground Zero of those heavy fumes was way too much for Naoto's vast intellect. Any intelligence she had rapidly dissapearing and getting replaced with just purely thoughts of wanting to serve this goddess..She wasn't just godLY..she really was a least that's what Naoto felt in her heart and mind..whatever was left of that at this point anyways..One hand down her pants to pleasure herself and get herself more wet to prepare for her goddess while the other hand was busy rubbing those hefty nuts, massaging them while her tongue tried it's best to lick up more of that salty yet oh so addicting and delicious sweat..

Hyper Futa Miku
could gauge just how far gone a girl was by various bodily actions and ways of acting, she had grown very perceptive of such things, and watching Naoto she knew exactly the moment where there was no coming back anymore, she watched from up above as any and all resistance that the slut's body could produce was deleted with such ridiculous speed. The intense speed that Naoto's brain was fried and slammed clean before she was even fucked, before she even felt that thick monster invade her body. It didn't take long at all before Miku leaned down from her relaxing position, she grabbed Naoto up with both hands, before giving a hearty slap to those fat heavy tits. "A high quality breeding sow, seriously look at these fat bags." Miku joked to herself, giving another hearty loud slap to those fat breasts, she was now holding Naoto by the side of the hips with a single hand, like she weights not much more than a few pieces of paper, before Naoto would feel it... That monster... it had awoken, that behemoth of cock was standing proud, it was defying gravity, engorged with hot blood, sending off thick virile clouds of that intense brain-frying musk. It was right against Naoto's back, while that monster was more than 2 foot long before, now that it was hard, it was hard to even gauge, at least 3 and half foot of cock, if not 4 of that monstrous meat has risen right behind Naoto's back, while slowly but surely Miku began to position Naoto right at the tip of that cock, poking her vulnerable pussy with that monster, teasing that entrance. Truly if the brain cells in Naoto's brain still worked she would realize the impossibility, the utter breakage of all logic that was that cock pointing at her pussy, it wasn't a insertion it was impalement, it was a ridiculous cannon of cock that was comparable in thickness to Naoto's torso, and comparable in length to Naoto's whole body... this wasn't a simple big cock that's going to spread her apart, this was simply outside of reality, a massive impaler of cock that was simply too big for any logical insertion. But it happened. In that moment, Miku pushed nothing but the head of that cock inside, and yet... it was enough to send gigawatts of electricity through the entirety of Naoto's nervous system, for a single moment it was like her entire body was a pleasure point and it was being teased all at once. Every fiber of her being was being fucked at once for that single moment as that cock pushed through. Only the head was inside and already her womb was being poked by that monster.

Princess Naoto
had gone on to keep breathing in deeper and deeper, her nostrils almost caked on the inside by this point with the sweat that she kept snorting up together with those hefty fumes of the godly Idol. Her mind rattled and completley broken apart already, at least as far as she could tell..she had a couple braincells left..enough braincells to realise that her body was being grabbed and pulled up. A little whimper just coming from her lips as she would wonder what her Goddess had in mind for her..Was she going to give her a sloppy wet deep mind-melting kiss? Was she going to smack that fat hefty sweaty dick all over her body until she was nothing but coated in a thick sweaty sheen of it was nothing as insignificant or mere-minded like that. She could feel it..hear it.. Hear and feel the heavy weight and size of that fucking behemoth of an idol cock. That worldbreaker and cuntbreeder of a titanic monstercock behind her. It was throbbing so loudly that it was all she could hear..she had a hard time even hearing the goddess talking to her as she had her fat plump tits big could those get if she were to get pregnant and all filled with milk?..How much fatter could her ass get? She was already the perfect size for a breeding sow at this point so..who would ever know..well..other than the Goddess Miku that owned this fat assed cock hungry bitch of course. Every single smack made her chubby plump body jiggle. her slightly hairy body rippling and her tits bouncing heavily. was some milk already dripping from those puffy nipples?..Had the musk and presence of this abnormal God Idol already made her body start to change? It'd definitely make her body more able to take that monster at least whenever Miku would decide her worthy enough for i- A loud moan would come from Naoto's lips, pure deep slutty screaming pleasure from her as those puffy fat lips were pushed aside, her hairy needy cunt getting worn by just simply that monstrously hefty cocktip. If she was to be bred by this cock she'd break for was already completely broken. Her mind snapped fully into that of a pure slut for this Goddess. It was a total mystery for Naoto that Miku wasn't covered with sluts at all moments of her life..of the world's life..everyone should just be at those lovely feet praising and worshipping and being bred like the sows they are! All those thoughts kept railing her mind, her IQ starved mind only able to think of big fat pale veiny hefty Idolcock that completely claimed and owned her entire body! That shock of pure pleasure just making her cunt squirt out more juices than she ever had with any previous partners of lovers..whoever still had Naoto in her mind was completely gone from Naoto. There was only one thing that existed in her mind now that her body was getting defiled and used up by that godcock. Her owner..Her BREEDER GODDESS MIKU

Hyper Futa Miku
Though for now Miku was holding Naoto by the hips, she knew there was a better position to take. She quickly turned Naoto around, away from her, holding her cock inside as she hooked her arms from behind, pushing their bodies together as Miku stood up. There wasn't much mercy in Miku's act, Naoto was grasped tightly hooked from behind with both arms, while that monstrous cock stretched her insides beyond all logic. With the position settled... it was time. Miku's hips began pumping back and forward, quicker and quicker, destroying any and all resistance in Naoto's body. Truly this experience should be deadly, but here came the important part, Miku's bodily fluids caused the people she fucks to rapidly heal, keeping them forever tight no matter how much they are gaped by that monster, in fact the process as Miku's hips worked like a piston, a powerful blur pummel the pussy of Naoto, the healing process causes it to mold itself to that cock, the entire movement of that cock inside that pussy gets imprinted in the very shape of the slut's body. Her organs are moved aside, her bones are bent like rubber, her entire structure is adapted and molded into the shape of that cock. For every movement of Miku's cock, Naoto's whole body is adapted to fit the monstrous god-cock. Meanwhile even through the destroyed brain of the slut one sound was seemingly even hard to ignore than the sound of their hips being impacted one against the other. The overwhelming noise of those two jizz factories rumbling with power, it was an overwhelming noise, like thick dense ultra virile nut was being pumped and churned inside Miku's nuts with power that would be comparable to the engine of a train. Those monstrous nuts slapped onto Naoto's belly with each ridiculous thrust of Miku, coming up and down in that arm lock. "Fuck you are perfect indeed. You will look great with 20 of my children in that womb. You are perfectly tight right now, but it only gets better and better, you fat-titted slut. I hope you are ready to be some nice eye-candy at my house, you can twerk that ass when I am bored, dance like the nice eye candy you are." Miku couldn't help but groan, their bodies coated in nothing but sweat, the thick virile scent of that ridiculous rutting covering the whole room, heck the entire building could feel the scent of the ridiculous god-idol destroying a pussy, it was very well known for every female in the building by now as more and more the noise of those two heavy thick jizz factories became stronger and stronger, soon to release.

Princess Naoto
was constantly moaning. The only thing her entire body was doing was just focussing on the pleasure. It wasn't exactly as if she could even do much else anyways..The thrusts, the harsh grinding, the thick globs of pre already oozing out of that fat monster into her womb and cunt was making it hard for her to do anything other than what the Idol was telling her to do..or whatever her mind thought the churning and throbbing of that fat cock was telling her to do at least..her legs were shivering like crazy, her cunt squeezing around that cock as much as possible. Every single throb and thrust made her body turn more and more perfectly compatible for this idol. Naoto used to be a prideful detective but her mind and body were being molded so easily by the God-Idol. There were compatible sluts before but Naoto really took the cake. Her already fat as hell body, her perfect plump yet short size for this hung tall as hell idol... Every moan came with a squirt, coating that fat dick with more and more juices to make it even easier to constantly ream and slam that fat dick into her. When she finally felt those hips ramming into her own her face would start to contort into the sluttiest and most perverted broken mess ever. Her eyes rolled up into her skull while her tongue was lolled out of her mouth, a happy smile barely able to be seen on her face from how contorted it had all gotten. Being pressed up against those lovely breasts of the idol, getting coated in that thick lovely salty sweat and getting her cunt creamed with more and more pre was making her entire body shiver with pleasure. Even the feeling of those arms around her own body was making her sensitive as hell body radiate with pleasure, sweat dripping all over the floor to the point where it was even making a puddle. Her mind did it's absolute best with what it had left..trying to talk as much as it could now to respond to her Goddess, the only thing left on her mind and what should be left in her heart. "Y..Yes!! I..I'll be your perfect..b..bitch! Your b-breeding pig at home! Th-the sluttiest back-up dancer! I-i'll show my fat plump molded body off to the world! Nngg..I..I'll be your fuckslut and broken idol addicted whore~! I'm just eye candy..Just pure eye candy and cock-addicted for my Goddess Miku!!" It was like her mind short-circuited afterwards, her voice immediately dying out after giving her all to speak like that. The sounds of those churning fat nuclear cumtanks of hers..that heavy throbbing pressing all over her cunt's walls..she was being molded and made to need this every day now..her entire body working on pure cockmusk and being bred..she was completely remade to be Miku's perfect breeding pig just from how glorious and heavenly of a cock that veiny fat meat was..

Hyper Futa Miku
By now the ground below them had cracked, the entire building shook with the intense thrusts of Miku's hips, the entire room rumbled and the furniture broke with every movement. "Oh well. Just going to have to ask an assistant to fix it all later" Truly Miku had already conquered the world for all that mattered, she had all the celebrities worshipping her cock on a daily basis, she had the leaders of the world craving for a piece of her cock. For all she cared she had all she could ever want, content to live with satisfaction of adding more and more to her collection. For every thrust of her body, the entire room shook more and more, and slowly but surely even Miku would be approaching her climax, those heavy fat factories of seed, each by so big they were beyond Miku's knees, each weighting easily 400 pounds, heck... there was a good chance each of those massive wrecking balls weighted more than a ton by now, gurgling with endless production of the most virile seed to ever exist, she couldn't hold herself for much longer, her entire body was growing erratic as Miku felt her orgasm approaching closer and closer. By now her entire body was a blur, slamfucking Naoto's body with power that would make even the atomic bombs seem like firecrackers, all concentrated on her pussy. "FUCK, YOU FAT-ASS SLUT TAKE IT" The fat heavy nukes between Miku's legs exploded they rumbled and churned before contracting. For Naoto that moment would seem like slow motion as thick gallon upon thick gallon of ultra virile nut flowed up that monstrously virile fuck cannon, and then... it went in, it flowed inside Naoto's womb, those ultra-sperms raping each and every single one of her cells, they pushed through and filled that womb beyond all logic, it distended her belly, it expanded her body, in a matter of just a few seconds, Naoto's belly looked absolutely distended, that first spurt of ultra thick virile nut sludge was already more than enough for Naoto to look 9 months pregnant of a full grown horse, and Miku wasn't one to cease so easily, those fat heavy nukes between her legs kept their production up, SPURT SPURT SPURT each one carrying gallons upon gallons of seed so virile it would make even the most virile of horses to seem completely relevant. She didn't stop, she couldn't stop even if she wanted, her thick nuts rumbled again and again like roars of a monster out of control. How many spurts did it take? How many loads of ultra virile nut filled Naoto's body before Miku's first orgasm of the night was finally satisfied? Time seems to melt into irrelevancy as finally Miku is completely out. And yet... her cock remains perfectly... completely hard... her body grown an entire foot taller as she knew she needed ... MORE.

Princess Naoto
Every single wall-breaking thrust was making Naoto's body more and more accustomed to that fat cock. Her stomach stretching out even from just that pre-cum alone! The louder and louder churning of those nuts and the hefty throbbing of that fat veiny dick was just vibrating her whole body. Every single throb making those already fat tits jiggle move and more..bouncing from every godbreaking thrust, even leaking some amount of milk already as if her body was already preparing to become pregnant from that ultra virile spunk that kept churning inside of those fat nuclear tank nuts of hers. Her cunt squeezing as tight as it couldn't do much at all considering the side but that oddly magical force that kept her body constantly healed and tight was doing a good job of trying to milk that fat monster. Every single squeeze of that cunt just wrapping perfectly around that meaty shaft, as if it already had completely been molded to her shape..which..well..that's exactly what had happened. Her entire body had become molded and changed to her new Godly "Lover"s fat cock, the perfect fat plump bitch body for Miku's endless need to breed. "YES GODDESS MIKU!! POUND MY STUPID WHORE BODY FULL OF YOUR FAT THICK VIRILE MUSKY SEED! FILL MY WOMB WITH AS MUCH OF THOSE ENORMOUS TADPOLE-SIZED SPERMS AND DRILL MY WOMB AND EGGS STUPID AND FILLED WITH AS MUCH KIDS AS YOU WANT ME TO BEAR FOR YOU!" Her loud screaming of pure fanaticism could be heard through the entire building..her voice being carried purely through the vibrations of those fat churning cumtanks. Once she started to pump that thick cream into her womb she'd just be a drooling mess, panting and cumming like crazy herself for what seemed like an eternity. She felt like an entire life-time got passed through her body as those enormous sperms were splattering all over her walls and her womb. Every single second feeling like a whole year of being bred. Her stomach bulging out larger and larger until she finally got to the point of nearly filling that entire room up with just her fully-bred womb! When Miku finally stopped leaking out thick creamy sunk and seed into her womb, when her body was finally filled up to the brim and..past it..she would pant heavily, her breathing completely heavy still, as if she was gasping in for more of that musk..trying to survive from that was all she needed now after all! "H-hahh..I..I have..I have plenty friends..Th..That could be your close breeding sows too..~ Some cute..some plump..~ I don't know why..ngg..w..why you bother singing..w..when the rhythm of your cockthrobs do more than enough to turn the whole world into p-putty for you to mold..~"